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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. So, I'm playing with Steve's Rainbow again.  I took a section of the rainbow and played with Effects>Reflection>Feedback and came up with one I liked; put it on a larger canvas size and duplicated, flipped and rotated it until I had a pattern I liked and then made a background paper of it.  Used Cass'  Mask from Mask Workshop Extra 3.  The font is Bluebell.  Canvas frame is of course from a selection and inner bevelled.

    Steve's Rainbow-4_600.jpg

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  2. I need a new computer with a 2 T drive, to hold all my "stuff".  If I download FF 12 and the libraries I may need a 3 T drive. Right???  Right now, my son has me with 3 internal drives (2 are 1T and 1 1/2T.  Then I have a laptop with a 1 T SD (which I like to take with me).  However, I need to use a 1T SD external drive (which I bought and really couldn't decide what I would put on it) but now, I think I will put the downloaded tuts and master classes and my CD picture file (humongous) on it to take with me when I am away from my real computer and need to access that stuff!  I have the standalone Abstract Curves on both computers and the FF is only on my real computer.  I understand that I can use my license to put it on my laptop, but haven't done so yet.  I, too, don't have the libraries downloaded as I can access them at any time I need something.

  3. Now I see what Sue was talking about when I said I had tape with texts on it.  My goof.  I went up and got the tuts on how to do tapes (all different kinds but none with writing on them)!  But, I'm still not going to change my layout as I like it as it is.

  4. S is for St. Nicholas.  Finally getting back to my alphabet challenge from 2022.  The font for St. Nicholas is Ballpark.  Santa Claus is from Creative Fabrica and his coat was colorized red because my daughter said it looked like a motorcycle jacket.  The holly leave and berries are mine from a previous lab as a paint brush (so I colored the berries separately), the poinsetta is a picture tube.  The silver glitter paper is from Donna Sills stash that she shared with us earlier this year which I colorized as silver - the red one I colorized wouldn't work here.  The font for Santa Claus is Brandish.  I think the St. Nicholas statue picture was from Wikipedia.  The frame around it I developed with selections, etc.

    S is for St. Nicholas_600.jpg

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  5. 31 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    It sure was fun and surprising.  I was not liking my layout, it was too busy when it was a photo background and lowered opacity just looked grey and dull.  Then I thought about blend modes and was moving layers all over when the happy accident happened.  I could never have predicted what the blend layer (difference) would do since I had multiple layers with adjustment layers below it.  

    It is so much fun playing around in PSP!!

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  6. 19 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Project 3.  

    I used the kit provided "Welcome Spring" from Digital Scrapbook and by DB Magnolia.  And I used the orange glitters.  Are you sitting down?  Are you ready to hear this?  I did not  change the blue/white flower or the background paper.  I did however change the glitters (darker) ?.  I used the background paper twice, once for the background and once upside down for the mat behind the photos/glitters.  I used the an extraction of the same background paper and added texture effect>texture> blinds, then added noise, then went back to try a different size blinds on a duplicate copy and accidently applied it again to the one with the texture already on it.  it made it look more like stripes.  Same for the bottom striped one, which I made darker.  I used a scatter of little flower petals and changed the color to white (from pink) and reduced the opacity a lot.  It might not show at this resolution.  There was no metal element so I extracted a design  (part of one) from a card in the kit and then changed the color and added an inner bevel, hoping it looks like metal.  

    Fonts are: Shelly (title) and Robeek (quote).  from Creative Fabrica or Google (as my font program came with google fonts as well).

    Quote: found on internet search "unlikely friends", but could not find who made the quote.  it has "human" instead of "soul" that i added because, well, these arent humans.

    Photos: are mine from the the same photo shoot day, weird changing weather.  The layout would have looked best if all the water was the same color as the one in the middle.  I may swap out two photos from another photo day that has matching water.  


    BC Project 3-Friendship-600.jpg

    Susan - I love that "just playing around" you did with the papers and I love that element.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Sharla said:

    Project 2 - Book number 2. 
    The papers are my creation, the book image from the book cover, headphones a bit of vector art I copied and adjusted.
    The 'home' in the title is Cornwall for the heroine who is catapulted away during WW2 A  very long gentle story. I listened to it whilst doing jigsaws in the winter. It took me weeks to finish it...


    Project 2 600.jpg

    I always liked books by Rosamunde Pilcher.  Usually poignantly sweet.

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  8. Yes, I always love what you do with the Fabulous Divas, Michele.

    I'm still playing.  Made an image of my Chattanooga Pallet - putting the colors in squares.  Then I made a copy of the jpg and played with Kaleidoscope and at the last, played with a copy of it and twirled it, kaleidoscoped it and twirled it again and then kaleidoscoped it again.  These are the results.  I can't seem to get to making layouts and I need to finish my 2022 Alphabet challenge - S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.  Still a lot to do before I can make a photo album of it.  And, then, there is the rest of the double page workshop that I didn't finish.  My, my - my To-Do List is overflowing! LOL.

    MLS ChattanoogaPallet.jpg

    MLS ChattanoogaPallet-K-1.jpg

    MLS ChattanoogaPallet-K-2.jpg

    MLS ChattanoogaPallet-K-3.jpg

    MLS ChattanoogaPallet-K-4.jpg

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  9. Well, I finished the Chattanooga trip and have ordered it to be printed by Shutterfly.  I have enjoyed looking at the neat layouts in the Bootcamp.

    So I can't seem to get back to created anymore layouts.  I played today with Creative Fabrica's CFSpark and with Abstract Curves.  Made some patterns in Abstract Curves, and played with AI in CFSpark by asking for the roadrunner and cactus plants.  These are my results.

    3 Abstract Curves Patterns.jpg

    CFSpark Creations.jpg

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  10. On 5/16/2023 at 11:13 AM, Ann Seeber said:

    One of the reasons I keep taking this class is I love to play with the tablescape. This time I added a piece from the Double Page workshop last month as I like to read with my lunch! 


    I see you keep your phone handy too.  LOL

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  11. Last layout for the Chattanooga trip.  You all may remember the hexagon template we got probably last year or the year before.  This is my first time using it (and I forgot I had the pspimage and made one from the png LOL).  But I must say that it was good practice!

    Last-Chattanooga History_600.jpg

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  12. 7 hours ago, libera said:

    Hi @ all and thumbs up :classic_smile: for all your creative layouts!!!!

    I come around here because I have especially today Annie Tobin - missed and well loved - in my thoughts!
    May 16th of the last year Carole announced with gread sadness that "Annie passed away probably in May" 

    Cristina shared her last words in January for many of us who wished speedy recovery after her eye surgery "...you are amazing troopers and I accept your well wishes in good grace.  It sure has been a trial and all I can do is wait … obviously I need to have lessons in patience which has never been one of my virtues, lol!"

    I had so many ideas to create a layout and finally I add this one even if it is not my best result.

    Annie used to say "Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D".....



    annie tobin5.jpg

    Most of us remember Annie with great fondness.  She was one special lady.  Thanks for another remembrance of her.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    I had to look up Glenn Miller's death date, and discovered that he disappeared in 1944! I didn't know that.

    It was on a plane crash as he and some of the band were on the way to perform for the troops. The plane was never found and it was assumed that it went down over the Atlantic Ocean - I believe he was on his way from England.  This was shown in the movie that was made about his life starring Jimmy Stewart as Glenn Miller and June Alyson as his wife.  I saw the movie but can't tell you when it was made - probably early or middle 1950's.

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