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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2024 in all areas

  1. While going through my pictures I ran across this one I took a bunch of years ago at the farm I boarded my horse at. I wound up using the (QP2024-Extra1) to showcase it.
    4 points
  2. And the frame for lesson 2. These are my grandparents on their wedding day (mom's side).
    4 points
  3. 4 points
  4. The extra for Lesson 3. The font is Ambrosio.
    4 points
  5. Lesson 3. Moved the arrow over - that was a chore!
    4 points
  6. Day 4 Diamond QP Here is a color flow from the subtractive color (absorbs light as apposed to RGB which is additive and reflects light) color system CMY commonly used for printing (inks, paint etc). Starting with Yellow (very low on the value scale) and strong willed Magenta (fairly high on the value scale). Note the colors of the flowers are not PURE colors, in fact if all all three primaries are present and not any one of them at full strength, it's a tone (Hue+grey). Just keeping up with my color practice along with my PSP practice. I changed the color of the back ground with either Hue Map or HSL or likely both. the Fonts are Flower Love and Friendly Cactus. I used Objects>Convert Text to Curves>As Character Shapes for separate the letters so I could move them separately. Then rasterized and inner beveled.
    4 points
  7. Oh Jeni, you are so lucky to live where you do. I have loved Australia since I first saw "The Man from Snowy River" and "Pharlap" many many years ago. And New Zealand, so rich and green and so many interesting animals and birds, that I've only seen on nature shows. I'm looking forward to more of your showcasing.
    4 points
  8. I'm digging deep for photos. Poppy photos are from 2011 and trail camera photos are from 2021. Poppy is about 9 or 10 weeks old in these photos.
    4 points
  9. Finished the first from Lesson Four: This time a wide panorama + more Gunks. The 3 small photos are from one shot. I included a little writeup from Wikipedia.
    4 points
  10. Still showcasing "The Gunks." The area is where my Terwilliger ancestors on my father's side settled when they arrived in the New World from Amsterdam in the 1600s. His birthplace was named Granite. This QP had room for a bit of journaling.
    3 points
  11. And this is from lesson 3 - The font is AR ESSENCE. These pictures I took on Monday - the eagles live in their nest in the top of a tree on the RV park. It was a wonderful day for viewing and trying to get pictures. I have a Canon EOS Rebel T7i with a small zoom lens (EFS 55-250mm) that I did not put on a tripod - but was lucky to get a number of great shots. I do not do the photographer thing (like Susan Ewert, Sue Thomas, and Ann Seebert) but use the automatic settings- this one was landscape. These have been enhanced and cropped. Of course with PSP.
    3 points
  12. This is my take on the extra QP for lesson 2. Same font.
    3 points
  13. Continuing my Shawungunk saga, I managed to slip in a shot of Mohonk Mountain House, a well-known resort in New Paltz. You may recall when I documented my parents' old Model A Ford having to take us up the driveway to the resort backwards because the gas tank was gravity-feed!
    3 points
  14. I had this quickpage saved from last year. The photos are of my daughter's cat who was a feral kitten when Beth rescued her. Baby Lucky terrified Beth's two pit bulls. She would boldly lie on one of the dog's beds, and they would not come near her. Now, of course, they are friends. The fonts are a layered font, Kid Zone, from CF. The black cat is from Scary Halloween Ornaments also from CF. The quote font is Magestic Inline Grunge from Deeezy.com.
    3 points
  15. I decided to use that layout, too, Julie, for more of The Gunks.
    3 points
  16. I'm doing this piecemeal. I did some alteration on this remembering what someone said in the 1st QP Workshop I did about putting a layer above the QP in a color (I used a gradient sky blue in this one) and changing the blend mode (I used Dodge with an opacity of 24). You have to be careful when doing this because it also changes the color of the photo if your photo is alerady there (and mine was). So - it's a learning curve. The font is MV Boli.
    3 points
  17. On to Lesson 4. Font AR ESSENCE.
    2 points
  18. Thanks for the compliment, Mary, but I'm not really much of a photographer. I only have an iPhone XS and with upgrades the photos are now more easily edited. I found if I touch the main object in a photo the software indicates it will do an extraction for me! I think this is wonderful! 😁
    2 points
  19. Susan, thank you. I, too, love Australia, the country has so much beauty, yet I believe we all can become immune to our surroundings. I found, that in Australia, many would tell me how lucky I am to have been born in New Zealand, yet there is so much beauty in their backyard, and they don't notice.
