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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Lab 10 Mod 6. NicePng provided the Winnie the Pooh art; the tree on the 100 Acre Wood pic is from PS; the ribbon is a pattern in PSP; the rest is from my stash. Lab 10 Mod 6 requirements: honeycomb pattern (background of the 3 small pics); netting distorted; alphabet beads (I made a whole alphabet). The font at the bottom is Bomshel Script. I like Winnie!
  2. Love what everyone has been doing. That card, April, is beautiful. We've all been fascinated with that template, haven't we.


    I have completed Lab 10 Mod 5 and used it for the next LO on the Chattanooga trip my daughter and I had in September. Lab 10 Mod 5 wanted us to make a photo cutout, but I decided that I didn't want to cutout a photo, so I made a paper (surprise, huh!) - the blue one in the LO, but I made several others also; a new triangle pattern which was interesting to make and I made several colors - played and played and played with making a brown toned one to put in the back of the pictures and finally settled on this one; make uneven arrows and I ended up with several arrows in different colors and even a ribbon of one in several colors (that was really a trip!). The train track I made, but the locomotive is from NicePng. I didn't even try to make that. All the other papers and the fall cluster are mine. The plaid was made from the main picture.

  3. Next on the Chattanooga trip album. Also fulfilled Lab 10 Mod 4: glitter pattern (used it for the background frame and experimented with outer bevel and inner bevel); Overlapping text (title - and separated the individual letters - that was a neat trick in the tut - and then overlapped them crazily and colored each one differently with fall colors); scalloped mat - the journaling pad which I inner beveled and textured. I also experimented with circular papers I had made earlier and using the distortion effects - polor coordinates with a strip I made of my fall leaves picture tube - as a frame on one of them. All the "stuff" is what I have created with labs, etc. Thanks, again, Carole.
  4. Everyone in the Alphabet Challenge seems to be nearing the end. I'm still in the middle. Finally finished M. I have so many pictures (I chose M is for Memphis). My daughter and I went around town getting pictures of all the wonderful things there are in Memphis - if someone came here as a tourist intending to take in everything that is available, they would be here for more than a month! Can you tell that I love Memphis? I have enough pictures to fill a complete Memphis album, but that is not now!

    The font is Broadway BT. Used so many things Carole has taught us in the labs, tutorials, Master Classes. Oh, yes, and I have been using Carole's scripts that I have purchased. The Clip to It script I use a LOT! The Curled Ribbon script I've used more than once, and I don't always curl the ribbon around another element. I made the pyramid brad using the tut in Lab 8 Mod 8 and applying a filter from Filter Forge. I modified one of he templates so that I could do some journaling also. This has been fun - both gathering the pictures and creating the layout.


    It seems that we all have been having thankful thoughts about belonging to this community and being inspired by Carole and each other. God is good!

  5. I have a problem in making a new letter of the stitched alpha tutorial in Lab 6 Mod 8. In the past my paint brush tool made the stitching without a problem. In trying it the past couple of days, the paint brush tool won't make the stitching as it did before - BUT the airbrush tool works just like the paint brush tool worked before! WHY?????
  6. MarieClaire - Thanks for the template - fantastic on how you made it!

    Ann Seeber - love how you interpreted it.


    I'm so glad I am a part of this wonderful community. Sharing what you learn; caring about each other; bolstering each other; - glad that God guided me here!

  7. OK, this is my take on the challenge. Font is AR JULIAN inner bevelled. 3 paper clips, 1 cluster, 2 (or more - I used 3) pics and a picture background, frame on the background picture (also inner bevelled). All the pics and elements are ones I have created through tutorials and labs. Thanks, Carole!
  8. WOW - everyone has been busy. I, too, bought that palette maker script even though I had the 1st one also. Haven't tried it yet. Like what you did Susan, Lynda, Pirkko, Jannette, Monique, Ann.

    I've been messing around creating elements (not papers this time). This is Lab 10, Mod 3: Bracket Frame and label (used the label and gave it a wood pattern and inner bevelled it), Boot print and custom sign (actually made 2, but decided to use the dog park sign - may use the hiking trail sign later as I have some pics from Harpers Ferry, WV where the conservancy is for the Appalachian Trail); the leash is from Nice Png and the font is AR JULIAN. All the rest is mine.

  9. Pirkko - I agree with everyone - lovely page and good luck with the unpacking - we always have boxes left over! lol!

    Lynda - always enjoy what you post - great how you used one photo to make 6 different pictures.

    Although I'm not mentioning any more layouts, great job everyone - I enjoy seeing what each person does - many different perspectives on how to display photos.

    I think I have finally decided how I want to do this photobook for my daughter's and my trip to Chattanooga; you know, Carole usually teaches us to have some sort of theme running through the book. I think mine will be the muted fall leaves background and the asphalt road with the blue car and the highway signs. Soooo, I again redid the first LO of the plan of the trip. I also completed the 2nd page which is "On the Way". For that LO: title font is AR HERMANN, inner bevelled and shadowed and pulled out with the perspective; the papers, scatters, and elements are mine - the cluster was developed from Creative Fabrica's sunflower, fall leaves from the picture tube; the green leaves, ribbon and scatter were from several PS kits. The button was created with Carole's Brad Factory script from a paper I created from the transportation picture tube (love those tubes).


  10. Marie-Claire - like your work - interesting to apply the FF to the jpg. I like it.

    Susan - your Lab 6 mod 2 came out great. That string tube was heck to create, but is fun to use.

    Michele - your Hilda is a hoot! Lots of fun!

    Anita - your Halloween layout is really cool - like that big, black cat.

