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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. I remember that technique. It was someone in the maniacs group, as you said several years ago. I can't remember who it was that posted it though. I use it often, I have the steps printed off. Fabulous work Michele!
  2. These are super cool Donna!
  3. Cristina, it took me ages to find this comment, anyway, thank you ever so much for your kind words. Likewise, what you have submitted is beautiful too, and typical of your style, which I love so much. There several contributors on here that I can identify by their unique styles, you being one of them.
  4. Nicely done, I love the fill you used, with matching borders
  5. These are lovely Corrie, more importantly they are all symmetrical. ?
  6. Don't feel that way, we have all had to start at the beginning. Just focus on what you'll be able to achieve with practice, and hopefully we will have inspired you to persevere with our submissions.
  7. Day 2 of the vector workshop. I used all of the techniques demonstrated in the 2 videos, and a few more, which I'm sure will be demonstrated throughout the week. For those that may be interested, I will often see a label or a tag that I like, invariably, they are either PNG or JPeg. I will take a screenshot, creating my own vector version.
  8. (Michele, what size image do you start out with and what are the settings you use for the Grid? (Totally clueless about grids..) ) It would appear I completely misread your comment. The size of your image I interpreted to relate to the vector element Michele created, to use the settings she used for the grid. You didn't mention FB page layout sizes, or scrapbooking layouts. This workshop is all about creating vector elements, to be used in projects. I will refrain from sharing any helpful suggestions or advice.
  9. Ann, the Ann, the size of the image, or page is irrelevant, as Carole would say it depends on the size of your page/element. There are many tuts and masterclasses where Carole has used the grid. I believe there is a tut in the blog on using the grid and guides. As Michele said, once you get used to using them, they prove to be very useful aids.
  10. I'm like you, I'm very particular about creating anything symmetrical. If it's off by a fraction my eye will detect it. I see your lines are perfectly aligned. I wouldn't say it's an OCD, you just like to get it right, as do I, to the best of my ability.
  11. By adding an even curve to my arrow, I used less nodes. I rotated it and added a small inner bevel and drop shadow after I changed it to a raster. For those that may be having difficulties. I find using the grid, or if you prefer the guide lines, to keep what you are creating symmetrical, and even. As that is the way I like to create. Uncheck the snap to grid/guides, as they are only there for you to place the nodes etc evenly, unless you are looking to create distorted shapes. Also, which I find is important, make sure you keep your vector shape in the centre of your page. I hope this makes sense to you.
  12. There is always more than one way of doing anything in PSP. Perhaps you used a different technique, perhaps this one, place your heart on a paper layer, select outside the heart, expand by a pixel or two and then delete, you will get the same result. I'm not at the laptop at the moment, I'm outside. Try both of those techniques. By the way, whether you use contiguous checked or not, will determine whether you invert or not.
  13. Finally, I have five minutes to read the first lesson email, and came up with this for the heart shape, whilst having a bite to eat. I'll do the arrow this evening. I didn't check out what participants have already posted, until after I posted mine. Great work everyone, each one is different, and inspiring. I decided to create a gold heart shaped pendant for a necklace. After creating the heart, duplicate, resize, created the chain link. Merge visible to a new layer. Added some gem stones.
  14. Libera, I can't speak for Cristina on how she did it. Assuming she used a ready made paper. Open it in PSP, using the selection tool, select inside the heart, expand by one or two pixels, then on a new layer go to patterns, make the necessary size etc adjustments, and flood fill, deselect, and move it below the heart. If she created the text paper herself, then the same would apply.
  15. I too have registered for this workshop. I’m also going to put in my two penn’orth. Whether you are schooling/training a young horse, or training a border collie for sheep dog trails, the key for success is to be consistent and repetitive, until a particular discipline has been mastered. When I was in school I was taught by learning everything parrot fashion, which paid off. I suspect Carole will be using the techniques used in her masterclasses, with possibly a different approach to some techniques. I’ve said it many times before to many newbies, learn one technique at a time, until it is mastered, and not dive in to try and learn everything at once. That just creates an overwhelming confusing feeling. Using vectors isn’t any different. In my experience it's best to zoom in to have a good view of the handles, and to not to move to quickly, when using them.
  16. Suzy, Thank you. The template is a psp file, The text are on their own layers, which means I can select it, to change the wording, colour and size, font etc as the offset, centre etc is all pre set. As for the horse dung, I'm sure they must have a dung pile somewhere. Ask if you can help yourself to it. If you were to ask me, I'd say help yourself, just take what you want. I'm going to suggest you take old dung from the bottom of the pile, which has had a chance to decompose, as fresh dung isn't good for the garden. Also you will have a multitube of weeds to pick out down the road, as the dung will be full of unwanted seeds.
  17. I don't have anything exciting to post. Currently making the most of the great outdoors, cycling, kayaking, gardening, horsing around with my girls, taking photos and plodding my way through creating 2023 calendars, and general greeting cards. I have created some of Carole's date stamps. This one I particularly like. I create the template, in psp format. All I have to do is change the text, as it's already centered, etc and change the colours.
  18. For those that may be interested in the photos I've posted a much larger file on Facebook for better viewing of these living jewels.The background is a leaf element duplicated several times and a grass photo of mine, using the blend mode. Frames were done using the grid and vector shape. I rarely edit my photos if I do I use a touch of brightness and contrast, and the crop tool. These pics weren't edited, other than cropped. Wonderful work being created by all. Between my other outdoor interests. I've been shooting pics for future projects. Summers are short here.
  19. My interpretation of the above sketch.
  20. Thank you Fiona, I have all the patience in the world for all the interests I have. Not so much for people in general. So many wonderful pages being posted. Michele, you never cease to amaze me with your pages. No two are ever even remotely similar. Corrie, it's great to have you back.
  21. I played with the shadow box I started several months back. I added some colour and adjusted the shadowing. I think it's still a work in progress. Once I'm happy with it I will add a greeting, as it's going to be a 5x7 ecard.
  22. Sorting through my photos this evening, placing them in their relevant folders. I decided to make a start on showcasing some of them. I used Carole's special fonts for the lace edge, and to decorate the labels. Add borders tool. A simple layout.
  23. You'll observe fractals everywhere in nature, basically it's a series of patterns repeating itself over and over, at different scales.
  24. Thanks Michele. 6 of the 10 tree swallow nest boxes are occupied this year.The parents occupying this box are busy trying to keep up with the constant demand of feeding young. I suspect they gave 4 nestling. I'll find out when they fledge. I have photos of youngest popping their heads out of holes. I appreciate the shadow comment.
  25. To add a shadow to the photo, that is the question. I have added shadows to the others, but left this one, in my opinion naked. Personally, I would add a small shadow. I do know how to add a shadow to paint at the edge of a photo or paper. When I get a minute I'll do one for you all to see the realistic effect. It's in one of Carole's tuts or masterclasses, which one for the life of me I can't remember. All I know is it was a long time ago.
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