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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. This is a LO of a zoo trip made when my children were young and the grandkids were small!  All the papers and elements are mine except the journal card which is from Digital Scrapbooking (DS) Marisa Lerin.


    Sue - the state of New York I fell in love with on one of my travels - it is beautiful in any season of the year.  That tree is gorgeous.


    Michele - I always look forward to your posting of the Fabulous Divas and the above is no exception.


    Pirkko - a beautiful illustration for that lovely quote from 1 Corinthians.


    Corrie - those are neat layouts for your granddaughters.


    Brenda - love your "zoo" layout.  Keep up the good work.

  2. Yes, well over a year into this; flare-ups and up-tics in the numbers about the middle of the summer.  I'm in Memphis, TN, and that has had its share of shelter in place - lift that - and then back to it.  We're coming out of the upsurge now, so that's good.  Some of the local businesses were not able to survive during the lockdown because they were not able to just do pick up (ordering on line).  I am 87 and have COPD, so the people I live with have made sure that I hunkered down during the worst of the flare-ups.  All last year in isolation - I am thankful that I live within a community (4 generations) so did not feel the isolation as much as some.  Maybe next year.  I often think of the phrase "Next year, Jerusalem" as in a way it applies.  This is the 2nd year and the Spanish Flu lasted longer than that.  Maybe because we have a vaccine and are wearing masks, our pandemic won't last much beyond this year.  Let's pray for that.
  3. I see we've started October with a bang!  Sue, Corrie and Brenda:  really nice layouts.  Y'all are champs!


    I did do a layout for Lab 6 Mod 6 (not sure what I'm going to do for that Mod 5 yet).  Used the sketch/psd template as experiment 4.  Created the scallop papers as experiment 3.  The bottom dragon paper is from Marisa Lerin.  The other papers are my stash; the frames around the photos were made with the magic wand.  The dragon slayers peeking out are from the web, but I'm not sure what clip art place I got them from as it was about 6 years ago.  The invite was provided by the company we bought the material from to put on the play.  The dragons are figurines we had and I extracted them from the photo.  The arrows are also mine.  The cake instructions were provided with the material we bought for the play and was a lot of fun to make (& to eat).  Although the grown ups were the actors, the kids had a ball watching and playing "clue" to find out who did away with the dragon slayer!  Oh- fonts: title is AR DELANEY and the narrative font is AR ESSENCE both PSP fonts.  The castle and title of the play is a picture of an English or Scottish castle which I made black & white & put the red dragon at the top left.  It was the opening of a video I made for my daughter-in-law's 50th birthday party - when we did the play.

  4. Ann, Sue and Michele:  Thanks so much.  I learn a lot from you three especially.  And, especially this month.  Thanks for sharing what you have learned.  I never knew about that text cutting option before either, Michele.  Seems like the "HELP" function - which I used to use regularly before joining this scrapbooking group - has more to offer than I thought.
  5. HELP!  this is my results from Lab 6 Module 5.  The paper went ok - green gradient with halftone.  The word came out OK - "Wow!".  I attempted the designs with the pen tool - BUT I saved them as *.png shapes and could only export them as brushes and so I did.  Also made the card symbols in a picture tube which is shown.  The shapes under the word are the brushes.  Then I went ahead and made some new burst shapes and this time exported them while they were vectors and named them separately.  However - only one is saved and it is called "New shape".  The others are actually in the preset shape folder but do not show - only the one which is called "New shape".  WHY???
  6. Lab 6 Module 4:  Created the knapsack instead of the envelope; altered piglet so he could lift the flap (changed his arm from hanging down to lifting up); characters are all from NicePng as well as the leather fasteners on the knapsack; I altered Christopher so that he is a silhouette; created his background paper; the frame is from PSP; the speech bubbles are PSP shapes; the tree is from PS; the background photo is part of a Microsoft photo; the background frame is layered: white layer and a layer of a PSP pattern.
  7. Last project:  Project in 2020.  Picture's frame is picture tube- sand; paper squares are mine midified with hue & saturation adjustment; star picture tube for the scatter, Title is Cooper Black Oul BT; narrative is Arial Black; wheelbarrow, gloves and bucket are from PS Gina Jones and Marisa Lerin.  Had fun - interesting trying to make a frame from a picture tube.
  8. Carole, that yellow tab on the bottom is actually the bottom on the yellow ribbon.  Unfortunately, before I did the shadows on them, I merged them - I guess because it is shorter than the other two, it didn't get a shadow.  I had tried linking them to move them, but it didn't work for me.  So, I knew that if I merged them, I could move them together.  I also had tried grouping them so that I could move them - that would have let me move them together.  However, I guess I don't understand how to group elements together.  I get grouping for a mask, but not grouping elements together.
  9. Let's try again.


    Ann – I am always impressed by what you do.  Yeah – I am into plaids too.  Seems like I can never get enough of them, even though I think I have overdone it (almost obsessive).


    Last project – Busy Bees.  As you can see, I did use a plaid- made using tutorial Plaid paper 1.  I chose the colors of the rappelling ropes used by my son and his son and adding white and a greyed green.  Chose to save the stripe as a paper as well as the plaid; reduced the opacity on the plaid a little (white underneath as Carole taught us in one of the challenges); the cream paper is one I created and am using a lot here lately; the brown is mine also, as well as the cogwheels which are in the picture tube I created.  Now I did use a freebie element: the heart brad holding down the ribbons I created – its from PS -Marisa Lerin.  I had fun with the font, but I don’t remember its name, however it was a PSP or Microsoft font.  What I learned this time even though it was not in the tutorials, is that you can create a palette with the colors for your project and save it by naming it in the group listing of the materials. Oh, yes, I may have learned it before (and forgotten it), and it was taught in this tutorial (again) is that you can color the individual letters of a test – how cool is that!!!  Anyway, this was fun.  Thanks, Carole, for encouraging us to enter the Bootcamp more than once.

