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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Memphis, TN is my theme.  Fun relearning how to make a shape into a mask.  I've been using the ClipToIt script so much of this year and last year (it's so easy and does all the work for you) but it is important to know what the steps are so that is how I shall continue.  The journaling font is Arial.  The pictures are mine.

    2023 Feb Mask Workshop Project 1_600.jpg

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  2. 1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

    How precious Julie.  I love the look of all the brushes and the mask, it gives the layout such depth. We had a dog that looks similar your wee one.  She was a chihuahua-boston bull terrier cross and had the courage of a wolf. 

    I love it too.  You do great work with the brushes.  I'm still playing with that.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    Well done, Mary! I'm impressed by your willingness to take on a challenge. Lovely result. You're using a tablet, right? I'm trying to use mine more often. I was using it then switched back to the mouse. If it makes layouts like this easier, then I'm back in!

    I was on my laptop when I did this.  It doesn't have a tablet connected to it.  So - I did this with the mouse.  You can too.  they are just straight lines so do not connect the segments and put the start just outside  and press the shift key and place the end at the opposite side just outside.  Simple.  You can leave your pen strokes on the vector layer, but you will need to color your stripes on separate raster layers.  In order to change my stripes to glitters, I made a copy of the pspimage and changed the vector layer on the copy to a raster layer.  Have fun.

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  4. I have to say that was fun!  I do enjoy a challenge.  Now that I have it in pspimage format and jpg, I can change the colors from tans to yellows, or blues, or greens, or pinks - hey Valentines!

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  5. 5 hours ago, Cassel said:

    My guess is that it started with parallel lines, and simply used the Pick tool with the Perspective mode. But if you want, you can add that question to the Q&A thread for this coming Sunday ?


    5 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    I came across this sample of a L/O on Digital Scrapbooking (I think). The perspective lines are so unusual and eye-catching. I'm sure there are folks here who will know how to reproduce this effect, so I hope someone will share the magic.

    simple dog layout 2.JPG

    I am attaching 2 screenshots of my attempt at the background paper.  I started with the pen tool making the lines in white.  I found that if I put the beginning and end of the line just beyond the edge of the paper, I can use the magic wand to isolate every other one of the resulting stripes so that I can put the light stripes on one layer and the darker stripes on another layer.  That way also I can put a texture effect on one of the colored layers to give it more oomph.  I hope this explains it.

    2023-02-06 (1).png


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  6. 21 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    This one looks nice.  I see the words are closer together too, that's another thing I need to take note of.  I for one like the new "chockolate", the longer the word, the more time to savior the tastiness.  ?

    Well, thanks - I may leave it since it is part of the fun

  7. Sue Thomas - Thank you.  I had posted my attempt at word art in the hopes that you would have a comment that is helpful and that is.  I will try again.  Yours really looks like a tree while mine needs the tree in back of it to show that it is a tree.  Will try again.  Also, it is helpful to realize that it's okay to keep the choices of fonts to maybe two.

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  8. Susan Ewert - thanks.  Sue Thomas and Ann Seebert make it look so easy.  And last year (or may be the year before) Carole had a challenge for putting words in a shape that REALLY had blown me away.  Carole has several tutorials on word art that I downloaded and looked at but did not try my hand at it.  This is the first time.  I know that multiple fonts is part of the game, and I've been taking some of the freebies that CF has and I've even begun to not install the fonts but using NexusFont.  You seem to be doing well with the labs, so don't give up.  They are great tutorials and challenges.  I've been intrigued seeing what others have done with the labs I've already been through.  There is a lot of imagination in our group - and that's the name of the game - isn't it?????


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  9. I can't seem to get my mojo going.  Lagged behind because Lab 10 Mod 12 wants to do a word art in the form of a tree (since it is December's mod, a Christmas tree); the holly and berries are no big deal since I've been practicing with the pen tool and practicing using the tablet and pen, but that word art form just escapes me.  I think the words are OK, but I don't like it with what I have in the background of the words and I didn't save the pspimage like I should have.  So now I will have to start over.  Although I'm ashamed of it, I will show you what I did.  You might have suggestions.

    MLS Winter Word Tree.png

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  10. Okay - Ive  been playing too - not yet with that stencil beautiful stuff you are posting, but somewhere someone used a background paper that I think came from CF.  I had made abstract paper in one of the previous labs I've been working on and I thought - well let's see if I can put glitters on it too.  So I did one with gold glitters and one with silver glitters and then did one with an expanded glitter of silver that I put in my winter folder.  So here goes.

    MLS Paper Abstract-Various Blues with Gold Glitter.jpg

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