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Travel Tale Challenge 2021


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I'm impressed with the posting of the trip layouts.  Seems you all have a different idea in mind this time round.  I signed up as I really enjoy the Travel Challenge.  However, after getting home from our 3 week trip (which Laurie will showcase), we spent the past week with a big move that, Lynda, just like moving out, we ended up with Goodwill, trash, and "do you want this?" Things are finally settling down, and though it is day 3 tomorrow morning, I haven't firmly decided on which trip I will showcase this time.  It may be another trip that my daughter, Anna, and I took either in 2018 or 2019.  Or maybe I will showcase one I took 2 granddaughters on way back when to South Dakota and Wyoming.  Anyway.  You all are doing fantastic.  Really enjoy perusing your layouts.


Annie, as usual you are so unique - love how your layout leads the eye to the right and what comes next!


Anne - great display - like the background!


Ann - I enjoy detective stories and am looking forward to your fantasy trip!


Minka - 2 good layouts and small trips are always good.

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Annie T: Wow, you are just blowin' me away with both of your layouts. The backgrounds, the designs, the colors, the fonts: all are just PERFECT, Mma! ;-) I've now figured out you're going from Aussie-land to New Zealand but, do tell, did you find the background on your Day 2 or how did you create it??
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I am here. Just moving a little slow this time. We just got back from a big three week trip. (with Mary Lou) and had a wonderful time. When we returned home, we shuffled around three bedrooms in our house, which for us was a big move! Now I am on my way to Indiana, with my hubs,  to spend some time with my sis who is newly diagnosed with cancer. I have almost completed day 1 and 2 of the Challenge, but am struggling to clean up the little details, as we are driving 75mph on a bumpy highway.  I LOVE the pages, I have been seeing of everyone’s travels, and places they hope to see one day.
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It sounds like lots of us are juggling things right now. I chuckled at the thought of Laurie trying to erase that one last stray pixel when the car hits a bump. Hopefully, you will have a smooth road.


Growing up, we would drive from Alabama to Duluth, MN to visit my mother's Aunt Bonnie, a gregarious character who knew how to laugh and spin a yarn. Mother (holding the fish) loved to go fishing with her cousin who always had a pair of waders and a rod ready for her.


Aunt Bonnie raised parakeets which is why a random bird is looking at the fish.

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My Day 2 assignment; didn't realize it had to be a double but, oh well, here's my single Page Two. I have a short taxi trip from home to JFK airport on Long Island, NY and then fly to London, England, and then hop on down to Gabarone, Botswana. Actually, I think you have to fly to Cape Town, SA, first and then hop back to Gabarone, but I simplified it. The whole thing is a fantasy trip and is pretty much self explanatory. Nothing fancy except a small page curl on the lower left photo. Google got a workout from me!


Edit: I see it's hard to read the photo captions so here they are: Top Left is "Official Bird and Flower of New York State / Eastern Bluebird and Rose"; Top Right is "English White-bellied Swallow - Panteek Gallery"; the stamp lower right says: "BOTSWANA POSTAGE REVENUE - Secretary Bird - 5c"; and on the Lower Left is "African Jacana Bird, Chobe River, Botswana"

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Here are my day 1, 2 and 3, all on one double page. I waited for the poststamp on day 3 before I finished my page. That's the advantage of doing this challenge for the 2nd time! I reused the Holland-template I have and the flowerbunch  which I made earlier. I like to have a more or less set colorpalette for all the pages I'll make because they belong together. This time I will use the palette from the recent colorpalette challenge because it has nice colors to showcase my photos.
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Thanks Ann, greatly appreciated my friend. For the background paper I did a google search for 'oil paint brush strokes background'. I found a few that I liked. I resized the chosen one to 3600x3600 not bothering with the lock aspect ratio as it was only going to be an overlay. I used a sage green for the background and then put the overlay over that, blend mode to burn at 100% opacity as I wanted the green to really stand out. Very thrilled you liked it Ann as I recognized it would not be everyone's cup of tea! ;D
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Ann, Subway is quite popular here in Canada. The whole projects are suggested to be on double-pages as it gives you more room for photos, designs and stories, but you don't HAVE to.


Minka, it is fun to see the route made with dots. It gives a very different and effective look.


Anne, looking forward to more images of that vacation. Using something similar for more than one page can be a way to add consistency.


Annie, your day 1 looked like the beginning of a double-page. You surprised me with the Day 2. Do you have Day 1 page as a full page too?


Laurie, are you actually working on this while in the car??


Gerry, remember to add some text to your pages, even if it is only a date and a few details.


Corrie, it is quite ok to use your previous knowledge of the challenge and take advantage of it. If anything, you could have done a page without the datestamp and add to it on Day 3. It is likely that everyone will be tweaking their first pages anyways!

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I did my "Date Stamp" with no date for my Fantasy Trip to Botswana. I applied it to my Page Two and after many OTHER tweaks, I feel sort of happy with it.. (I replaced the art on the bottom right because I remembered this class from last year and knew I'd need my original later) ;-)
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If you don't know, Maine waters are COLD COLD COLD.  However, Newport sticks out into the jet stream just enough their water is CONSIDERABLY warmer than ours!  I like the beach but lately all I hear about are the sharks roaming around.  They are even tracking tagged great whites just off the coast.  I read an article from an ocean expert just this morning that said once you have gone past your knees consider yourself in the wild!  Now I am thinking POOL sounds good!  LOL  We generally tour around Ocean Drive and Thames St. and look at the Mansions which have mostly all been preserved by the historical society ... and then we head across the bridge to go shopping.   When I was young there was no bridge ... just a car ferry.  My sister and I used to walk downtown and get on the ferry for less than 50 cents - ride over to Jamestown and just didn't get off and made the trip back to Newport again.  That ferry ... is now a floating restaurant in Portland.  Newport was a huge Navy Base destination in those days and we spent a great deal of time on base as we were a Navy Family.  Seems like every other tour my Dad got was back to Newport.  That's why it feels like home.  While I have been away for a lot of years, my sister married and stayed there ... keeping it well in the family!
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