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What are you working on (in December 2020)?


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Christmas eve events were so unexpected.  The weather changed drastically shortly after dinner time and the winds were howling at 50 to 60 miles an hour. We heard a crash just before 10pm and John went to check it out. I got worried when he did not return and saw him trying to get in the house.


The Santa sleigh and all reindeer had been blown down and he went to fix then when he tripped over an electric cord in the dark and his face hit the curb and the street. He was bleeding so badly It scared me to death and I could not get his blood to stop. He put on his mask and drove himself to the hospital leaving me home  to worry because of the amount of blood and the pain he was experiencing.


He did not get back from the hospital until after 4am. He has a lot of stitches and pain in his hand arm back and chest. They did give him an Rx for the pain but we had to wait until this morning to get that filled as no drug stores are open on Christmas here.


I sure hope you all had a much better Christmas than we did this year.

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Oh Dorothy, so sorry to hear about your Christmas eve and John's battle with nature. I hope he is doing ok now. There are so many of us that were just not meant to have a merry one! I agree with Minka, lets kick 2020 to the curb and get on with a new year, new outlook and new resolutions for peace and goodwill. ;)
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A fabulous page Minka and I love the quotes ... especially 'A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities' ... I do really like that, kinda resonated with me! ;D


Thank you so much my friend for your kind comments regards my efforts you are very kind.


Do try the block shape tutorial ... it is in the Classes - Intermediate - Creative Scrap under Shapes. Just beware ... you may become addicted to it just like me, LOL!

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Dear Karon, thank you so much for your kind words. : ) <3 ... Christmas was different this year, and even with limitations, it was special. My mother-in-law was here as always, but not the rest of the family, and she was happy to see everybody in a video-meeting.


Dear Annie, you have a kind heart for sure. I share the same beliefs you do; I have my faith, but I am not a religious person, and I also care about my spiritual growth, but I am pretty much aware that there is a long road ahead of me. : )


Dorothy, I can only imagine how worried you were; the photo shows how bad it was, and I hope he is feeling better by now.


Minka, you created a lovely layout with the wooden Alpha.


Annie, you created a beautiful Alpha; I love it.

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Minka - Wow on the creation station. How wonderful. And I like your quotes. Nice page as well!

Annie T - Your alpha is wonderful. Made me think of Arizona for some reason.

Dorothy - How scary. I am hoping your new year goes better.

Christina - Thank you for the Christmas wishes.

To everyone out here that I may have missed... and all of those that are here - Happy upcoming New Year.


Oh... and I'm still working thru Lab 6 in December.

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Dear Cristina you made me smile ... as with yourself I think I have a long way to go ... perhaps I won't have to do the journey as a human being again ... maybe a tree or a flower or even a kelp frond in a kelp garden ... ROTFL!!! Ah well, I guess I will go where directed for the betterment of all. ;D
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Created another alpha today again using an "African print".  The font used is Cocktails and I basically followed Cassel's tut - Outlined text (the green one).  I did add a bevel to the internal part of the alpha to give it a puffy look but that is about the only change I did to the original lesson.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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I've missed a bunch of stuff since I haven't been at the computer for a number of days.  Dorothy, I'm so sorry to hear about your husbands accident. It sure doesn't look good. I hope for both of your well being that he heals quickly and the New Year brings better things. 2020 has not been a blast. Only the people here  and a few in tangible life have made it bearable. Thank God for that. Take care of yourself and here's to a bright New Year.
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I haven't visited the  campus for several days, and what  a feast for the eyes, so many wonderful pages posted.  Well done everyone.


The sunrises and sunsets we have in Saskatchewan are truly spectacular. Land of living skies. The coastlines of Pembrokeshire Wales, are on a par with Sask, when it comes to sunrises and sunsets, with outstanding landscapes. Here's one of several New Year greetings I've done. A little word art, using text on a curve, and the mesh warp tool.  Which I find very useful  when creating word art and other  projects.

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I'm in awe. Your sunset New Year wishes are spectacular. Such a great job.


I guess we need to plan a RV vacation to your neck of the woods. Looking at the map, it seems you are bordering Montana and North Dakota. That is definitely a trip we can make. This whole covid thing has to be over sooner or later but it gives us time to plan. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share. :-)



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Hi Linda, it's a road trip that is certainly feasible.  I  used to trail ride with a group of friends  in the Grasslands National Park East Block, which runs into  Montana.  They have excellent facilities.  With a horse box  in tow, it would take me  5 hours to drive there.  We live a 2 hr drive north east of Moose Jaw.  The countryside is  spectacular.  Regardless what  people say  about  Saskatchewan being flat, it's far from it, if you are prepared to veer off the Trans Canada highway.  I've also trail rode in the Big Muddy National Park.  John Wayne country, which runs into North Dakota.  Moose Jaw has the  Al Capone tunnels.  It's steeped in  fascinating history for Canada. If it's on the card, let me know and   you can stay here, or at least meet up for  a day/afternoon at the Temple Gardens Mineral Spa.
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Just a little bit of silliness with this one.  I created the alpha using the font 'a Among You' and wanted to do something with it ... this is the result.  Background paper is my own.  The emojis I tubed and the tickets I created from following Cassel's tut for such.  The old gnarly Christmas tree I made a long time ago and I think it was from a script ... but then, maybe not!  I presented it fading into the background ... Christmas being over after all.  The border was a plain colour transformed by using the plugin Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow ... I really do love the effect it gives.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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Thanks for the information Sue. That sounds like a really good trip. We started looking. We do have to find areas that handle a 40 foot RV . We  like to stay put and sight see from where we put the RV. Definitely sounds like something we can do. We usually stay in Willow Beach, Arizona which is on the Colorado River and that is farther away than you are, about 700 miles farther. Of course Arizona is a winter destination.  Thanks again and I will get in touch if we make it there. We are also looking at Oregon.
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I haven't been here for a couple of days and there is so much to see. I cann't comment on all the posts besides to say they are all in their own right delightful and I follow up with my own New Year's wish. I used the colors of 2021. At first I thought they were rather dull but in making this LO I think they are lovely. They have something light which I can use to celebrate the coming year. The quote I used is from the song "Happy Xmas (War is over)" by John Lennon and Yolo Ono which I found very fitting for the period we live in.


I wish you all a very good and happy 2021 in which we maybe can go back to a more normal way of life. Until then don't give up hope, there is light at the end of this particular tunnel. See you all in January!

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Another HNY my Campus Friends.  I kept it simple and used Sue's wordart ... lovely Sue, thank you very much.  The graphic is a free wallpaper on 7 Themes.com.  The lovely blue bauble is a tube from Graph-SabineDesign and the background paper is the result of playing around with overlays and blend modes.  Thanks for takin a peek!  ;D
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