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April Theme Challenge - ZOO


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Have you ever visited a zoo? I am pretty sure almost everybody has, at least once in their life. And as parents or grandparents, we might have visited a zoo with the children too. Do you have some pictures or stories of some of those visits? It is time to tell us that story.


What will you show off?


Let's go!

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I consider the Irwins the royal family of Australia.  Steve was born in 1962, married Oregon gal Terri Raines, and they had two children, Bindi born in 1998, and Robert, aka Bob Bob, born in 2003.  Steve became known as 'The Crocodile Hunter' and his exploits are legendary.  His love of nature and conservation was what won the heart of Terri and Aussies alike.  His dad, Robert snr. actually started the zoo which is located in the Sunshine Coast of Queensland in 1979.  Steve tragically died at the age of 44 yrs whilst doing what he loved best, filming wildlife on the Batt Reef off the coast of North Queensland.  He was speared several times by a giant stingray the barb piercing his heart.  Terri, Bindi and Bob Bob hold no grudges against these giants and continue to operate Australia Zoo in honour of Steve.  YouTube has Steve's tv series ... many of ... and they are seriously educational.  Interestingly, Terri has not dated anyone since Steve's passing and she is one attractive lady so it says something about "true love" ... jus sayin!  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D



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No zoo royalty here ... If you live out in the sticks, zoo's are usually a hike and a half to get to. Maybe that's why zoo and animal shows are so popular on tv. I still have managed to get to a few in my lifetime and if they have them ... there is no doubt that the GIRAFFE's are where I would head first. I have always lived near the sea, so sea life, while thrilling, isn't the same as seeing things you don't normally get to enjoy. Giraffe's and Zebra's would do it for me. Gorgeous Irwin post, Annie. I don't think anyone will ever forget the Crocodile Hunter. He had a truly genuine draw not only in presence and knowledge, but just a darn infectious smile! It made you want to tag along!
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Annie, what a lovely layout about the Irving Family... I never watched the Crocodile Hunter's shows as the programs were not shown here, but I knew who he was and read about this tragic death.


Minka, this is a very nice and fun page... I also love the idea of adding the giraffe with glasses.

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Thanks dear Cristina. It was a sad day in Australia's history. He really was much loved and he was given a huge funeral. His daughter, Bindi, read out a eulogy she had written for him ... not a dry eye anywhere to be seen. Bindi was all of 8 yr old at the time ... such a brave little girl. Always appreciate your comments my friend. ;)
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Minka, I love that giraffe layout. Well done! My granddaughter is a zookeeper at Claws 'n Paws Animal Park in Pennsylvania. I told her we were working on zoo pages and she promised lots of photos. They have a wonderfully friendly giraffe named Jethro that I visited last summer. And my great granddaughter Magic in California has the giraffe as her totem, or so her Nana told me! ;-)
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Annie, lovely page to honor the Crocodil Hunter, who is well known overhere too. I have seen a lot of his films and documentaries on all kinds of animals on the telly.


When my granddaughters were living in Switserland before the family came to the States, I visited there often. A favourite trip was going to the Childrens Zoo in Rapperswil. There you could ride on an elephant! At first when the girls were little an adult had to come too and I can tell you the back of an elephant is definitiv. not comfortable to sit on!!!! Therefore I had to do this layout for this theme of the month.


Chanthalia Design has a lot of animal kits, so most of the elephants are hers. The banner I had in my stash and I put to title on it as well as the yellow elephants. The shadow on the banner is a bit difficult because it has not seperat layers to manipulate. The whole of the page is a bit grey, but that's what elephants are.

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Dear Corrie, I love this page, it is such fun. The elephant border with the diamond pattern is really effective my friend and on the whole draws the eye to the centre photo which is where you want it to go. Lovely my friend, well done. And, thank you very much for your lovely comment on my page, always appreciated. ;D
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Here's my take on ZOO. I decided not to make it about my granddaughter's workplace, Claws & Paws Wild Animal Park, in Mt. Ariel, PA where she's a zookeeper. This is a generic zoo though the info came from her place and two of the photos. I used Carole's Animal Print freebie alpha but I created the O's from Q's so they matched. The golden background paper is using the PSP pattern that came with the program. I guess Carole used it, also, as it matches the alpha. I took a block of color from the bird photo and created the ribbon and flood filled the background to create a border. The pattern I blurred and twirled to get that effect. I used the script to curve the photo top left which came from Claws & Paws. I extracted the top right bird from a Lorrie photo from the internet. The big cat prints are from Carole. The snake and the monkey are from my Safari kit. The Snow Leopard's name is Gabe and he resides at Claws & Paws. ;-)
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During the Johnny Appleseed Festival in Crystal Lake this guy brings his little farm animal zoo to town for the kids.  It is call "A Zoo to You" Kids and parents love it!


04-09-2021 I changed it up a bit.  Replaced one photo with ducks, added a cork frame, courtesy Carole's cork script, and added the "Zoo to You" logo

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Corrie - really like your elephant layout (and the story).


Lynda - always enjoy what you produce. And speaking of Johnny Appleseed, whatever happened to Jonathon apples???? They were always my favorite, whether for apple pie or just for eating - firm flesh and not too sweet.  I haven't seen them in the grocery for years.

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Wow ... my first visit back to this Zoo page since I sent mine.  I can't believe all the great postings!!!!!  Whether embellished or simplistic - they are each and every one fantastic!  Everyone has a different style and thanks goodness for that as it would be a pretty boring artistic world if we were all treading the same boards.  Lynda ... what kind of duck has a tuft on the top of his head?  Can we say CUTE with that!  I used to have ducks so kind of partial. :)  Never had one with a tuft on his head though.  I used to raise my own as my Dad built me an incubator.  Glad I had some fellow giraffe lovers.  My sister was our family elephant lover so we always had to go scout those out if at a park that had them.   Elephants were kind of rare in my area, but I would have been right there, for sure.   I have the Bali Elephant Park included on all my Earth Cam apps.  Do any of you follow EARTHCAM app sites (live feeds) around the globe.  It's wonderful to be able to pop in and out of locations all over the globe and see what people are doing in real time.  Big city or out in the sticks or even places you will never in your life get to go.  Great fun.  They even have one of a watering hole in Africa where the elephants will come to get a drink.  That's probably as close as I'll ever get.   Anyway, loved them all!!
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