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Scrap Bootcamp - April 2022


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I didn't join the bootcamp this time as I want to work through the Labs. However, I do enjoy seeing what everyone posts. Rookies are really not rookies - they, too, have beautiful layouts.

Love your post on the sandwich, Susan.

Pirkko, always love to see what you post - I like your perspective on things!

Nel and Susanne - beautiful layouts!

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I agree with Mary, Nel (#75198) and Susanne (#75213) have beautiful layouts.


Here is mine.  Papers, trees and snowflake scatter are from Digital Scrapbook.  Little fox from Creative Fabrica. Photo is mine. Fonts are Loving Austin (from Creative Fabrica) and Segoe Print (windows font).


Ann, I love you plate, I'm going to have to learn how to cut my sandwich...I am supposed to be civilized after all ?.


I added the fox cause he is cute and the right color and why not?  I hope I got the shadowing right on him, didn't make sense to have it below him as he's supposed to be laying on the frame.

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Yes Susan, I need to learn how to cut my sandwich too!


Carole, I got the bacon at https://www.digitalscrapbook.com/


Project 1--I spent today at the hospital with my husband, for a procedure he had scheduled. The font is Jt Distressed, which I think probably describes my husband today/tonight. We got up at 4 am, to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. Long day. It is my prayer that he sleeps well at the hospital tonight.



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Sandy (#75180) glad that you are getting answers to your questions. Everyone has been a beginner and your questions are certainly helping others.


Nel (#75198) glad to see your first project. If I can offer a suggestion, for the confetti, make the shadows smaller and less blurred because they are small and flat on the paper.


Suzanne (#75213) yes, the sandwich exercise is just an exercise, but it is always fun to share and read the stories that everyone is posting. Your birthday girl project is lovely. You are very consistent with the shadows too. Good job.


Susan (#75218) although the fox is a bit small on this resized version of the layout, it looks like the shadow is correct. What is important is that you actually questioned it instead of just applying a "standard" shadow. By asking yourself the question, it shows that you understand the principle.


Alan (#75227) that is an interesting way to put the title. Not many people use the vertical text! May I suggest that you move the text a little so it would not overlap two different surfaces?


Linda (#75235) I never expected that we would get a "live" event in our projects of the day! :)  It is great that you added a piece of solid color for the text. It makes is always easier to read.


I know that this is coming toward the Easter weekend and some might be away from the computer. I will still be around if you have questions. And keep your projects coming!

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Here is my result for Scrap Bootcamp – April 2022 Day 3


I used my previous work as a template - I'm getting really lazy...

but why reinvent the wheel - huh

the image dawn is from cellphone :)

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Alan what sweet picture, baby lambs, it doesnt get much cuter than that.


Linda, I hope everything is going well and your hubby is well rested (as one can be after a procedure - I've had back surgery so I get it about not sleeping in the hospital).  I'm blown away you could make a layout while being there.


Pirkko, Wowzers! that's are beautiful sunrise and layout. I love how the sun is shining through your yellow strip.  Very cool.





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Yeah... my second bootcamp.


I was inspired by the sandwiches made by Pirkko, Alan, Ann, and Linda and just had to have a go at doing it differently. Additional images are from digitalscrapbook.com


Carole - the sandwich exercise is a great way of teaching and showing how layers work in paintshop pro. Thank you

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Susan - He is home and sleeping now....but last night at 11 pm they had to take him back into the OR because of bleeding. I didn't do the page while I was at the hospital, but in the evening when I was home....and before I had to run back to the hospital for the 'back to the OR' emergency. Time for both of us to get some rest.


I see some creative meals!


Yes, we are heading into Easter weekend. I will be cooking. We no longer have little kids, and no grandkids, and given the past few days, it is going to be pretty low-key and scaled back here, as we celebrate the Resurrection.  I will be watching for new posts.

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Here is my table and sandwich.  I decided to make it a half sandwich and use a child's theme for the whole thing.  The tablecloth, cookie, and ball were all downloads from Digitalscrapbook.  The center of the plates I filled with a pattern I created from the Spring Palette colors.
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OK. Lots of more questions. Once I have finished setting the table with the sandwich minus tablecloth ( haven't found a way to put that on the table yet), how do I save my work so I won't have to start from scratch next time. I noticed that when I click 'save' it will only save one highlighted picture, so when I get back next day, being as slow as I am, I have to restart all over again...good practice, but it's like one step forward and one backward! Still on lesson 2 ?


And...when I have the table setting as I want it, how do I get it to 'merge' in one image rather than a collection of layers?



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Sandy, if you save your work with Save as... and choose the .pspimage format, it will keep all your layers intact so you can continue your work later, or revisit it if you change your mind.


If you want to merge it, you can simply save it as .jpg and it will automatically merge all the layers into a single one, which you can then post (but you will also have to resize it to 600 pixels and save a copy with -600 in the filename so it won't overwrite the "good" version).

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Hi everyone,


I finally have time to play catch-up and am going through all the emails and tutorials. I'm using 2021 Ultimate and my workspace is set to dark grey and background is med grey. I don't really do scrapbook pages, I just edit photos but have been wanting to learn more about layers and layouts. I used to print out photos all the time then when I went to a DSLR I didn't have film to print anylonger and now they all sit in my computer.   The picture I used is my sister, I made her wear the crown, fairy wings, and the birthday girl button for her birthday a few years ago.  She was a sport and humored me!

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Sandy - the 'table' is just a layer under all the other layers. And, if you have more than one file open, when you 'save', it is saving the one that the title bar is active on. If you click on the title bar of what you want to save, and save as a PSP image, all the layers will be there the next time you open it. I hope that makes sense. Carole Cassel is very good teaching and walking you thru the steps!
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Pirkko (#75244) I LOVE how your page turned out!!! That is stunning!


Sharla (#75251) I am glad you like this exercise. That is exactly why I created it because layers are so important. I guess I will go get myself some bacon, as it is making me hungry!


Suzanne (#75253) I see some different cheese in there too! I also gather that your silverware is probably easier to handle than my "blocky" ones!


Linda (#75254) I hope he feels better and everything will settle for him.


Liz (#75256) what will you drink? You might be like me. When I was growing up, my mom always said we could drink AFTER the meal, not during.


Alan (#75268) yes the difference is  notable. Isn't it amazing how some small changes can make a project so much more eye-pleasing?


Anne (#75304) I guess kids have a smaller appetite so a half sandwich is enough for them!


Sandy (#75305) looking forward to your lunch!


Megan (#75312) welcome to the Campus and the Bootcamp. Even as a non-scrapbooker, going through the exercises will give you some practice with the various tools, and you might get some ideas to showcase your photos too (we have several other non-scrapbookers in the Campus).


Tomorrow, you should get the second project tutorial. If you have not completed the first one, don't worry, you will still have plenty of time to catch up.

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