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Masks Workshop 2022


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(#72427) what is the name of your dog again? (#72429) I think I recognize those paw prints. Are they one of the freebies from the blog? (#72453) That background is surprisingly subtle and lets the edges of the mask show very well.


Carole, the name of my dog is 'Poncho'

Indeed, the paw prints come from your blog

For that background, I selected a square from the white wall at the top of the windmill with some of the shadows added. With brightness and contrast I adjusted the entire background so that it wasn't too dazzling or too dark


I should add some more explanation, but it's often late when I upload my work, and then I've messed around so much to get the desired result, that I can't quite remember what I've done ?

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Lynda #72117 Marie-Claire, Love what you did with this lesson. Are these your photos, they are lovely.


Lynda, I notice I haven't seen your message.

Thank you, and to answer, yes so far I still use my own photos. But they will eventually run out. We haven't been on vacation much.

The pictures I take now are only on our walks with the dog.

So always the same environment, and our dog is very much my model. Unfortunately, there is not much diversity.

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Hi,  With the picture I chose, I did not have any brushes that kind of matched, so I opened a blank canvas, did the mask as per the video only in black, then I found a wine bottle and glass in Berna's Playground, Saying Goodbye Freebie.  I used the hue and saturation to make the elements black, then merged with the mask.  I then did the instructions from Lesson 1 to turn it into an actual mask, then added my photo. The frame and grape element are from a free mini I downloaded from Digicats called Rosario's Pizzeria.  The wordart was from The free Ultimate Quotes Bundle 3, which I am sure I downloaded from Creative Fabrica.  I guess I could have made brushes from the elements, which I did after with the wine glass, and it was easy to do.  After making it I realized I probably should have used the hue and saturation to darken it, as I would have to darken it afterwords, unless I wanted it to be faded as it shows in the pic.
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Re:  Lois, (#72469) what background did you use for that page? It matches perfectly with your image.


The background was made using a colour from the image and adding a texture (not sure where I got it from) to it with a soft blend.  I then added a page frame overlay that I obtained from Digital Scrapbook using a burn blend.



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Marie Claire,


I totally understand. We have been house bound since last March and it gets tiresome taking the same photos day after day and there are no kids running around now. We did get some beautiful ice crystals on the trees the other day. Looked like jewels. Fortunately, I have a lot of pictures from previous times.


Your dog is beautiful. Reminds me of my grandparents collies.


Keep up the good work.



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OK, I'm ready with lesson 5. I made a two page scrap with several photos of our most recent RV travel. I used the colors in the balloons and sky to make the plaid and lesson 5 for the masking technique. I arranged the photos and merged visible to a new layer then made the mask on all the photos at the same time. All the photos, except the sunset were taken from the truck  (tow vehicle). That was fun!
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Hello Everyone,




Just had a look at your Mask projects they are fabulous.


I signed up for the Quick Pages and the Mask Workshop but time hasn't allowed me to get right into it, but I have just started the first mask project. Hopefully I can finish it this evening and post it on the forum. I can't believe how far behind I am.


There really are some lovely creative pages on the forum.

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In answer to your question "Did you use the kaleidoscope tool to create the large background pattern?" Yes I did. It was actually a mistake. It took me a bit to figure out the smaller kaleidoscope backgrounds.


BTW Great respect here, I don't know how you look at everyone's creations and comment on each one personally. It is a great talent. Thanks



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I have tried to work on Mask assignment #2. It has been a distracting week for me with deadlines all around for other work I do, and a vet emergency (that worked out, thank goodness). I continue to have so much trouble with all the steps to convert to  a mask. I have spent too much time on it already, and just gave up on the plaid part. Wouldn't work for me at all! This is as far as I got, and it's a mess, but I know folks here are kind. I will continue to practise!!!
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Here's my Masks-Day5 - Logan-Yum! Followed Carole's video pretty closely; used a gradient for the background and applied a leather texture. This was the day of great-grand Logan's first birthday, in the morning, during breakfast at home. The title font is Mama and the smaller one for "yum!" is called Milkimo Cheesecake. I created a square frame with rounded corners and filled it with gray and applied a bevel.
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