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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Brian - yes - I told my granddaughter I was addicted to PSP2022 and making the layouts and she told me I was really OCD (obsessive) - Maybe that's why I identify with Monk! lol!

    I redid the open down arrows small paper and this is one of the results. It works better and I made a bunch of them to go with various themes. The previous one was kind of rough!


  2. I'm lost! I can't stop playing with PSP 2022 and now Filter Forge also!

    So I stayed up last night and came up with this using one of Carole's masks, instead of using it for one picture, I decided to use it for 6 pictures and then had a time with the frames so that the pictures are shown as just slightly overlapping. Whew! The font is Bernhard Tango BT - chiseled and inner beveled with PSP and then Simple Emboss with Filter Forge. The frame on the background is mine which was chiseled. The fall leaves scatter are from a picture tube and all were recolored gold. The background paper is mine.

  3. F is for Francis - my favorite Franks! Grandfathers and Uncle and, of course, St. Francis. The papers and stitched alpha and heart are mine - made from labs (and from Carole's teaching in one of the Challenges)! The font for the title is Brush script MT.
  4. Trish - your E is beautiful; that lace looks like a bridal veil.

    So I guess I'm on a roll. Usually it's hard to determine what picture(s) to use when pursuing the labs. The colors I had used iin creating papers usually determines what I'm going to use. This is Lab 7 Mod 8. Learned to make a triangle pattern and I made several papers with it. I used green for this one. The pattern is with an open background, so I supplied a lighter green for this background; learned to make a random pattern (Carole chooses a heart to make the random pattern and so I did too) - one of the results is the small paper behind the picture; learned to make a circler wooden round into a painted wooden round (the paint does not completely cover the wooden object - it's in the bottom left corner of the layout. Think I will go back and make a rectangle or square object also - could see using them more than a round one. Used the open background down arrow paper I made before and changed the background color of it to white. The font used was Brush Script MT. The daises and leaves are from picture tubes. The background which makes a frame for the triangle background paper is a gradient which I chose with a 45 degree angle to flood fill the layer. It's fun learning in the labs. Sometimes I go back and redo things learned in an earlier version. I do enjoy the Diamond Membership!

  5. Lab 7 Mod 7.  Used a photo mosaic template I had made in a previous lab and changed it to accomodate a vertical and 2 horizontal pictures; papers are my own as is the glitter star.  Learned from Lab 7 Mod 7: quatrofoil pattern and chevron on the side (also this chevron negative) - they were used to produce the papers in the background of the layout and the background of the mosaic template of the pictures.  The font for the title is Bodini MT Black and the font for the narrative is Arial Rounded MT Bold.  This also was fun and I made several different papers for the quatrofoil and the chevron negative.  There was a small paper used in the layout illustrating this module which I worked on and I will show here - it doesn't have a background, but I saved the pspimage so that I could supply one if I wanted to later on.
  6. Liz, you have posted some wonderful layouts! And Pinochio was one of my favorite stories - the book is better than the Disney version!

    Anne Lamp, your layouts for Peace are beautiful - something we all need!

    Marie-claire, you showcase pictures of your dog beautifully!

    Susan, Ann and Trish - love your layouts!

    Corrie, Sue, and Linda -great work as always.

    Lynda - I did get Filter Forge this time round - it's interesting what you can do with what they provide - and it is great that you just have to go to the store to search and get the something you're looking for instead of having ALL that's available on your hard drive.

