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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. I have just taken a gander through all the pages, as it is currently snowing. What an array of wonderfully creative pages posted. I thought I'd make a start on general ecards. Here are two that I have started, no doubt before they are destined for their intended recipient, they will be tweaked. Currently working on an Easter card. Many of you will know that I keep my pages simple and minimal. Maintaining focus on the photos. I'd better get back to it.
  2. January word Challenge in the campus. START. I didn't clock up the miles yesterday, as I had intended to do. The wildlife had other ideas for me. Before I even set off, I encountered a small flock of black capped chickadees close by. I spent more time being inconspicuous than actually hiking the trails. Either way it was a great afternoon to be outdoors. I haven't done a magazine cover for a short while. My very first page to be be added to the campus since the changes. I forgot to add it to the campus, after posting it on facebook on Sunday. Yearling bull moose. Male Snowy Owl. Black-capped Chickadee.
  3. Played around with creating some envelopes. Here's one of them. I used a vector shape, rectangle, rounded corners, and the pen tool. Following Carole's day 7 tutorial, to complete the card workshop. Later on I will be posting the envelope in the file section on FB. For those that would like to have it, to use in their projects. It will be a PSP file, with everything on separate layers. Excluding shadows.
  4. Corrie, your last entry is lovely. I've done the same with regards to the envelope template. Although I'm unlikely to print it off. I agree, the huge number of entries submitted are in a word 'phenomenal'
  5. Thank you Susan. I have all of Carole's crochet tubes, corner and edge punches. They are worth every penny. I really do use them all a great deal. As for the Grackle, a few will stay all winter, providing there are plenty of berries. I'd sooner see them all migrate, same goes for the Robin. This one is a male. I have dozens of them nesting out in the trees each year. They are so noisy. Head over to FB to get the png lace frame I added to the file section.
  6. Day 7. I did two. I took the photo of the grackle yesterday. I was away yesterday, having fun in the snow on a bird count. Doing them this morning, and now posting them. I've created a snowflake frame using a brush, which I will post in the file section on facebook. Perhaps, for those that are not on FB, Carole can place a link to it on here. It's a png file. I used one of Carole's crochet tubes to create the frame. I'm not a big fan of a stark white background. I do like the look and feel of vintage paper, so I used a small texture, and a hint of grey. Thank you Carole for this superb workshop. The templates are what I love, simple, and minimalistic, as so many of you will know, that I'm very much a non frilly, busy page creator.
  7. Day 6. I decided to go with a thank you card.
  8. Susan, those corner and border punches make for an exquisite touch to any project. I have all of them. I used a Xmas corner punch in the label below. Suzy, I think you are referring to tags. which you attach to wrapped gifts. There are a few tutorials on how to create them, in the creative scrap. You can print them, using business card sheets. 10 to a sheet . I use them in projects. Here are some Xmas ones. You can have an image on the front, and to and from on the back, or add to and from on a decorated front. Here are some examples. I submitted these as freebies for year's the Xmas countdown.
  9. Day 5. Twice now I haven't followed the template. This is a 5x7 card. I modified the inside of my granddaughter's half fold card. Both of them are into dinos, and not just dino cartoons. While I was home, I bought them a book on dinos. By the time I had left, they could pronounce and identify 6 different species of dino. More than what their parents can do. Lol Thank you Suzy. There are several masterclasses, and in the creative scrap, on text. There's word art, subway art, create a word tree, and many, many more. For inspiration, scroll through the campus, viewing the previews, perhaps something will grab your attention for the project you are working on. Just a thought.
  10. As I browse through all the cards submitted. There are far to many to comment on individually. I'm amazed by the creativity, and quality of each one. Well done, ladies and gentlemen! For many of us it's like going back to nursey school, back to the basics. It's actually a great course in revision. As I use tools without thinking, it's become second nature to me.
  11. I had a stressful day yesterday. Made a trip to the city. I only go about twice a year, and that's twice to many. But it's a necessity, to stock up on things I can't get locally. Carole's corner punch. My own globes. How many of you remember that Christmas masterclass?
  12. Instead of creating diamonds for the background. I used the same technique to create this background. I used a font . Holly and berries, coloured them to create the pattern.
  13. Not sure why the image wasn't displayed. Not that it matters, as you can click on the link to open it.
  14. In this one I used a different corner punch, edited the border, to create an embossed like frame on the background paper. I had to narrow the frame to match the corner punches.
  15. Day2. I'm afraid I didn't stick rigidly to the template. I used a brush on the top ribbon. I omit the border around the page. I used one of Carole's corner punches. I use them a lot, as I love them. They are so versatile. Created a simple frame around the main photo. My own photo and word art.
  16. Thanks Ann. I know I was away for quite some time, but many changes. All for the better I may add.
  17. You'd swear I'm a newbie in the campus, but I'm not. I'm baffled on how to add a page directly onto forum. Displaying a much larger image.
  18. A simple , no fuss card, used Carole's gimp tube, and waved it. Text slightly rotated, after adding text on a curve. I replaced the border, with one of my own. Extracted the bird, placed it on a plain background, added snowflakes, and snow, to finish I added some noise to the border, and the background paper. I uploaded my first page yesterday in the gallery, in the appropriate section. I assumed it would be automatically added to the forum, it would seem not. There isn't anything to add to Michele's comment
  19. A simple , no fuss card, used Carole's gimp tube, and waved it. Text slightly rotated, after adding text on a curve. I replaced the border, with one of my own. Extracted the bird, placed it on a plain background, added snowflakes, and snow, to finish I added some noise to the border, and the background paper.
  20. Starting to prepare for the challenge. I have several elderly aunts that knit, crochet, and sew. Thought I'd create knitting effect cards for them.
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