  10. Ann – I am always impressed by what you do.  Yeah – I am into plaids too.  Seems like I can never get enough of them, even though I think I have overdone it (almost obsessive).


    Last project – Busy Bees.  As you can see, I did use a plaid- made using tutorial Plaid paper 1.  I chose the colors of the rappelling ropes used by my son and his son and adding white and a greyed green.  Chose to save the stripe as a paper as well as the plaid; reduced the opacity on the plaid a little (white underneath as Carole taught us in one of the challenges); the cream paper is one I created and am using a lot here lately; the brown is mine also, as well as the cogwheels which are in the picture tube I created.  Now I did use a freebie element: the heart brad holding down the ribbons I created – its from PS -Marisa Lerin.  I had fun with the font, but I don’t remember its name, however it was a PSP or Microsoft font.  What I learned this time even though it was not in the tutorials, is that you can create a palette with the colors for your project and save it by naming it in the group listing of the materials. Oh, yes, I may have learned it before (and forgotten it), and it was taught in this tutorial (again) is that you can color the individual letters of a text – how cool is that!!!  Anyway, this was fun.  Thanks, Carole, for encouraging us to enter the Bootcamp more than once.

  11. Ann - I am always impressed by what you do.  Yeah - I am into plaids too.  Seems like I can never get enough of them, even though I think I have overdone it (almost obsessive).


    Last project - Busy Bees.  As you can see, I did use a plaid- made using tutorial Plaid paper 1.  I chose the colors of the rappelling ropes used by my son and his son and adding white and a greyed green.  Chose to save the stripe as a paper as well as the plaid; reduced the opacity on the plaid a little (white underneath as Carole taught us in one of the challenges); the cream paper is one I created and am using a lot here lately; the brown is mine also, as well as the cogwheels which are in the picture tube I created.  Now I did use a freebie element: the heart brad holding down the ribbons I created - its from PS -Marisa Lerin.  I had fun with the font, but I don't remember its name, however it was a PSP or Microsoft font.  What I learned this time even though it was not in the tutorials, is that you can create a palette with the colors for your project and save it by naming it in the group listing of the materials. Oh, yes, I may have learned it before (and forgotten it), and it was taught in this tutorial (again) is that you can color the individual letters of a text - how cool is that!!!  Anyway, this was fun.  Thanks, Carole, for encouraging us to enter the Bootcamp more than once.

  12. Pirkko:  That is really interesting how you made a picture tube of the marigold flower!  Never thought to make one in that fashion!  Thanks for sharing.


    Colin:  Like your busy bees.  Interesting how you make the striped paper.


    Laurie:  Enjoyed your layout.  (Miss you)


    Cindy:  Interesting way to do your title!


    Connie:  How beautiful to portray "Parentage"

  13. Carole - you were right; I had not completed shadowing the scatter stars.  So I am posting it again.


    Project 3 is Trike-a-thon.  The elements are from NicePng.  The pink and blue papers are mine; the glitter is Cass-glitters; the stripe paper is from Gina Jones-Pretty Bird (but colorized by me); the title font is Incised 901 NdIt BT and I used Arial Black for the text on the pink paper.

  14. 2nd Project.  That effect that is so elusive in my 2021 version, worked today.  Anyway, made 2 plaid papers for this layout and went with the blue and grey one.  The cream paper is also mine, as well as the beige and pink small papers.  All of the elements are from PS-Sheila Reid from her space adventure kit.  Not sure of the name of the font, but it is the same one I used for the 1st project.  Not as happy with this one.  Not sure why not, but I made 2 different pspimages for this LO, and went with this one - the other one concentrated more on the papers and elements than on the photo.  Anyway, here it is.
  15. Wow!  What a great display of imagination.  But that's what creating is all about, isn't it!


    Brenda - love your layouts.  Great display of your artistic talent.  I have your mountain painting hanging up in my "room".


    Connie - your crocheted doily is hanging down over the edge of the photo as if hanging off the edge of a table!


    Pirkko - I like your display of color and line and a fine photo of a boy and his pet.


    I agree with Anne Lamp - everyone's designs are so good; difficult to comment on each of them.

  16. OK, Carole.  I did add the shadows and a frame around the picture.  This afternoon I got around to watching the webinar I missed - lifted shadows.  It has given me some ideas for a layout I want to play with later on for putting an object in an envelope, lifting the flap, and having the object peep out and putting a slight bulge in the envelope where the bottom of the object will be.  Anyway, that tutorial gave me a lot to think of.
  17. Ann Seeber - thanks for the napkin!


    Project 1, Day 3 for Scrapbooking.  Background paper is from Helpful from Rush Ranch; pink enamel hearts are from PS; confetti is a picture tube; cream paper is from Cass-Fire and Ice; font is Amazone BT.  I really tried hard to keep to the tutorial this time.  Can't say I will all the way through, though, but I'll try.

  18. OK - I do have to comment.  Ann Seeber - always love your LO, but where is your napkin?  I think you are the one who had a napkin on the table last time.  I can't make the napkin, although I think I tried last time.


    Cindy: like your tablecloth - and putting the top bread in transparent does show all the goodies inside.


    Pirkko: like your wooden table and the placemat.


    Susan: Your linoleum is so clean - I'll eat with you on the floor.  Tomato soup is one of my favorites.


    Nadine:  Where can I buy that gorgeous plate?  Just kidding!  Loved it when you showed it in blue also.



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