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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. I'm so behind, but I finally finished Project 4.  Really loved what I came up with in the Kaleidoscope background - reminded me of an oriental rug! Found the oompa loompas on some website which was in jpg format and I had to work on it to make it a png, but now it is in my fun elements.  This is my brother and me in St. Louis in 2013 on a tour of the city.  The Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Factory is in "The Hill" district and you can have a tour of the factory.  We were the only people in the tour on that day as it was the last part of the day.  Fun.
  2. At the risk of repeating myself, everyone's work is beautiful.


    This is my extra layout for Project 3.  Such fun with the Kaleidoscope and tiling! Can't remember the name of the font, but I have fallen in love with the inner beveling on fonts! I am such a fan of Lord of the Rings.  This picture of Bilbo's and Frodo's door in Hobbiton I got from the web - tours in New Zealand are being made to the sets of LOR. The poem is Frodo's as he and his companions are getting ready to set out on the road to their "dark" adventure.

  3. And this is my actual Project 3.  Played with the brush on a paper layer under the mask.  Enjoyed playing with the Kaleidoscope.  Love working with colors.  Needed something green and so the green ribbon is from a PS kit.
  4. Julia - prayers for you and yours and for all who are in the Ukraine.


    I am going to post 2 here.  Carole, you said that the Camillias would make a good birthday card.  I have several birthday cards that I made last year and so I changed it up for a birthday card and this is the result.  Also, last year, I think it was during the Love Challenge, that Sue Thomas or one other happy PSP'er made and gave freely the oval mask with lace.  As I was learning about (relearning) bringing in a mask to a layout, I remembered the oval mask and decided to do one with it.  So here it is.  The paper background is mine from one of the Labs, the cluster I made in one of the Travel Challenges, the heart is from a PS kit.  That layout is of my son, Steve, and me at his daughter's wedding.

  5. Laurie - thanks.  I knew it had to be something with that template as it didn't happen with any other I've used.  So, here is the right project 2.


    Woops!  I just noticed I used the plaid from the extra instead of the plaid made for it!  Time to shut down & go to bed!

  6. As you can see from this posting, I am having a problem.  When I place the plaid at the bottom of the layout (as you are supposed to do if it is to be the background), the plaid is showing through the main picture.  I have tried a lot of things to overcome this, but nothing works completely.  I even tried putting a duplicate mask with no picture in it beneath the main mask group.  That came the closest to fixing the problem.  However, one is not supposed to have to do that!  HELP!
  7. Wow!  You all are doing great!


    This is the last of project 1 - the extra 1b.


    The picture was taken in 2008 at a seminary in Louisiana.  The font is Klemiskey with inner bevel; the doily is mine; the paint brush stroke in the background is from Creative Fabrica; all the paint brush strokes originally on the layout were painted and have reduced opacity.

  8. I'm way behind. However, I finished up the Quick Page Workshop, placed all the goodies in the correct folders, and am now ready for the Mask Workshop. Plan to take my time, sorry, but there is so much you have given us, Carole, that I will have to look at utilizing those goodies. Anyway, I have finished the 1st project and am posting it. These are pictures taken on the trip my daughter and I took in 2016 - these were taken at a rest stop in Pennsylvania as we worked our way up north to Niagra Falls. A beautiful day with a beautiful view. The font is Script MT Bold. The background is the golden gradient which I modified (did not save as I didn't want to destroy the original) and then changed the opacity. I wasn't happy with the "greyed" masks and so I changed them to completely white so that the colors would show through. This was an interesting refresher course in using masks with a psd template. The instructions were really clear this time. Thanks.

    On another note: WOW everyone's take on the workshop is really great!

  9. I'm really behind:  day 2 of Mask Workshop and I haven't even started.  You all are doing just great.  Well, I am going to finish the QuickPage Workshop 1st.  So - here is QP-7. Font is Klemiskey with inner bevel and shadow; the holly is from PS-Gina Jones and the stars are picture tube: Cass-Star gold and silver.
  10. And here is my tribute to the real hero of The Lord of the Rings - Sam Gamgee.  The quote, picture of Sam, and picture of the ring of power all came from the web.  If Sam hadn't stayed the course, the ring would never have made it to the fire, for he even carried Frodo up that tortuous trail in to the crack of doom.  And, Sam wore the ring for a short bit and he willingly gave it up when asked - it did not really have power over him.
  11. And now for QP Extra 5.  My cousin and I visited Navy Pier in Chicago and saw the Tiffany Glass Museum - many colored glass displays.  There was a pirate ship on Lake Michigan which came to "port" while we were there.  Would have liked to take the tour, but we ran out of time.
  12. WOW! Everyone is posting such beautiful pages!  I am still in the back field - Just qp5.  But I'm still in there.  I have been to the butterfly garden in Chesterfield MO several times and taken pictures there.  Visited the butterfly garden south of Atlanta with my Aunt Anne before I had a digital camera and visited the butterfly garden in Branson Missouri.  All are beautifully done.  The experience is wonderful.  One time, a little girl had flowers on her dress and the butterflies were all trying to land on her dress.


    The blue skipper picture was taken by my step grandson who lives in Sweden.  He is a great photographer and so is his son and they have shown some really great pictures of Sweden.  Two landscapes Mikael did I may showcase later.


    The font is Gigi and I did some inner bevel on it (just because).

  13. I know I'm slow, but am enjoying it.  Learned about resizing the photos instead of scaling them back with the pick tool.  Interesting.  Playing with the size of the stroke.  Also interesting.  This is a page of one stop on the trip I took with my brother in 2014.  We were doing Route 66 (on his bucket list to get to the glass bridge in Arizona).  Elk City, Oklahoma I had visited with my son and daughter-in-law in 2008 and was so impressed with this small town.
  14. Everyone is having fun and posting such wonderful pics.  I said I was not happy with some of my earlier pages, so I have several I will be posting now.  I gues I wasn't sure about the colors in the extra quick page 2 and searched through a lot of files until I found one in my "backgrounds" folder: Grenada, Spain a picture from Microsoft.
  15. It was interesting this time with "erasing" parts of the pics that were intruding in the other areas. However, one thing I noticed was how a picture can show through 3 masks. Hm! Anyway, I am probably going to redo my 1 and 2 pages since I am not as happy as I am with this one which I think went well with the feeling the QP gave me - it has a small paper with city buildings on it. Anyway here is the result. I have slowed down because of things happening here at home.
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