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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Well, I finally found my answer to my trouble in posting (I think).  It pays to look at how you are resizing an image - I had previously been resizing by percentage, so when I went to resize my layout, it was increasing the size by 600%.  Wow!
  2. Ann - I love the layouts you have done about Betty White. She was a very special lady. Finally got to see the tribute made for her (I think it was originally made to celebrate her 100th birthday).


    Bonnie - thanks for your layout and giving us the lyrics for the song.

  3. Randy and Susan.  I have taken a couple more screenshots to show how to go about the square corners.


    1st using the magic wand and selections to select your border width; do not flood fill until you activate the rectangle selection tool.  Then click on the custom selection button and OK in the custom selection box.  Then you can flood fill and deselect.


    Be sure your "Tool Options" palette is open.

  4. Randy and Susan: to get the square corners on a selection frame, after you have selected the width of the frame in Selections>Modify>Select Selection Border, use the rectangle selection button and click on the button "Custom Selection" and then flood fill with your color or pattern.  I am attaching a screenshot showing the completed frame and the button for the rectangle selection "Custom Selection".  Hope this helps.  The one with the arrows.
  5. Just a quick note to Linda Walker.  I had similar trouble with my text disappearing when I resized the jpg to 600.  So, I now close out the jpg completely after saving the pspimage and the 1st jpg.  Then I open the jpg and resize it to 600 and it works fine.
  6. Here is my 4th project.  As you can see, I have tried several times to display this photo.  So this is the best of the 3.  The butterflies are from PSBT-June 21-Summertime-DBMagnolia kit.  The frame is from CPJess-sparkleshine kit.  The rest is my own.
  7. Carole, well, actually I didn't use an eraser tip this time; that is an edging I bought from you - love them and have used them a couple of times in layouts = they give a different feel. Have wanted to experiment with different brushes to edge papers, especially since you taught us about using the shift key.
  8. Carole, you asked us to say what we learned in this "go round" with Bootcamp.  This is my 4th time and I am still learning something new!


    1. When making frames with the selection tool: hit the white button for custom selection in order to get sharp corners on the frame (questioned by Gerry and answered by Ann Seeber).


    2. Put the glitter swatches in the Patterns folder and flood fill your selection with it.  Seems as if everyone except me learned that.  I don't know how I missed it, but I did until now.


    3. Scanning in a piece of material to use as a background -- thanks to Peter!

  9. OK, Project 4 - fiddled with it all day today.  All the papers and elements are my own.


    Grammy - I love your bees and sunflowers.  Peter - neat background.  Anne - your Church has some beautiful ground around it - beautiful layout.  Ann Seeber - I can see why you like that artist.


    Everyone is doing a great job.

  10. Laurie suggested that I enlarge the photos in Project 3.  I could see that the bend/turn in the bridge did not stand out as I had hoped, so I went back (again) and worked on enlarging and cropping the photos.  So, here is my last attempt at Project 3.  Have to keep moving on.
  11. Gregory - really like the way you arranged papers in project 3.


    Carole - I looked back at the project 3 - yes, I had missed putting shadows on the top paper.  I really struggled with that one in getting the proper colors to work with the pictures - many different versions before I hit on that one.  So here is the revised one with the shadow.  Also - I missed putting the glitters you provided into the pattern folder.  That does make a difference!

  12. Didn't think I would finish Project 3 today, but I did.  Not as happy with it as with others, but oh, well, here it is.  I do have to say that everyone is really doing well - love what is being posted.  Ann Seeber - that is a great way to show your family.  Gerry - love your butterflies.  Grammie - I love your colors and showing the dogwood - real harbinger of spring.


    All my own papers and elements again.

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