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Template Workshop 2022


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Hey Marvin,


Your Philmont layout brought back good memories. My son, now 34, had many good times at Philmont. Went the whole nine yards to Eagle Scout. He learned leadership  which gave him the ability to be a Resident Assistant (RA) at university and now he does very well as a computer engineer at his company. Can't say enough about boy scouts. Great preparation for life.


Thanks for the memories



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This was quite a challenge for me related to working through it, understanding what was done, and getting time to do it.


Images – Created using the Kaleidoscope in Paint Shop Pro from the same original image. It is good that we can save Instant Effects because getting the right rotation with the five points is something I would not want to have to figure out each time.


Materials - from the kit mentioned by Carole (Maris Lerin's kit called Change ) but sometimes different colours than what Carole used.


Change Colour – When I changed one of the flowers with Hue and Saturation, there was a bit of red colour which I thought was Okay so I left it that way.


Font – Microdot


I really like learning how to do things better with PSP and this was certainly containing good things for me.


Thank you, Carole.  This template workshop has added a number of things AND reinforced what was taught in other workshops and other learning I have been involved in.  Maybe some things will become automatic someday.

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To conclude my story about the balloon I made a cover using the diamond template 2 from the workshop. I saved it until last with a cover in  mind. During the ride the flame from the burner was very noticable and it was also rather hot. That's the reason I choose the font JT Fire, which I have for a while (a freebie by Creative Fabrica). The flames are an overlay with a reduced opacity. For the paint splash I reduced the opacity too to let it blend in more with the photo, otherwise it was too white for my liking. Normally I don't use bright orange much but the balloon dictated that color so to speak.


I loved doing this workshop and the chance it gave me to relive my balloon adventure!

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Corrie - Love your trip in a hot air balloon!, Ann - The Big Cats - WOW. Everyone - love what you have done in this workshop. Pirkko - the kaleidescope layout was just beautiful. Lynda - I see you made it from Chicago to LA. I have been on Route 66 at various times through the years - even made that short jog through Kansas, but stopped short of LA. Alan - like your layouts and I see that you do Video Studio too - so do I. Gerry - Always like what you show us. Lynn - that is beautiful - walking through life with the one you love. Marie-Claire - glad to see you are back in the game; hope you are feeling better. IT's been great going through all the layouts posted. I sometimes go back from page 1 all the way through. Thanks, Carole, for working this up. It has really pushed me this time and that is good.

Here is my final one. Had a hard time deciding how to do this one as most of my pics are horizontal and my brain is tired!!

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Here is my Day 7 Template project. I used the papers from Marisa Lerin's kit offered with the lesson. I decided to go with garden flowers and used elements and ribbons from  Jessica Dunn, Janet Kemp, Sheila Reid, Marisa Lerin and Melo Vrijhof at Digital Scrapbooking. I used the Hue and Saturation tool on the red background and on one of the ribbons and the Hue map on the watering can. I did not have a wood panel pattern, so I looked for  wood panel colors on line and used one of  them to make a background graphic I could use with the pattern option in PSP for the text. Thank you Carole for these workshops. I have learned so much about PaintShop Pro and I enjoy every one of the classes and the workshops.
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These are the final templates. Template 6 diamond, 7, and 7 diamond


Carole, Thank you so much for this workshop, it was a lot of fun to do.

There were too many pages to comment, I couldn't follow. So many different ideas.

Very nice workshop!

Everyone did such a great job

Thank you Mary Solaas, I still suffer from a stiff neck from the fall, but other than that I'm fine :-)

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Ann - Thank you for bringing attention to this problem with pictures of these magnificent cats. I have sent both of my senators, neither of whom are cosponsors, an email urging them to support the bill when it comes to a full vote. Sadly, I live in one of few states that have no regulation at all.
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I was inspired by Corrie and Ann to make a cover page.  What a pleasure to still see so many beautiful pages coming.


Ann, that's a beautiful page.  I saw a show about people that go around the world rescuing big cats from circus's.  they live in horrid conditions and are treated inhumanely.  I cried my way through the whole thing.  Sad to say but humans are a scourge on this planet.  I hope that bill gets passed.


This layout is much darker looking than when I have it in PSP.  Is that because of it being a jpg file not having as much image information as the full size PSP file?


Fonts are ABeeZee (I think might be google font, was in my font viewer I got) and Samantha Upright from Creative Fabrica (it finally came on sale - the full version with many many glyphs).

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Susan nice to see that we inspired you and you made a lovely cover! I often make an extra page on a project and use that as a cover. I probably will make a printed album with a lot of my work and a cover indicatres the theme or the workshop. I did so last year and it really was a conversation piece!
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Carole, I am having problems with #3. When I try to clip paper to the circle either with clip to it script or manually, it makes the whole image black when creating the mask (no white). I have used the script on the other 2 areas, and it works fine. I hope that I have explained this well.... Thanks
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Nancy, it might be a simplistic question, but is the correct layer active. For the Clip-to-it to work, you have to have the paper (or photo) layer active, which should be just above the shape. If you try to convert the shape to a mask group (doing part of the job of the Clip-to-it manually), then you start with the shape layer as active. Maybe you have the shape layer active, while it should be the layer above it?
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Thank you Corrie, that means a lot.  Both you and Ann do themes that inspire me, and it's making me think in those terms.  It really does help to decide on photo's and layouts when you have a theme in mind.  It will be 1 year in May (Bootcamp 2021) that I started my PSP journey.  It was the start of this year that I really started to put the time in, thanks to the workshops. I have come a long way and have a long way to go, which is exciting too.
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Here is my result for Cass-Template5-Diamond


the verse is from the Bible - a stunning prediction of the future

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Carole, I have a problem.


I try anew Template Day 2. It works but when I get to the inner circle something went wrong. I choose my solid colour take the right raster but .... as you see in my screenshot. I see my colour inside raster 5 but not on my template. What is wrong?


I followed your instructions step by step and I don't know what causes the problem. I'm clueless.

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