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What are you working on (in March 2021)?


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Cristina, I love both these pages. My daughter went on a hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia in 2017 ... she loved it. Your background paper is so suited to this layout ... is it a texture or a pattern? ... either way it has done the job beautifully. Your page on Olivia is simple and sweet and again your background paper brings it all together. In case you haven't guessed, I have a thing about background papers ... have created hundreds of them and never tire of it, lol! Well done my friend. ;D
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Ann, lovely photos of the 'rockin robins' and a terrific job on the plaid, brings the page together beautifully. You have a good eye for colour and your works shows it. I have had issues with PSP2021 from the beginning and that is why I always have PSP17 open as well. I don't think I have had to save as often in any of the others as I do in 21. I hope Corel's next upgrade irons out some of the humps! ;)
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Ah Lynda: It is getting to be closer to summer here. And your layout is making me wish it was spring.


Annie: What an outstanding page on the waterfall. Your picture? I'm loving how you include blending of items that relate the topici in the background.


Cristina: Glad to see you back scrapping again. Awesome hot air balloon layout. Marking the globe was a great idea and I love how you fastened the photos to the page and used torn photos "Olivia" (the layout and her) is adorable. The colors used for the background really bring out the reds, blues and greens of the photo. Using the mushroom as part of the photo is so cute.


Ann: Rockin' Robins is a fabulous page. I really like the neutral background which really makes the plaids and photos pop.


Mary: Fantastic job on altering the photo.


Corrie: Great Easter card. Using the screen blend on the Easter eggs makes for a lovely background.


Betsy: Thank you kindly. Your flower bag is beautiful and would make a lovely card.

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Again, thanks so much Karon. Not my photo ... sourced from Australian Geographic. I am a dreadful photographer ... always had shaky hands so cameras are not ma thang! I overlay the images and blend mostly to represent digital scrapbooking but also because I am lazy ... so much easier than creating elements! There you have it ... caught out! ;D
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Betsy, beautiful work with the zipper script. Carole has so many amazing scripts that it is hard to choose what to get.


Annie, thank you so much for the words of encouragement; they do mean a lot.


I, too, would love to go on a hot air balloon ride; my niece and nephew said they didn't see the time pass...I will do this in my next life. : ) ...The background paper (Tough Stuff paper5) I got from Linn Grieveson (The Lilypad). This site has pretty good offers almost weekly, and they vary from 20% to 50%. Here and there, I find something that I like very much.


You and Sue inspired me to create something different with the background papers, but I am just starting... still a lot to learn. Hugs and love, my friend. <3


Karon, you are always so kind and sweet. <3 Thank you so much for your words of encouragement; I value them a lot.


Lynda, maybe that more exploration is needed, but I like very much what you have done so far. Great work.


Michele, my friend, thank you very much... I had migraines for many years, and I know how debilitating they can be... I do hope you feel better so we can see your beautiful work again. Get well soon! Hugs and love. <3



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Headache or not, I still had to do the daily pic for my gaming group. I fell in love with the girl I found on pngwing; it wasn't a great transparency so I had to clean it up a bit. Using freehand selection I selected a large portion of her dress, carefully avoiding the folds; copied and pasted it to a new layer. Applied seamless tiling, gaussian blur, and repeated. Resized it and copied it back to the original. Since there were transparent gaps, I added a white layer below. Added a bubble effect behind her. For the frames I selected all, contracted, applied the 3D cutout effect, and repeated. The font is Sweet Allita.
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Wow, Michele, this is amazingly beautiful! I love the idea of adding a bubble effect behind her and the subtle frames... Of course, I love the font and already downloaded it. : )


Headache and toothache are not a good combination. : ( ... I hope you get well soon.

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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - I've been working on a winter theme from a layout I saw and admired. Here's the result. It took me forever because when I went to convert from .pspimage to .jpg 600x600 for this forum, I put in "600 PERCENT" instead of pixels. My computer crashed about 5 times before I finally figured out what I was doing!
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Connie I think this is really lovely and your layout is a compliment to the original creator. Nice photo and it is all knitted together beautifully with the background paper. I had a chuckle at your 600% ... how many times have I done similar! Well done Hon. ;D
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I'm with you Cristina ... hot air balloons will be in a next life for me, lol! I love visiting The Lily Pad, lots of wonderful stuff there and a good source of inspiration. And, you are most welcome to my words of encouragement, your work is also an inspiration to me, thank you my friend. Hugs......Annie T
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I had a very pleasant hour or so this morning shooting and listening to a few more new Robin arrivals. I particularly liked this shot, and felt I had to showcase him. I created a simple canvas textured frame, and word art. I took a selection of the frame, promoted to a new layer, duplicated, to create the side orders. I selected colours from the photo.


My goodness, I've  just scrolled through all the wonderful and diverse pages, far to many to comment on individually.  Absolutely, fabulously creative bunch  of people you are.

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An Easter e -card.  I used two photos, I used the Primroses as an overlay, used the eraser tool to remove what wasn't needed. I also used an overlay on  a yellow paper, used a  mask to merge the two  together. The element is a font, which I  coloured in to match the primroses. The primroses, are out in flower at home in Wales, as for here we  still  have snow down, and the ground is frozen solid. My usual  word art type of  greeting.
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Cristina, wonderful to see your pages, it has been a while, and  you have been missed.  I love the out of bounds page, you did a great job.  If I may make a suggestion, and I'm not being critical by any means, as I know you will appreciate my suggestion. The Olivia beads threaded  on  string, after you have angled them correctly on the curve using the pick tool, aligning the centre pivots with the string, select the eraser tool, and delete a notch on either side slightly larger than the width of the string, and not to deep, once done add a drop shadow.  This is a project  I did the other day using one of Carole's bead scripts.
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This page has been inspired by Cristina's layout of Olivia.  A direct steal or plagiarism whatever you may want to call it ... for me, it is a true admiration of the beautiful work that inspired me ... thanks so much Cristina, I do hope I have not offended you.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
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