    2 points
  20. As a Black cat owner I love everything about this layout Donna. The quote is so perfect.
    2 points
  21. Thank you, Susan. Because I am in the Southern Hemisphere, so far away from most others, I enjoy showcasing our beautiful region, both Australia where I lived for a while, and still enjoy travelling to, and New Zealand where I live. The water dragon in those photos is about the size of a small cat. My housemates and I used to take a salad and a loaf of bread across to the Manly Dam in Sydney, Australia for our breakfast on weekends, and I remember seeing a small iguana sitting on a log close by. Jeni
    2 points
  22. Check out the image in my response. It's the original post.
    2 points
  23. My Day 3 non scrapbook page. Q P workshop. Picks from my birthday vacation ten years ago.
    2 points
  24. Love the layout, and the background really makes it! Great colours.
    2 points
  25. Just an ordinary wee bird, but you have made the whole thing just shine and sparkle. Love it.
    2 points
  26. I went back and tackled the layout from Lesson 2. I decided to create a template of sorts in order to change the background color which is now a gradient created with the cass-gradient creator script using the colors of the sparrow. The title font is Vivaldi treated to the Sculpture Effect using the Geometric pattern with white. I have these little guys hopping all over the ground under my feeders. Their striped heads are quite noticeable. He even dominates this busy QP.
    1 point
  27. What a wonderful layout, love the photo. It sure puts a smile on my face. I hope I have as much energy as this lady seems to have when I get to where she is (in age; 29 yrs with 50 years of experience, right?)
    1 point
  28. Ready for 1st QP and 1st QP Extra. Didn't change anything. The font is Cursive Serif.
    1 point
  29. Marisa Lerin layered quickpage: I like the layered quickpages because I can change the colors and graphics. I added a Zebra, dirt and fur texture; the stripes and the plaid are from Cass Stripes2 script; the photos are from my daughter. The fonts are from Creative Fabrica--Animal Kingdom and Butterfly--with a layer style and bevel applied.
    1 point
  30. A photo from Dan Mish featuring our beautiful Shawungunk Ridge, locally referred to as The Gunks. Lake Minnewaska is a well-known resort. The fonts are Dingo Nursery on the left and Eras Demi on the right.
    1 point
  31. I did this yesterday and then got distracted this morning with the new QPs and forgot to post Lesson Two. Here it is...
    1 point
  32. This first Quick Page uses a photograph of a statue of a crocodile. This photo was taken at Gethsemene Gardens in Christchurch. Sadly, these garden are no longer. My next Quick Page shows a cruise ship docked in Circular Quay on Sydney Harbour, Australia. For the non-scrap page, I chose a photograph taken of my parents on the occasion of their engagement, probably in 1946. Jeni
    1 point
  33. My first Quick Page has an image of the TSS Earnslaw on Lake Wakatipu, coming in to drop off passengers at Walter Peak Station, across the lake from Queenstown, New Zealand. . My second Quick Page shows my friend, Joan, and me at Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia. My Facebook Quick Page has a photograph of a tiny lighthouse in Coopers Creek, Otatara, Invercargill, New Zealand. I found a tube of some flip flops, called jandals here, in New Zealand. Jeni
    1 point
  34. I hope it's ok for me to post, even though I didn't register for this workshop. After scrolling through the lovely pages submitted, and read Donna's comments on her page, I realized that I have a few layered quick pages, which I've had for a while. I must confess I have never used them, well until now that is. I deleted quite a few elements, added a little texture to the papers. The colour palette was prefect, so I didn't have to change anything in that department. It ook me less than 15 mins to complete the page. As I also changed the photo slots to masks. I'm going to go through the other layered quick pages, adapting them my liking, to be used. On the 15th April I was in a state of euphoria, when I heard a chorus which I wasn't familiar with. I have the Canadian Toad and the Plains Spadefoot toads. Currently their dulcet chorus is constant day and night, all around, but especially at the dugout, and other standing water. It took most of the day, but eventually I spoted 2 of these frogs out in the trees. Having a distinctive sound I was able to track down where is was coming from. They are tiny, less than an inch in length. It's hard to believe they can freeze, and their tiny hearts will beat again when they thaw! A type of antifreeze in their blood protects them. Most other frogs bury down in the mud. They are a type of tree frog which is also a unique trait. I posted a photo to a Sask macro nature photography facebook group which I'm a member of, requesting an ID. I wasn't the only one to be excited at my find. As I'm told they are hard to find.
    1 point
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