    Louyse - like your Scarecrow - reminds me of "The Wizard of Oz". The Wizard of Oz didn't scare me, though it scared my daughter as she saw it when she was just a wee one. I didn't get to see it until I was 17, so the flying monkeys and the witch didn't scare me.

    So I'm working on making a sort of travel challenge of my daughter's and my trip to Chattanooga in September. This is using Lab 10 Mod 2 to create the Planning of the Trip. AR Blanca is the font. The month tag, ribbon of road, interstate highway sign are the requirements of this module. Made pspimages of each of them before the jpg images so that they can be reused later. Background paper and the map are mine (the map is from Microsoft Streets which I still use to plan trips. The car clip art I have used before for travel challenges. Not sure that the layouts of this trip will have a "theme" except that they are of the trip.

  11. Well, I know we are doing ghosts (Colin - that's very creepy, ghosty and prepares us for Halloween), and finishing up on the Calendar workshop; however, I have been working on displaying some of the pictures I took in Chattanooga, TN a couple of weeks ago. These 2 layouts are from the Aquarium. We took so many pictures there, it was hard to choose what to display. This is my result. The font is AR Blanca and I chose to do cutout on them. The background is a halftone paper I did in one of the Labs. The cluster is my own taking the flowers and leaves from one of the kits (I think it was from DB Magnolia's June 21 Summertime); the sea shell and starfish is from a picture tube and the ribbon is from PS, colorized. I did the Ocean first and thought the River should be a mirror copy as if the 2 layouts were a double page. The layout is mostly from a NicePng sketch of how to display pictures on a wall going up the stairs. Making the template was fun and involved math and a whole lot of guides - but fun. I also worked on most of the pictures especially with "sharpen" as the tanks were kind of misty (dirty?). Interesting how the aquarium is designed. We are sent up to the top and there are 5 to 7 layers. As you go down you see the fish (and a big turtle) which are comfortable at the different levels. They also show some of the animals that are air breathing, but like to play and forage in the sea (and some in the rivers). The ocean aquarium is in one building and the river aquarium is in the other.
  12. Brian - thanks for the information on the DNA testing. I thought all the dna tests were the same. Also good to know that the 'au' test is only really good for 5 generations. Also good to know that they are good for finding cousins. Tell us more about the other tests!
  13. I've been playing around and today I spent the afternoon creating a pspimage of a federal highway sign. I was going to use my old Route 66 sign, but it wouldn't do for not only different states, but different numbers. So, I played starting with the tutorial in Lab 10 Module 2 for creating an interstate sign. Instead of just working on the whole sign, I had to work on lower half and upper half, saving the text vectors for the state name in the top half and the number in the bottom half. This is my result.
  14. September Sketch Challenge. I copied the idea Sheila Hogg used to outline each of the seperate pieces - I used Cass rope picture tube. Had a hard time trying to keep to the layout of the sketch since I did not want to overpower the pictures. I did make a template from the sketch - that wasn't hard, but the choices for the paper pieces really stumped me; tried various things and ended up as you see with papers that I have used before as blended colors. The photo of the flag is from the web and is by Jimmy Emerson DVM on Flickr. The picture of the Maryland quarter is also from the web. This was interesting. Guess I have been on a roll changing flat images into templates. LOL.


    Jannette - great layout - the colors are so good together - great job.

  15. It's so interesting to see each person's take on the layout (especially since you can't change size, etc. of each element).

    Anja - you started it off and I like your bright colors.

    Suzy - you used 2 pictures and I couldn't figure out how the hog picture came in until I realized it was the background!

    Lynda - you made use of each of the elements for pictures. Way to go!

    Betsy - I like the blue and yellow to go with the pics - especially like that cluster in the lower left corner.

    Susan - Interesting take on the paint splats; I don't particularly like paint splats, so that's a thought! All the pictures go together - kind of like a video.

  16. I created a template from the above Fall layout. I had to redo it a few times because when you convert a template to greyscale, the picture and elements you add will be greyscale also! I did find out, however, that you can go to Image>Increase Color Depth>RGB - 16 bits/channel - and get the colors back. This one is about summer. The papers are my own as is the flower frame; the butterfly is from PS - Jessica Dunn, and the bee is from PS - Janet Kemp; the flower watercolor in the lower right corner is from Creative Fabrica; the title font is Hesthia Austine - inner beveled.
  17. Have to comment:

    Lynda - always enjoy your pics and layouts; I remember the tower with the changing photos in Chicago.

    Pirkko - I too like your children - particularly liked September.

    Harmony - I've enjoyed your calendar pages.

    Marie-Claire - you used birds this time and they are great (but I miss your dog)

    Ann Seeber - I really like your choice of a theme; and of course you are always spot on with your pics and displays.

    Gerry - love your photos and thanks for the note on Mixbook.

    Chris, April, Fiona, Anne, and all of the rest who have joined this workshop and posted - beautiful work and I know you had much fun. It's been great going through all these pages and seeing the different themes and techniques used.

  18. I did try my hand at this. The pictures are all from my recent trip to Chattanooga, TN: the frog and lily pads and the water background are from a water feature in the Glen Miller Gardens; the fish are from the aquarium; the turtle is a freebie from DS Watercolor Images; the font is AR Julian - inner beveled and textured and shadowed. Lots of fun.
  19. Back home. Started this yesterday since I love playing with PSP. Began with trying to remember how to angle a striped paper to make a bullseye - did 2 different ones, but this is the one I was aiming for. All the papers and elements are mine except the pinwheel which was a freebie from Cassel. The font for the title is AR Herman and the font for the journaling is Arial Black.


    Praying that Carole and family are OK.

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