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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. I find it better to open many dingbats, such as frames and vector clipart in Character map, or some other similar program. That way you can select what you are looking for, instead of selecting all the keys on the keyboard until you find the one you want. Upper case is quite often the norm for dingbats etc.
  2. Does the doe have a black tip on its tail, or is it the fence. I'm only curious.
  3. A page I did the other evening, as I was sorting through my photos. I thought I'd post it, seeing as Carole has added a tutorial on "How to use punches in PSP", in the blog today.
  4. 24th June 2019 was the first Publish it! challenge.
  5. Awesome! If I'm not mistaken, the first Publish it! challenge was in 2019
  6. Besides the campus, we mustn't forget the books Carole has done on Kindle. ( don't have those) The one I do have is Tips and Tricks for PaintShop Pro.
  7. Ah yes! I remember. It was one of the first tutorials I did after the flair button. It caught my eye, it's delicate , and extremely versatile.
  8. Overflowing Masterclass
  9. Creative Scrap, eyelet fabric
  10. Lab 10-3 Bracket frame
  11. Creative scrap block photo. Before the Lab existed. Many of you will have noticed that I use this effect quite often to showcase photos.
  12. Lab 10-8 Split photo. Creative scrap, Stitched element (before the lab existed)
  13. Lab 10-7 negative effect
  14. Spooky Halloween Masterclass Lab 8-2 Shaped text
  15. No Kit 3 masterclass
  16. Lab 10-7 Clapper board
  17. Thanks Susan. The Cornish and the Welsh people of South Wales, share a very long history with each other. The Cornish mined the Tin, and they would ship it to the steel works in Port Talbot to be smelted. There they picked up the Welsh language. Cornwall developed it's Cornish language, derived from the Welsh Language. The page was a fun one I created for my daughter-in-law, Emma, as she Cornish. The story about Bryn, is although true, Emma's mother adopted the dog from Hungary. I got to name him, Bryn, is a popular boys name. It's also Welsh for hill, or mount. Pen y Bryn in English means top of the hill. The Cornish people regard themselves as Celtic (which they are) and not English. Even though Cornwall is in England. I've spent a lot of time in Cornwall over the years, and will be there again for Christmas this year. Emma's brother is a fitness and rehab instructor, and her mum enjoys gin. Hence the fictitious amusing stories.
  18. I created this page after the Masterclass 'In the news with PaintShop Pro.
  19. Like so many of us, I joined before there was a Diamond Membership. When I joined I subscribed to the Creative Scrap. I can remember clearly, I needed to know how to create something pertaining to a scrapbook layout, as I wasn't a scrapbooker back then. You replied, asking me to hold off until a specific date, as you were about to launch the Diamond membership. I believe I might have been one of the first Diamond Members.
  20. I remember those beads, I have them, and the tutorial printed off. The tutorials came via email. How to change the colour of the beads using the change to target tool, to correctly threading sting, or beads. This is going to be a quite a trip down memory lane.
  21. Many of you will know what the very first tutorial I did when I first joined the campus, and that was the Flair Button, in the creative scrap. This page, I did for a challenge, where you had to create a page using 20 of the same element. Such as buttons, flowers, ribbons etc. I chose to do 20 flair buttons. In this page there are other techniques used found in the blog, masterclasses, and creative scrap. Extractions, text on a curve, blend modes, creating gradients, shadowing.
  22. I have date stamps 8 and 10. Carole and I tested them several times, in fact I have 4 test scripts of each. The outer text doesn't align correctly. It's OK, I make my own templates, which I can edit and use over and over. The top right is a Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum), below is a Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia), and the one below the Philadelphia Vireo is a Yellow- rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata) . More and more birds are arriving daily. Out in the trees it's a bird watchers paradise. Thrushes, Yellow shafted Flickers, native sparrows, finches, Siskins, fly catchers to name but a few. So many warblers and Vireos. A Tennessee Warbler and a Warbling Vireo arrived yesterday too. The trees went silent when the Orioles, Robins, and the blackbirds left about 10 days ago. Now, the trees as full of song again. I will showcase them all in time, many of which I will post. I did post the full sized page on facebook, but then they compress files.
  23. The day's are now becoming noticeably shorter. The migratory birds are also on the move. This morning a beautiful Philadelphia Vireo called in. They are generally uncommon, and this one, was the first one I have ever seen. Many of the birds are difficult to ID at this time of year, as many of then are dull in Autumn, and the young ones, don't have adult breeding plumage until next Spring. I used one of a-dozi's brushes from Sunday's masterclass on the background paper, which is a gradient I created. For a change I used the slip in photo technique, and also slipped 3 of the tags (my own tag) under too. Also I used one Carole's new punches. Once again, the date stamp script didn't work, so I created my own template.
  24. A great choice of plant for any pollinator. I hope it will give you as much pleasure.
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