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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. OK - love the colors in this palette and as I'm quarentined again, maybe in these last August days I will try my hand.  Annie - always love your stuff - the Wombat layout is great.


    Minka - glad to see you post again and that picture and layout is very romantic - love it.


    Corrie - beautiful with the lucious blackberry - love berries - raspberry is my favorite (to eat) - loved my time in the UP when we would go berry picking in the summer and then come home and eat them with homemade ice cream! Yummy!


    Ann - always like what you do.

  2. Sorry, Sue - mea culpa!


    I did finish America the Beautiful and it doesn't look like the above.  Changed the background to a pic that Laurie took on our trip to the northwest of Pike's Peak.  Chose that because that is where Bates had her inspiration.  The title font is Brush Script MT, 72 and the narrative script is Arial Rounded MT Bold, 18.  The paper was from Cassel's Fire and Ice kit. The outline of the USA is from NicePng.

  3. I saw the challenges Annie had with the outline of Australia and text wrapping and with Ann on the butterfly outline.  I just experimented with using an outline of the USA and text wrapping - since there are several points in the outline that would be problematic in text wrapping.  Going to the tutorial, I tried Carole's removal of the objectionable areas of the outline that I didn't want to include as part of the text wrapping.  I am just in the process of this LO, but am going to add a screenshot showing the outline and my text and then a resize of the jpg to 600.  Hope this helps.
  4. Corrie - Love the cards you did in a hurry.  Got me to thinking - I have a freebie mask template that Cassel gave recently and I thought I could use that as a basis for cards horizontal and vertical (since I use both sizes).  So thanks for the inspiration.


    Your cards are beautiful.

  5. I haven't been here in a while and just thought I'd drop in and see if anyone had posted recently.


    Annie that Mangrove Sunrise is simply stunning.  What a wonderful way to showcase that picture.


    Michelle, you always amaze me with your showcasing the pic of the day.  I see that you have a dark blue paper under the plaid and that you must have "erased" the 2 side frames.  How did you cut out the text?

  6. Another "blue" song (?) - Lavender Blue.  Children's song updated in the 60's.  The flower frame was a freebie from Cassel. The hearts tube I created and the flower tube was a PSP tube.  The background is one I created.  The crown is from NicePng.  The church is one from my stash.
  7. Several "blue" songs here and I am adding another one.  This one is from 1926 - Blue Skies by Irving Berlin for the show "Betsy".  This was once a favorite song for my mother's sister.


    Lovely work here people.


    The background is a picture from Unsplash, Derek Sears with an overlay blend at 73% opacity.  There are 3 layers underneath.  The blue birds are a png from Nicepng as are the lovers silhouette (resized); the music notes are a picture tube; the heart frame is I think from Cassel originally and which I incorporated into the picture frame folder - it has been resized and recolored.

  8. Started working in the labs again.  This is Lab 6, mod 2:  created the H, B, and L with stitching (I don't do that stitching so good); created the starburst paper which is under Lucy; created the flowers; and the string tube.  Interesting.  The background paper I had created some time ago and the yellow polka dot paper under the starburst I created in the Love Challenge.  The doily was in the Fire and Ice Kit by Cassel.
  9. Well, it has been something else completing this Travel Challenge.  I used one of the vacation frames from Cassel and changed the wording - that was a challenge - also changed the color which was another challenge.  I have all the double pages saved as pspimage - BUT I don't have pages 19 and 20 saved as a pspimage.  Another story.  I did manage to save it with using the 2 pages, but of course, not as a pspimage!  oh, well!


    I finally managed to leave my mark on a wooden plank at the base of the Devils Tower.


    I actually enjoyed going through this Travel Challenge and have learned a number of things.


    That said - I really have enjoyed looking through all the forums and seeing the amazing things y'all have been doing!



  10. Annie, beautifully done.  Yes, that script intrigued me, so like Corrie, I think I will put it on my wish list also.


    The script inspired me when I did my page 18. So I think I will post it here.  I was running out of ideas for that project and this script inspired me.

  11. Thanks, Sue.


    Here is page 18.  I have had a day of it!  I couldn't get my magic wand, all of a sudden, to allow me to select the picture and modify it to make the frames - it kept giving me the message that there wasn't enough memory to complete the command!  Well, I spent the day - checking the memory to see if there were problems there; then, since none were found, I uninstalled 2021 and then reinstalled it.  Still wouldn't work.  I tried it on my laptop and it wouldn't work there either.  THEN, I looked at the layer palette - I had not merged the group!!!!!  Needless to say, it pays to stop and look at what is going on before going ballistic.  Anyway, page 18 is now done and the new elements are from PS.


    Well, the descriptive lettering which was done in Arial narrow I guess I need to bold, although it is legible.

  12. I think I will post the pictures I put on 2 cards I made - one is a thank you to a friend who gave us some tomatoes and the other is a kind of generic birthday card which I haven't decided which one of the great grands or grands I will give it to.


    Still really enjoying your postings Sue - you are such an inspiration.  Is that a mask you are using for the photo of the Eastern King bird?



  13. I learned something else with this page:  there is a history palette and you can delete history, but you can also save steps as a script.  Deleting the history I needed because I keep trying different things sometimes when I am creating the layout for a project (I think that is what was choking my PSP and my computer), but because I now have the steps down pat for creating a rectangle mask from a photo, I am going to try saving it as a script.  Fun times with PSP!
  14. Well, either my computer or PSP2021 is getting cantakerous - but I did manage to finish page 15.  Made another cluster but decided to use one I had made previously.  Ann, thank you for the inspiration on placement of the photos.  Used a different background paper for the photos, etc. - one I had created earlier.  Everything else is as usual.
  15. Page 14 - all I have on Bear Country.  Really remarkable place.  The descriptive on this page is gathered from their website: bearcountryusa.com.  New on this page: I created a new cluster made from elements in PSBT July21 DB Magnolia and the ribbon from PSBT May21 DB Magnolia; the button with a bear claw is from PS - Jessica Dunn.
  16. Karen - thank you for your comments.  You are really working through the labs.  Great job on both grandson lo's.  I think I am going to end up with 20 pages on the travel challenge and then maybe I can get back to working on the labs.


    Sue - really love the tiger lily and your lo.  You are teaching us a lot about ground squirrels as well as flowers.





  17. And now we come to Bear Country.  This will take 2 pages.  This is page 13.  New stuff: 3rd background paper is from Just Denim Kit-krisandlarry, colorized by me; background of the descriptive text is from PS, Marisa Lerin; cluster is from PS - Jessica Dunn with added bear claws; curled ribbon is from PSBT - June 21-DB Magnolia - colorized to match the bow in the cluster; the bear claw I used to make the picture tube of bear claws is from PS-Sheila Reid.  Had a lot of fun with this and planning the 2 pages.  Next page is yet to come!


    Whoops!  a few glitches on the 1st one - the second one corrects them.

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