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What are you working on (in April 2021)?


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Lynda, typically, when you resize, the checkbox for Lock aspect ratio is checked by default. If you size UP using PSP2021, it will use the AI-powered mode but then, it does not show the Lock aspect ratio. So, to check it, change the AI-powered setting to something else (like Bicubic), so you could see whether that box is checked or not. Once it is checked, you can go back to the AI-powered option, and select the thickness you want for the ribbon (then the length would automatically adjust).
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I am, once again, blown away with the creativity of this group. An inspiration in everyway! Way to go, everyone!


I have posted these layouts on Facebook but have procrastinated posting here...not sure why...I just need to get my backside in gear.


This was a template...Bourico Casper at Pixel Scrapper...template 28...




I do enjoy her work!


This is Poppy strutting her stuff with 3 of her tricks.

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Template by a soon to be designer at Pixel Scrapper. She offers lots of templates. This one was difficult because, IMHO, there were not enough layers. Of course, you know me...making tons of modifications.


Lucy Kitcher is a pickleball pro and a Brit. Tons of fun on this trip, even if Penny didn't want me to go!

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Bonnie, I am overwhelmed to be able to comment on each page but dang are they good! You have been very busy ... obviously! Thanks for the link to Hilde Van Bruyssel's template, it is really lovely and I shall have to have a play with it ... as you do! Thanks my friend, enjoyed perusing. :D
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OK, I am working on completing the set I began in March of the trip my brother and I took to the Glass Bridge in 2014.  It seems that I need to do 2 layouts to finish the trip and this is the one just before we stopped in Kingman, AZ for the road north to the Glass Bridge.  I don't remember all that I used for this layout but the majority of it came from Gina Jones Pretty Bird kit.
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I'm looking at plugins that were available in previous versions (to 2021) such as Filters Unlimited 2.0 which was a plugin for 2020 and Particle Shop which was a plug in PSP X8.  How do I get them in 2021 Ultimate?  Do I need them or are they now a part of 2021???
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I went looking for songs with the topic “walk” and found an oldie by The Beatles that I had never heard before. I had a template in my stash from who knows where and since this song only seemed to have a music video, I took screen shots and put them in the film strips on the template. The black and white photo was the first part of the video. I worked on the title The Walk, it was a rather messy job by someone but I did copy their little blurb that went with the song. Found The Beatles logo on Google, used Cassel’s script for the curved photo, added sprocket holes on the film strips after changing it to black. The background is just a pattern from my PSP. I like to keep my designs simple, especially one that has all the elements like this. The trickiest part was getting the video images going in order and facing the right direction!
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