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Up-to-date Challenge - 2022


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Linda J : I made the grid on the vector layer with pen tool, very simply but... mmm... take the time... These templates are so awesome.. quickly and easy :)
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So many wonderful pages  in the  making.  So many different topics being displayed, from flowers, TV series to windmills.  Not forgetting , which is one of my passions in  observing and photographing,  birds.


Pirkko, I hope you don't mind me  commenting, and correcting you in the  species  of owl you posted.  I believe it's not a Great Grey Owl, the markings resemble a Northern Pygmy Owl.   They are  much smaller, and  have a very coy expression about them.  I have attached a few pics of the Great Grey Owl  which  I took myself.    As  for the Snowy Owl,  it's a young female.  As she is heavily marked with variable black barring.


I like to add a little interesting info about the  birds and other creatures I shoot, to my calendars and other projects, for those that are interested.

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it is ok Sue :)  Thank you for the incorrect fix - my mistake


it should be margarita noctua - pearl owl... wasn't it


I saw so many owls in google...the names got mixed up, my apology for the error

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Thank you Cassel, I found the invert button.  Well, wouldn't you know.  I went to screen shot the resize issue and it worked like it always does.  I did something wrong obviously.  I hate when I don't learn what that "something" is.  It worked today.  thank you.


What beautiful images I'm seeing in the forum.  Inspiring.  Sue, OMG!  those owls are amazing.


Ann, I love your backgrounds, it really adds that little extra wow.

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Susan, thank you for the  compliment on my photography.  I used the one  photo to create a birthday card for my son-in law.  He worked at  the Welsh Hawking centre for a while. Of all the birds, his favourites  are the Owls.   I now see them  in the wild, he got to handle them in captivity. My parents used to take  my brother and I there when we were children.
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I only got one done today, too much to do again...sigh...  I have a limited number of fonts installed at the moment, because I have a new laptop. So I need to get the fonts off my old laptop, I have to add that to the list. Didn't use any glyphs, but I did use the copyright symbol on the photo, and did experiment with the character map.


Carole, yes, I had the setting wrong on the fill tool!


So enjoying seeing all the calendar pages from everyone!


Just wondered--on our profile photos on the left, what does the number under the photo mean? Maybe that is a silly question?

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Pirkko, beautiful pages. I think using the templates will make the whole process faster, especially when doing 12 pages!


Matsugirl, where are those photos from? They "look" Canadian! :)


Monique, as I have never been to the Netherlands, it is a definite trip for me. It is interesting that a font is the name of an artist!


Barry, as I saw this post, I forwarded you my copies. Let me know if you receive the others or I will send you copies again.


Ann, the Broadway font is a common one, and I think it suits your theme very well.


Anne, interesting to see the backgrounds being themed, and not just the photos.


Daphne, it is fun to see the gradients match the flowers!


Anita, out of curiosity, what will be the theme for your calendar?


Linda, the number under your profile photo is the number of posts you have in the forum. However, there is often a longer number (I thought only admins saw that). This is your IP I think.

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Today I got March and April done.  I wasn't able to get pictures ready for this challenge and I am spending most of my time just finding pictures, before I do a daily challenge.  I have an idea of what kind of pictures I want to use, I just need to find them! lol  I think I need to spend some time getting the pictures tagged.  That is a huge job that I haven't been wanting to face doing.


Cassel, I live in Alaska.  Most of my pages will probably be pictures of mountains in Alaska.  I love mountains! :)

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Wow, I love to see all the calendars posted... Beautiful pages! And I also love the 2022 templates.


I haven't started working with it yet, and I  know that I will not do it in the coming days.  However, I will finish it before Christmas!


But, I will come by here and there to admire what everybody is doing. Great job, Everyone!

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Well, I did part of my homework. I did up July totally, so far, but now have to go back and revise the earlier pages.


As a side note, if you were wondering how I get color under the mask. I use the PHOTO HERE layer and apply a color while also reducing the size of the photo a bit with the pick tool.

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Wow!  These are fabulous pages.


Ann, you page is stunning.  the gradient is perfect and I love what you did with the frame/photo, it makes the photo show better.  Inspiring.


I love seeing all the critters (cats, dogs and more) and the flowers and scenery is so beautiful.


Matsugirl, I thought it look very much like Rockies coming from the Alberta (CAN) side.  Alaska is a wish for me...someday.


Sue, there are no words, that photo is captivating!  I love any/all nature.  I get teased at work because I stop to pick up a dried leaf cause it looks cool.  I must've have the co-workers trained because now they spot cool leaves, feathers, what have you.  (I also drag unwitting co-workers to "stains" on the warehouse floor to look at the picture I see in them, or the color in the spines of flyer bundles, I know, crazy isnt too far off a description for me).


Here's my May & June, changed the font resized and moved it, but will move it again I think.  This font didn't have any extra characters and I looked for ones I liked that did, but didn't find any.  Now I know how to find the character map, so I'm happy with that.

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I like that "lock transparency" button...when I remember to lock and unlock.  I learned pretty quickly what happens when I forget to lock.  I used a grey for the weekends, red for holidays and yellow for family birthdays.  In July my mom's b-day falls on Mothers day, she would have been 92 in 2020.  She was 35 when she and my dad adopted me; best day ever!
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This calendar is for my mom. The pictures are of the person(s) who have a birthday that month, in this case, my middle niece Heather.


The open space on the left will list the birthdays and anniversaries of family, cousins, friends, etc., as well as the holidays. I will put icons on the calendar and next to the listings. The challenge will be October when there are 8 birthdays plus a holiday and Halloween!


The font for the month is Beauty Florist from Creative Fabrica.

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Just a month to let you know I'm still here and slowly progressing. This is for the calendar with the photos from my village and because this calendar will be with buildings, mills, churches I have choosen the font Colonna MT which is a bit statuesque. The birthday calendar has the same photos and font but no dateboxes, only lines with the date numbers. I'll do that when I have all the pages ready, that will go quickly. This week my time is fairly limited; there have been month with nothing happening and now everything comes in the same 2 weeks.
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