  7. This is my E for Easter.  Background of the picture is from a picture I took in Groom, TX of the Passion-  this is the empty tomb.  The picture of the Risen Christ is a picture I took in our Church and extracted to be placed on top of the mask layer.  The picture of the flowers around the scene is a picture of a Bradford pear tree in our Church parking lot one spring a few years ago.  I created the mask for this, added the bradford pear picture below the mask group; the frames around the scene are a layer of gold glitter from Pixel Scrapper; the Easter lillies are from Nice Png-1087268; the E is one of my stitched letters and I don't remember the font name for Easter.
  8. Wanted to display this one since we are going to devise templates.  Made the mask; then slipped a paper under the group; stitched the paper with the stitch created in one of the more recent labs I was working on; used cogwheels that I created in a lab some time ago; used a doily I created in one of the labs - that was fun and I've created several doilies; the poinsettas are from a picture tube and the leaves I created some time ago.  The paper was created with a pattern found in the patterns folder that came with PSP.  The Jeep was purchased recently since it follows the camper much better than some other cars.
  9. Well, I'm in too! Glad to see you Susan and Christiane. Have enjoyed seeing your work. Hi, Carole - as you know I still struggle with some of the tools. Also, sometimes my mind is just a blank and I can't think of how to put some of the things we learn into a new layout and develop it from scratch! Sounds like this is what I need.
  10. This is Lab 7 Mod 6.  Papers are mine.  Projects this time were: Create a thread? stitch so that it could be a continued line of stitching, a shape to fill with a created pattern (straight stick), a button.  Did all three.  Had fun making the arrow, and the heart.  Was going to do a star too, but decided to flood fill it with a glitter pattern which I will use sometime later.  The fanned pictures are from a script from Carole.  I wanted something different this time to display multiple pictures, as I usually use a boxey kind of layout when there are multiple pictures.  The additional butterflies are picture tube butterflies.  Yes, the little girl was just standing there as there were a lot of butterflies that were attracted to the flowers on her skirt.  Amazing.  The only picture I got was of the one butterfly.  My brother enjoyed the Butterfly House - I had been there before with my daughter and daughter-in-law, Laurie.  The script for the title is Brush455 BT.


    Didn't notice the spot until I submitted the pic.  Went back & changed PSPImage as well as the jpg and _600 jpg.

  11. And now on to Lab 7 Mod 5. Papers, mask, are my own. Requirements: paint splatter, paint streaks, doodle frame. I made the mask from various brushes on a rectangle; put a small paper behind the picture and put the doodle frame on it and colored it dark blue; merged the group (mask and picture), then merged the group with the small paper and the doodle frame so that I could maneuver them together. The font is Brush455BT.
  12. Lab 7 Mod 4.  This Module teaches how to make a target and a bullet hole!  I'm really not thinking in terms of bullets right now as enough are truly flying.  So, what the world needs now is love, sweet love, that's the only thing that there's just too little of!  True love makes us vulnerable to be hurt! But, also to experience joy!  So my target centers on a beating heart at the center exposed by the bullet hole!  Cupid of course many people think of for Valentine's Day and finding one's "True Love".  So ... Font is from Creative Fabrica: Hesthia Austine.  The cupid is from NicePng.  The rest of the papers are mine.  I experimented a lot with brushes for this lab and for the background paper.
  13. Susan Ewart - I love your dragon.  Please tell us more about it.  I really like the one you made with the length of the dragon at the top and the dark blue background for the 3 smaller pictures.
  14. Dragons are on more than my brain!  Susan has one in the Mask Challange.  Ann Seeber - your dragon is a dragonfly - really great.


    My D is for dragons.  The elements are mine and so are the backgrounds for Puff and How To Train Your Dragon - they are pictures I took at various times.  The clip art and the background for Smaug are from NicePng.

  15. And now to Project 7.  The photo is from Unsplash: hide-obara-3sZeFy8LPTc.  The wheel is from PS - melo-vrijhof.  Forgot to copy the name of the font.  I had real fun with the polka dot enhanced background.  I used the dot as you described in the tutorial video, but I added a different colored brush in the center and around the polka dot.  I like the result, so saved the paper.


    Carole, I really enjoyed making the layout of Moon Landing,, MS (the extra 6).  Until I put the other picture in the bottom as the background, it didn't work.

  16. Carole, even though I had taken this challenge before, I am learning new things and I appreciate the extra things for Diamond members.   I really enjoy the membership and working through the labs.  I will finish this challenge before I work on the Alphabet challenge again.  On to project 7!
  17. All so beautiful.  Fiona - love that last Devon one - especially the frame around the background!


    This is Mask Project 6.   The American side of Niagra Falls.  Worked with several images on the linoleum background and didn't like what I did; but, I took what I considered the best one and then played with recoloring it.  You get different results if you put the noise on the thin rectangle or if you put it on the full 1500 square.  Playing around with instructions and with the numbers gives so many interesting results.

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