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Mary Solaas

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Everything posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Well, I finished the Chattanooga trip and have ordered it to be printed by Shutterfly. I have enjoyed looking at the neat layouts in the Bootcamp. So I can't seem to get back to created anymore layouts. I played today with Creative Fabrica's CFSpark and with Abstract Curves. Made some patterns in Abstract Curves, and played with AI in CFSpark by asking for the roadrunner and cactus plants. These are my results.
  2. I see you keep your phone handy too. LOL
  3. Last layout for the Chattanooga trip. You all may remember the hexagon template we got probably last year or the year before. This is my first time using it (and I forgot I had the pspimage and made one from the png LOL). But I must say that it was good practice!
  4. Most of us remember Annie with great fondness. She was one special lady. Thanks for another remembrance of her.
  5. Cristina - Really a WOW layout. I'm just playing again. Thought that that Victorian Enamel corner I had created earlier might make a nice touch on a photo. So I created a mask and then used it.
  6. It was on a plane crash as he and some of the band were on the way to perform for the troops. The plane was never found and it was assumed that it went down over the Atlantic Ocean - I believe he was on his way from England. This was shown in the movie that was made about his life starring Jimmy Stewart as Glenn Miller and June Alyson as his wife. I saw the movie but can't tell you when it was made - probably early or middle 1950's.
  7. The 2nd page will be that DIY Challenge of the Glen Miller Gardens (a pond in the gardens). It doesn't match my running themes of the trip, so I include it here as the 2nd page which goes with the coloring, etc. of the 1st page.
  8. So, now I've finished the pictures of the Chattanooga Trip. I've completed what will go on the front of the album and the first page.
  9. Last picture layout for my Chattanooga Trip. Next are the layouts for journaling and an opening page and a closing page.
  10. Yes - it did. I was just tired when I finished (OCD again) .
  11. This is my attempt at the stacked photos. (Not with the script.)
  12. I created a tag from a rectangle and a triangle for one of my Chattanooga layouts. So I guess it qualifies to display here. (I did change the spelling of Aquarium).
  13. Sue - did you use one of Cassel's scripts to do the multiple copies of the picture? There is one in the store for making multiple copies of a photo or element and stacking them, but it doesn't look like this (at least not the jpg that goes with the script).
  14. So, here is my next Chattanooga Trip layout. The font is Academy Engraved LET and I filled the open areas with a pattern taken from the water of one of the pictures. The anchor element came from NicePng and the lifesaver element came from pixel scrapper - Jessica Dunn (One of my favorite designers).
  15. Ha, Ha. Susan - love your humor (or is it humour or is that something else????) Well, it appears that that is the only place I spelled it with a "c" - and, yes, Susan, there was PLENTY to c in that aquarium.
  16. Thanks, Ann. I will change that. Need to check the spelling on the other "Acquarium" layouts. Ha, Ha. "
  17. Yes - I have 2 or 3 more layouts to do, then I will print it.
  18. I have another layout in my Chattanooga Trip Album.
  19. Thanks, Donna. I think I am satisfied with it as a standalone. It sure is an interesting app.
  20. Donna, there is NO 8bf file. I've just decided to use it as is - a standalone. It's OK.
  21. I've decided to use it as a standalone also. Can't fight it. It's an interesting app. Already did a sample out of it that I used to create a paper. Guess I was inspired by Donna.
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