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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Well.  This is QP-2 Extra.  Yes, I was playing with the Master Class method of changing color.  This time I used a solid color to change the papers and elements.  Used the Hue layer.  I also had to put the picture on top of the layout since it colored the picture too.  How do you keep from doing that????


    Carole??  Pirkko?? - I noticed that your picture is in the proper location (below the QP) but it is not colored.  How did you do that????


    And so, I copied one of the stars from the top and put it on the ribbon below the picture and erased the wording on it since it didn't work with the picture on top.  Anyway.  This method of coloring is interesting but takes much studying to make it work the way you want it to.

  2. Yes, Ann.  That was one thing I noticed and was so glad of.  Cause, sometimes I forget!


    Love everyone's postings.  I'm still on QP2.  This is of 2 of my great grands when they were young.  I only changed the background paper with the color changer (one of my favorite coloring tools).


    Pirkko, I did download that Master Class.  It does take some study and playing with.  I noticed that you showed your pspimage for the one with the ducks and it looks like you only colored the element on the bottom right blue and put it on a separate layer and used that layer to color your page blue.  Is that correct?

  3. And on to Lab 8 Mod 6.  Fun one this time.  all the papers and elements are my own.  The required elements were the candle, the folded paper which I threaded through the required silver element - I decided to do a heart charm in silver.  Actually I did one in gold and one in copper also and finally got that metallic look to each of them.  I did the candle and the folded paper in several colors and chose the blue pattern for this layout as the school colors were blue and a bright orange(?).  Made the plaid from one of the pictures.  Liked using 2 different fonts for the title.  PSP has a great fireworks tube which I used to further the celebration.
  4. OK - showing one of my favorite movies which was "The Princess Bride".  In it they all had to climb the Cliff of Despair and when they reached the top all the real action began!  Well, when Laurie and I were on one of our road trips in northern California, I had to stop and take a picture of these rocks - it reminded me of the Cliff of Despair. So here it is!
  5. Thanks for the information, Carole.  But, we are all saddened by her passing.  She was a dear friend to all in our group.  I truly miss her as each of us does.  With Lynda, we think of her as family.
  6. Wonderful stuff has been posted in all the forums!  I've been recovering from bronchitis and so I have just finished Lab 8 Mod 5.  Really scratched my head as to how to feature a bookkeeping spreadsheet, a crossword puzzle and a strange stitch length.  I finally decided that bookkeeping is one of the chores in family life and decided to go with that theme.  All the photos and elements are mine.  The font for the title is AR HERMAN which I inner beveled so that it looks like I used a think paint to write it and then of course had to shadow it also.
  7. So many different takes on the initial challenge. Even though a new month has started, I downloaded the challenge as it seems to be a unique and interesting template. Minka, love what you did with Queen Elizabeth; Q in my alphabet challenge is going to be Queen Elizabeth.
  8. Again, I wasn't going to do anything for Lab 8, Mod 4 - HOWEVER, once I got started on making the papers and elements, I had a lot of fun. First I will post the layout I came up with. Guess what! Another Route 66. The elements to create were: a new kind of star for a paper; adding a rick rack kind of border to a ribbon; creating a rainbow starburst and twirling it. Well, all are present in the layout. I will post it and then show you some of the fun I had with the star pattern. All the papers and elements are my own.
  9. Pirkko - like what you are doing. Thanks, Carole, for describing those tools for us. It is hard to get hair, strands of grass, etc. extracted when you are extracting from a pic.

    This is my take on Lab 8 Mod 3. I wasn't going to do a layout for this module, but changed my mind. The tutorials were for making a stretch of thread to sew onto something (I decided to make a banner and thread the pieces together); a circle of elements and to, incidently, make a script (which I did); a word with a large outline. I did all of those and multiple copies of the circle: one with flowers (in several colors), and one with hearts (one in red, and one in pink). I used my gradient for the background and blurred it a couple of times and added noise and a texture and then reduced the opacity. The small papers and the elements are my own.

  10. Lab 8 Mod 2. Shaped Text, Word Frame, and an interesting arrow patterned paper. Accomplished, but - oh, boy - troubles with the shaped text: I forgot to hide the ellipse shape and had to erase it when it appeared on my background! The word frame gave me trouble until I listened and watched the video - then it made sense. Anyway, done. The elements and papers are mine. The pictures were taken by my great granddaughter which she graciously shared with me.
  11. LAB 7 Mod 12. Streamer, right angle triangle paper, speech bubble. OK, they are all present in this layout. I played with the streamer and the mesh warp tool and will post this also - it just didn't work with this layout. I also made several papers with different colors and played around with the previous papers in different colors. The Hue, Saturation, Lightness tool is CRAZY!!! It mage me several different colors of the paper with the multi lines at an angle. Would love to do something with the pink and purple papers I made.
  12. And here we are. G is for Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have been here a number of times: 1st was in 1956 with some friends (pictures were in black and white) and we could get out and walk among and on the rock formations; 2nd time was in 2001 by myself and there were restrictions, but I could walk on designated walkways; this was the 3rd time (2021) and again very different from the other 2 times- we went in a tour vehicle with a guide that drove us all through the area. There were walkers and some were even allowed to climb on the rocks as shown in the bottom picture.

    All the papers and elements are my own. The narrative on the sign tells some of the story of the Garden and of the area. It's hard to read, so I'll post the center layout which was done separately and maybe it will be easier to read.

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