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Dan Greenwood

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Posts posted by Dan Greenwood

  1. 1 hour ago, Cassel said:

    @Bonnie Ballentine I bet you still remember the smell of that market too! I remember that quote about fear used by Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory!! Interestingly, I have vertigo if I even SEE a video or a picture of someone on an edge, yet, I am ok with those coasters. But you won't see me walk on the edge of the CN tower!!! EVER!

    @Susan EwartThe shadow for the horse would depend on where the "surface" is. Is it a wall behind? If so, how far is it? Is there a floor? Those are the questions you will need to ask yourself before creating the shadow and tweaking it. Did your mom change her cooking of the roast beef after hearing of that nickname?

    @Corrie Kinkel I feel that we are allowed not to like something, but what I see too often is that kids are picky and parents will enable that. For me, if I am picky and I get invited somewhere, I'll eat enough before going and I usually find something I can eat there, without saying anything. My mom was also scared of lightning, and I was too, when young. But by the time I was a teen, somehow, I conquered that fear and loved watching thunderstorms. My kids would also love it when it was lightning. If it was at night, we would pull out the hide-a-bed and watch the show through the large livingroom window

    @Ann Seeber I bet it was the way many kids learned to swim (or fear water) in those days! I learned to swim around 3-4, yet later, I convinced myself that I didn't know how to swim and once, in a pool, the inflatable toy I had around my waist got off me, and I sank (I was in the shallow end and could have stood up), yet I tucked in a ball and waved my arms around, making me go round and round and round, until my aunt saw me! Strangely, I still HATE to touch the bottom of a pool (except in the shallow end) or the ocean. I was once cut by razor clam under my foot. Another story I should write down on a page! The word COUP in French also means HIT/PUNCH. But also that political overthrowing.

    @Donna Sillia Be thankful that it happened in the 60's. If it was in modern days, there would be dozens of clips of it on YouTube!

    @Daniel Hess If you add text inside a shape, you can contract the selection before adding the text to give a little padding on the edges.

    @Dan GreenwoodThose shadows make a world of difference! Did your nephew ever found out about their mystery gifter?

    @Gerry Landreth You should team up with Ann at the Drive-in!! 🙂 

    @Michele Funny, I never played with a pink ball. I seem to remember our balls were red, white, and blue. Maybe they were a different kind.

    @Anja Pelzer That is such a fun layout!!! I bet they didn't have unbreakable glasses back then! The laundry story is a nice angle to the topic!

    @Julie MagerkaIsn't it amazing how our imagination would make us fear things?

    As for issues with PSP2023, it is true. There was an update #2 in August 2023 that fixed some bugs and added some fixes. However, it added that bug related to the wrapped text getting unwrapped when you need to edit it afterward. I will investigate to see if there is a workaround. In the meantime, I have no clue if there will be another update/patch this year as Corel/Alludo has dissolved the beta-testing group a few weeks ago. That is where I would get some of the "inside information".

    And I agree with everyone saying that this workshop is a great way to learn some things about each other. Maybe, next time, I will offer different prompts for the lessons so we can learn even more!

    They never found out, that I know of. I'm thinking that took "secret Santa" to a whole new level! :>)

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  2. Day 6 - Used leading to fit all the words. Also, wanted to make a comment: If a word splits at punctuation, instead of adding spaces, I just put the cursor after the previous word, delete the following space, and press Enter (for a new line). Please let me know, if you need me to post the words. I think they're readable, though...

    StoryTime-Challenge-Day6 Completed.jpg

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  3. 43 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I love this Dan.  I grew up in a card and game playing family.  Reading your layout brings back my own memories.  

    Thank you.  I learned Euchre at age 10, then Royal Rummy, and was proud to be able to play with the adults. So, I grew up like you did. 🙂

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  4. I saw there were two templates, and because flowers didn't seem to fit, I chose the other one.  To choose the text outline, I first selected all of the stars and rectangles, and then inverted the selection. Then, I unselected everything outside of the story page.  Finally, I condensed the selection to where it looked like good spacing to me.  The poem box was a pain, because putting text in it kept the text horizontal. If I rotated it, it kept the angled shape. So, I copied that rectangle, pasted it as a separate image, used the straighten tool to make it horizontal, selected the inside, cut out an approximate of where the star would be, placed the text in it, merged visible, and pasted it back into the layer it came from - of course, rotating it back where it had been. Whew!StoryTime-Challenge-Day1topost.jpg.066d171c8e24b02def84bac50041501c.jpg

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  5. We went to the Indiana Motor Speedway to view the eclipse. I just used a point-and-shoot Canon camera, but it has a 40x zoom. I got this during totality. (It's not as good of quality as the original, so I could post it here.)


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  6. Before I viewed 4 Tips to use with Text on Path, I tried to make text flow on a flag. I ended up just tilting each word separately, and it doesn't look very good. But the card itself, based on the art of Mary Engelbreit, turned out well enough to give my wife a smile.

    Queen of Everything .jpg

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  7. I downloaded Dozi's brushes, as suggested in Grunge Magic and I was mesmerized by the odd shapes. Using Dozi's Background 5, I just clicked it once, then clicked again next to that image, etc., until I had a pattern. Then, I copied and pasted that pattern repeatedly, until I had filled a page. It reminded me of some sort of energy field. So, I used the page I'd created as an overlay to a garden scene. I made the garden very bright and saturated, since I wanted it to be other-worldly. Then I adjusted the opacity of the energy field overlay to show that there's a barrier, but so it wasn't obscuring the garden. I call it Garden Seen Through Dimension Rift! Of course, I had to shrink it to fit on this venue, but I hope you can get the drift.

    Garden seen through dimensional rift.jpg

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  8. 14 hours ago, Cassel said:

    Can you point to a class, a tutorial, or a blog article that you used to make this project?

    Not specifically. It took all my knowledge of Paint Shop Pro to even be able to do it!

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  9. Just now, Dan Greenwood said:

    This was a tricky card for my wife's 70th birthday.  I had to deconstruct two pictures and then reconstruct them into one, which was cut to appear on two angles of the card.  Here are different views.

    Card Outside.JPG


    Card at angle.JPG

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  10. This was a tricky card for my wife's 70th birthday.  I had to deconstruct two pictures and then reconstruct them into one, which was cut to appear on two angles of the card.  Here are different views.

    Card Outside.JPG

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