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Up-to-date Challenge - 2022


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First of all, come and say HI once you register for this challenge.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to challenge us.


Every page we will make will be different, based on each others' photos, stories, and preferences but we can all get inspired by everyone's projects.


Once the Challenge is started, on October 18th, you can post your pages in here.


Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces.


Now, let's get ready and stay ... up-to-date!


(if you missed the registration link or if you found this thread before I announce it, HERE it is)

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Hi Everyone!


I am in!  Like all the other challenges, I get so much inspiration from the participants... I always give one to my mother-in-law, so I try to find photos of places she has been with us. But with the restrictions, this has been more difficult the last two years... If I don't find it, there is always Unsplash, Pixabay, and others. :)

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I am in, too! I did this challenge last year and sent it to my family in Mendocino, Northern California. I heard my granddaughter-in-law's mother has it on her wall in Colorado! Boy, that calendar travelled! I haven't settled on a topic yet, though it looks like my granddaughter's wedding this past June generated a lot of photos, so that's probably my best bet. The wedding colors were navy blue and silver. The famous wedding Flower Bros have already been featured in one of my layouts but there's lots more where that came from. Here are Tyler and Maverick dancing down the aisle.. ;-)
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I'm glad to be in too! This time round I won't show flowers, I have done that last year on  more then one challenge. I was hoping that there would come a calender for 2022, so I have been taking photos of my village this year with a calender in mind. And 1 photo per page will suit me and my photos fine! I'm curious to all the pages that will be produced!

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The last go round this was a fun project ... and I am sure it will be this time, too!  Looking forward to seeing all of you and your work!  Now that we "kind of know" what we are doing ... might be fun to step outside the box.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome everyone.


You will notice that the instructions will NOT allow you to finish pages in the first couple of days, so DO NOT post your pages until near the end of the week. I know that some participants are veterans and know how to use templates way before they go through the tutorials, but I would not want to discourage newcomers who might be puzzled if they see complete pages while the tutorials are not available.


If you want to post something, post the UNFINISHED pages, pertaining to the tutorial in question.

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I did the first lesson and here's my January with a photo of my granddaughter Anna. This will be her Christmas gift. Last year I did one for her brother and his wife and new baby, Magic, so this year it's Anna's turn. Can anyone guess the theme?

Still to come, background and something to the left of the date box.


Edit: I flood filled the background with white and then I also edited the mask.

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Hi all, I participated last year, but broke my arm when it was ready to print, so couldn't do anything with it (printng I mean)


So this year new try, really looking forward to see everyone's projects :)


I don't know yet what/which photo's I will use. We've been to the Open lucht museum in Arnhem the other week and I made a lot of pictures of mills, so maybe I will use those :)




Have fun everyone! :)



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Here is my January 2022 Calendar page so far. I could not resist of turning the snow-man into a snow-cat. I found the Alpine Winter picture and the snowman on line a few years ago when I did a google search on winter images. I added the "I love Snow" to the snowman sign and used what I learned during scrapbook campus about drop shadows, duplicating vector layers and converting to raster layers, to be able to use 3D effects and inner bevel on text. YTou might have to click on the calendar to see the larger picture.
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This is my January page. I'm planning to make 3 different calendars this time, because the one from last year was a big succes; it made wonderful gifts. So calendar 1 will be with photos from my village which I took this year. Calendar 2 will be a birthday calendar, that means no datebox only straight lines with the numbers 1 - 31, on which the names can be written.I had a request for such a calendar. And calendar 3 has flower photos and will be in German for the mother-in-law of my daughter who loves flowers. She has cut out the photos from this year's calendar after the month was over  and used them in some projects of her own.


I hope I have time enough to complete all three and I will show once in a while (not every day) one of the three in progress. Wish me luck and lots of free time which this week is already a problem. We have choosen and ordered new furniture and after a waiting period of 5 month it will be delivered tomorrow! The next day we have the 50th wedding anniversary of very dear friends and after that there are more appointments. But in the end it will hopefully work out fine.

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Hi everyone ;


I have not participated much as Carole will know but I love her calendars but the last one's I did were about 3 or 4 years ago  and so I hope to be able to finish this lot as I do so enjoy using my Pomeranian photo's that I have taken over many years and love having them up on display for the year in print.


I do hope to get to know some of you and I will enjoy seeing all your work



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