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Quick Page Workshop - Feb 2022


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It was interesting this time with "erasing" parts of the pics that were intruding in the other areas. However, one thing I noticed was how a picture can show through 3 masks. Hm! Anyway, I am probably going to redo my 1 and 2 pages since I am not as happy as I am with this one which I think went well with the feeling the QP gave me - it has a small paper with city buildings on it. Anyway here is the result. I have slowed down because of things happening here at home.
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Quick Page Workshop 4. For this project I used pictures from my hometown Würzburg: Large picture shows he Fortress on the hill (Marienberg). The smaller pictures, show another view of the fortress, City Hall and the Chapel on the hill across from the fortress. Of course, one of the fur-kids insisted to be be part of it and is enjoying the view from the old river bridge. Font (ghosthey) is from Creative Fabrica.
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QP-4Extra I used a few of my Valentine projects, some of them showcasing the fur-kids, then added the Heart Cluster from KSD Designs. The font is Fiolex Girls. I had that for quite a few years  and cannot recall where I found it. I am having a lot of fun during the workshop. Thank you Carole!
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Susan, yes, in a way, you have to give up a little flexibility, for the speed of creating a page. That Eraser tool is so friendly once you know it!


Euka, what kind of reptiles do you have? My son had ball pythons for a while. Although I was not thrilled when he brought home a dozen, I learned not to mind them.


Monique, congratulation on the grandchild!!! Welcome to the grandmas' club! It is interesting to see the same photo on different pages.


James, maybe you can call it a "Shoat". My son built a "Sh-igloo" one winter! I even made a layout about it!


Pirkko, you really change the colors a lot! Great way to make those pages unique.


Ann S., such a nice addition with the birds. That wedding party photo was perfect for that wide area! Panoramic photos are perfect for that page.


Trish, nice and colorful photos.


Paul, are you coloring with PSP or by hand? When I was a teen, I colored a large mandala (~3 feet diameter). I kept it framed, but it got damaged in a flood :(


Anne, looking forward to our spring (but the groundhog said it would still be a while).


Corrie, did you eat the other cookies?


Julie, even with photos from Unsplash, you can still tell an interesting story for all.


Mary, quick-pages are not using masks but just holes, which is why they can "show through more than one area". If they were masks, it would not happen. You will see that in the Masks Workshop, next week.


Jean, those times seem to long ago, right?


Anita, you have a well-travelled cat!


Sharon, don't over-think!!! Just enjoy the quick process.


Bonnie, I love those pickleball photos: everyone is always smiling!

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Carole is early tonight, or I am late, or maybe both!


I went waaay back for these photos too, August 2010. A time when we still had kids at home.


It takes me so long to pick the photos, I over-think it too. This one needed a wide photo and had to think about what to look for. And can you use the selection tool instead of the eraser?



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QP4-Extra: Adam, My Hauspanther. We adopted him from the shelter when he was two (lower right photo) and he's 12 this year (large photo). He spends his time sleeping, of course, or up high, guarding his territory from his annoying younger "sister" Eve. He loves to guard me in the bathroom where he insists on having the sink filled with water so he can drink from the "pool." I have a meme that describes his mindset perfectly, which I'm posting here, also.


Edit: I've experimented with the Selections/Freehand/EdgeSeeker and once I added a layer beneath the template I had another place for a photo, which I used at reduced opacity to give the impression this Big Guy was watching over my Hauspanther from the clouds. ;-)

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