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Magazine Challenge 2021


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I think I've done something wrong with  day 7 ...............


I made squares (and yes I duplicated whole mask layers and moved them to the spot I wanted (bit lazy ;) )


But also on the original mask top left, my picture isn't as bright as it should be. The funny tree on the right is also like it's in a fog......what have I done wrong creating the mask> ( I think that must be it)

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Val - My Dad was a Scout Leader here in Maine for many years as my brother was a Scout.  I have allowed Scouts to camp in my woods from time to time to earn badges.  Always makes me a little leery with campfires, etc., but we have never had any incidents.  They have always been well supervised.  :)  Loved your pages.


In keeping with my theme, From the Window, I tried putting two on the pages today, but I really wanted to use the birds large to see the unruly feathers.  So only one to a page, but I did alter the template a bit.  Not much, but enough for the lesson and to get the drift of what is done.


Back to outdoors to get ready for whatever "On-ree" is bringing to us.  I think I am ready for whatever blows our way ... just a few more planters to move.  I laughed when I saw the weather channel spelling it that way - like we don't know how to say it.

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And here's the back cover of my magazine (page 8) and I snagged one of the "extra" templates to do it. The background photo of a brown thrasher coming in for a landing is at opacity 30 / luminescence. The highlighted photo is overlooking our Hudson Valley region, shot from up in the Catskills. I've also included my "storyboard" showing all my pages.


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This is the beach that was a favourite of ours, especially when the children were growing up, (from toddlers) we would search the Rock pools looking for crabs, shells and other goodies. It was only a 15 min drive from home.  It was a little  further drive from the  home I grew up in. Here is my Day 7.  I used the  double  mask from the day 5 template, and created another one, as I needed 3. I justified the text, to be in keeping with  a magazine page layout. As for the  sunset photo, I used the selection tool to select the  sky, feather,  blend mode soft light, and a little opacity.  Otherwise the text wouldn't have shown up as well.
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Here is my day 7: the deadnettle in 2 colors. I used the template of day 5 and altered it using the tut on how to do it. I used again a gradient with the blendmode set to hardlight and a lowered opacity. I also gave it a pagenumber now all the pages are done and I can order them to my liking, which is not the order in which the were made.


I also made an introduction page and will give the other pages their number. I placed the numbers in a little green box and have that box on the right- or lefthand side of the pages. On the left of the introduction page are some little photos with a page number to make the readers curious to the rest of the contents. Maybe I'll extent this magazine over time so I didn't want to make the table of contents just yet. Of course a gradient and the same font + the calligraphy script font. Oh and I used one of the extra templates for this page, but I altered it (of course!!!).


I very much enjoyed this magazine challenge; it is possible to make great layouts without all the embellishments and papers of a normal scrapbook page. It was a pleasure to see all the different magazines that were made and we all learned a lot. Carole thank you so much!!!



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Day 7


Quick translation:


You don't have to take everything seriously in a garden or even in a garden inspiration park.


In a part of the park are experiment gardens.

Young, but also older gardeners, show, sometimes on the basis of a theme, their idea of a beautiful garden and maybe even to see what a garden looks like in

real instead of on paper.

A funny one was the qwerty garden on photo 4.


In the park there are also garden 'jokes" and special objects, like the wedding couple,the tree with old gardenstuff, a head made of a tree trunk.

The last one is standing there for years now, you see it detoriate, but it still has "something".

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To end this magazine challenge, it would need things real magazines have too, but will do that later. I think I'm gonna print it first, then look what it needs more, maybe change some colours etc......




But it was fun to do! The weather wasn't so great over here, so it was nice to make paper cards and for variety this magazine :)


Thanks Carole for the challenge! :)

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Well, some great things have been created on here with this challenge. I was all up for doing this and my week became busier than i anticipated it was going to be. I started the first page but could not for the life of me do something I thought would pass muster. I was going to have another go at it today, everything going well, H/W getting done and then it happened. I slipped in the kitchen, hit my knee and shoulder on the way down and have been in some discomfort ever since. I don't think I have bust anything but if I am in jyp tomorrow I will have no alternative but to go to A & E. So easily done and of course I was not wearing good enough footwear. Anyway, well done ladies, marvelous works of PSP art.
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Here is the final page of my magazine challenge project. Sue Thomas asked in a comment if I had ever carved a Celtic Love spoon and I have not. But the comment inspired me to create this last page. So, a big thank you, Sue T.


In the process of doing this project I have learned to become very proficient with creating and modifying masks. I will now use them more often in my work. I am definitely looking forward to another week-long challenge.


As this is the last page of this project, I wanted to thank everyone for sharing their wonderful ideas and interests with us. I have added some acknowledgements to this page to recognize a few whose comments were particularly helpful. Note: your names will not be shared outside this forum.


Until next time.

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Art, you have created a grand last page. The advert gives recognition to the craftsman. Who knows, perhaps one day you will turn your hand to creating Celtic love spoons. It always gives me great pleasure when I can inspire others.  I don't mind my name  leaving the forum, for anyone who reads the name, other than those in the forum, I  could be Sue Thomas the FBI agent!   lol
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Fiona, are you going to have a complete recipe magazine? That would be a fun way to share your favorite recipes!


Val, your magazine will really tell a nice story for your husband and the boys! And with fewer embellishments, you can create more pages faster too!


Minka, that will make for a nice double-page! And I also had a laugh when they called it "on-ree". That is OBVIOUSLY a French pronunciation but it is the first time I hear one of those hurricane names said like that! I can't even say it the same way English people say it, trying to do it in French, while I am French speaking myself! We might get some wind by Tuesday. Thirty years ago, we were hit by hurricane Bob.


Ann S., that is a great display of that trip. If you have more photos and stories, you can reuse any of the previous templates and tweak them, rotate them, etc.


Nadine, did you ever see a magazine with only 8 pages? You will HAVE to continue, reusing the templates again, tweaking them, or creating your own!


Karon, adding a page numbering makes your pages so realistic. Looking at them, I can definitely imagine them in a magazine. On pages 7 and 9 however, the justified text does not give the best result. I find that you will get good results with that alignment ONLY when the lines include many words. When they have few words, the spacing tends to look too obvious.


Sue, that was a very interesting trip to Wales. I have never been there, but now, I have had at least a glimpse of it!


Corrie, that table of content is fantastic! That is a great idea and you executed it very well too.


Monique, those are fun facts to share. They really have a sense of humor!


Marie-Claire, don't worry, the thread will stay open so you can post your projects as you complete them.


Sheila, take care of yourself. The lessons will still be there when you feel better!


Art, that is such a fun idea to incorporate the "reviewers". A nice touch! I hope you will create more pages for more of your woodworking projects!


Anne L., is one of your photos naturally "cloudy"? If not, maybe your mask is grey. If it is cloudy like that from the start, maybe you can use the Levels to make it match the others?

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Well, it’s day seven of the magazine challenge, and I am three days behind. I struggled today with both day five and six. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with day six and I fixed it. Then, I went back to day 5. When I inserted my pictures I’m into the template, my new mask was partly translucent. I could not figure out what I did for wrong, so I created new masks. I will post my creations tomorrow. I still need to add background and text.

Oh well, I am a little sad that I don’t have images to upload tonight. But it is what it is.

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