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  1. I will start with another version of these daffodils that I posted last month. I do play with flower pictures a lot an could really go crazy with this theme.
    5 points
  2. Hello, I have built a mini kit for : https://www.digitalscrapbook.com/forums/digital-scrapbooking/digitalscrapbookcom-blog-trains/apr-2024-blog-train-final-list here is my part, to download it just go on my blog: Digiscrap Angelhaze
    4 points
  3. This is what happened for me. I re-read articles and some I wasn't familiar with so all good.
    3 points
  4. Thank you Carole for the game, I really like doing it. I had trouble with #10. Cristina helped me with an extra word. I had tried everything, I had seen the big X on the intruder, but not the subject in the title (where I was looking). Which will teach me to look at the image as much as the subject lolllll I sent you my canvas full of pretty eggs.
    2 points
  5. I passed by, I don't know how many times and I didn't look at the image -- I just found Thank you so much
    2 points
  6. Happy April. Here is my monthly Wild Cat Calendar for April 2024. I used the cass-open-book script for the top and a calendar from Gina Jones. The Snow Leopard photo was taken by my granddaughter, Jackie Thorpe, at her Claws 'N' Paws Wild Animal Park in Mt. Ariel, PA. The title font is Fredericka the Great, and the text font is Agency. The background gradient is labeled "Bondi." The "Say No" brad is mine. I will also post this on our Facebook page full size for anyone who would like to print it out at 8.5" x 11" which is what I do.
    2 points
  7. And here is a second project, about a place in Germany (say shtorkoh, meaning storks in English) Storkow about a 40 minutes drive east of Berlin and 20 minutes west from the Polish border. It is part of the outer, historic military ring around Berlin. Interesting place. Graphics JBS and Marisa Lerin, fonts are Qiara on title and Poppins on body.
    1 point
  8. Another one from the 1960. Some graphics JBS Designs, rest myself. Again 10x8 inches, fonts are Lato on body, Pacifico on title Rock Beach on location and Georgia on date.
    1 point
  9. @bina greene Yes, that is one of Carole's scripts in the store: cass-OpenBook. It is rather fun to play with... 😉
    1 point
  10. What about just this: How can I take someone
    1 point
  11. Hi Cristina, thanks for the start of the clue but I still can't find it. I tried all the words, mixed them up, put two by two or three and I found nothing. Is there a word with more than 3 letters?
    1 point
  12. Hi Jnet, As time is running out, I'll be more explicit...what about asking the Search box? 😉 ... "How can I..."
    1 point
  13. Hello everyone, I'm missing rabbit number 10. I can't find it despite the clue given by Susan. Someone give me another clue please
    1 point
  14. These are the two backgrounds I created from the clematis photo from my garden last year and the bridge photo which I took last year also. I used various blend modes and effects using the blind mode and balls and baubles. It may be difficult to see as the images are small. Thank you Suzy for igniting my curiosity in making backgrounds.
    1 point
  15. In 1999 we didn't had a total eclipse like Doska in Germany; it was a partial one and nevertheless it was impressive. It was a sunny day and suddenly it started to get darker, the birds stopped singing, everything got really quiet and later when the light got brighter the birds started to move around, dogs were barking again. The next partial eclipse in 2025 will be visible in the Netherlands too and when by chance the weather doesn't cooperate there will be another partial one in 2026 that will be visible in Belgium and the Netherlands. But I'm still sorry that I can't watch this total eclipse on my birthday, that would have made it even more special. So I wish all of you who are able to go a fantastic one of a lifetime experience. I hope we will get some lovely scrapbook pages of it! Enjoy and have fun!
    1 point
  16. I found out that there is a nest cam installed to watch a couple of Peregrine Falcons, in Moncton, NB. It can be watched here: https://www.zoodemagnetichillzoo.ca/nest-cam
    1 point
  17. I can sit in my front yard to see it. I'm in Ohio. My cousin that lives in southeast Ohio is bringing her 2 granddaughters up for the weekend and to see the eclipse on Monday. They are so excited about it. All the schools in the area built the day off into their school calendar. The buses would be on the roads during the time leading up to the actual almost 4 minutes of the eclipse. My town is also expecting up to 70,000 people coming to see it (traffic nightmares for a town of 9,000). Estimates for the county are up to 130,000. The county only has 45,000 in population. The reason my town is expected to be the place to be is because it is the hometown of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. We have a museum in town that is all things space and actually looks like a moon! The town is going all out with various events scheduled from Thursday to Monday. The city and county officials have put out lots of information about what to expect with the influx of people in town. They also suggest that we do all our grocery shopping, getting gas for the vehicles, prescriptions refilled etc before the weekend. Another thing they have talked about is the fact that the cell towers will be swamped with people trying to connect so service could be intermittent. They did say that if you can, we should connect our phones to wi-fi so that we would still have access in case of emergency. It really is interesting everything that the officials have been doing. They've been working on this for over 2 years to make sure they have everything covered. I can't wait!!! Here is a layout I did for a challenge at The Lily Pad in January that shows the path through Ohio.
    1 point
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