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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2023 in all areas

  1. I just used Algerian on a layout tonight. I used a paper from a kit and did a cutout of the numbers 2023. Then I added an inner bevel. The layout is for a challenge at The Lily Pad called "Finding Me in 2023". A template designer is hosting the year long challenge and provided the template for the "Finding Me". There will be one prompt each month for a layout. This month is hobbies... I've got to really think how I want to do that layout!
    5 points
  2. Some more free time on my hands so worked on Lab 6-05. The "Burst" shapes were easy enough to make and I included one that was already in PSP shapes. Making the "Halftone Papers" was fun and I experimented with a few, I also made two new gradients which has added more to my skills with PSP. The Cartoon words were really just duplicating and moving the lower layer a few pixels downward. What is happening as I don't seem to be able to insert the URL from the image in the gallery as I did before and zhave to result to inserting the image direct into the post
    4 points
  3. In the Netherlands we have a very old tradition of baking "Oliebollen" on New Year's Eve. These are so typically Dutch that there isn't a translation for it. New-year's doughnut or Dutch doughnut comes nearest. I didn't bake them myself but bought a few at a stall in the shopping center where they are freshly baked and sometimes still warm. I cann't imagine celebrating the New Year without "oliebollen" and this tradition is as strong as ever judging at the length of the queue at the stall.
    3 points
  4. Here is my Lab 13-1. I may have accidentally posted it in the old forum, though how that could have happened, I am unsure. The colors are from the Feb 2023 Pixelscrapper Blog Train. Um, more or less - I don't excel at colors. I made some of the patterns in Spark.
    3 points
  5. here are some of my layouts I made during this Weekend für Challenges
    3 points
  6. Lab 13 - 01: Stencil Design Papers : thematicgnoliapatch.blogspot.com 2 Scripts : Creation Cassel : cass-bow3 and cass-RibbonFactory Alpha : cass-RustedAlpha Own pictures. A walk in 2019, with my best friend Poncho, enjoying nature, the beautiful sky, the flowers....
    2 points
  7. I used the template from 2021 - changed the font for the year and chose my favorite or significant layout for each month.
    2 points
  8. just a test to upload an image directly in the post ?
    2 points
  9. Anja, I'm also a fan of the last one 'Cherish'
    1 point
  10. Beautiful Anja. I especially love the Cherish one.
    1 point
  11. Ann what a great layout and a great idea to have 12 of your favorites. Rene, I love that picture and the title Finding me 2023. fabulous!
    1 point
  12. Awe... I see Annie in there! A big loss for our community! That layout is great!
    1 point
  13. Hi, Still trying to find my way around this new forum layout. Had some time on my hands so did another lab, 6.04. The layout template I downloaded from 6.04 and its called April 16. The silhouette was created from a photo of myself (It's rare for me to be in a photo because I'm normally behind the lens) and the banner was created form the download and used as the title .
    1 point
  14. There it is!! Cute cats. Always like what DBMagnolia posts.
    1 point
  15. Yes, it was one of those many settings in the backend that was set for admins but not for members. I could not see the difference until Ann pointed it out. ?
    1 point
  16. The "drag files" dialogue has not been there for me until now. I used "choose files". This is the only NYE layout I have done. My NYE is usually spent at home and I am in bed early.
    1 point
  17. From the album: ANN SEEBER - MISCELLANEOUS

    Word Art by Sue Thomas Trees - tutorial in Lab 12-Mod 12 City-cass picture tube Stars - Gingerscraps Vintage Christmas All other decor: Scandinavian Christmas Clip Art
    1 point
  18. From the album: Lab 12

    Background paper from Pixel-Scrapper few years ago..
    1 point
  19. Can someone help? What could be the problem that the line thickness does not stay as set?? The smaller my circle the thicker the line gets even though I don't change anything
    0 points
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