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Story Time Challenge 2020


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StoryTimeChallenge-Preview.jpgFirst of all, come and say HI if once you register for this challenge.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to challenge us.


Remember that it is NOT a contest. It is a friendly challenge to get you to do something you might not have thought of doing before.


Once the Challenge is started, on August 17th, you can post your pages, and your stories here (if it is too small to read, you can always copy and paste the text, if you want).


Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces.


The challenge will include prompts and downloadable templates (for you to be creative) and quick-pages (if you are in a hurry).


If you found this thread without seeing the registration page, you can go back and register (remember, it is FREE).


Register now 


And bring a friend over!

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Hi, I'm the first one to say Hi I see. I'm Monique, from the Netherlands :)


I don't know what to expect from this challenge, but, hey, I'm up to it and will go with the flow :)


I'm re-discovering PSP the last few weeks in the bootcamp , learning a lot :)

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Hello Monique, Corrie, Shirley and Bonnie ... Good day to you all.  I, too, am looking forward to this challenge.  They are always fun, you get to learn a thing or twelve and see other peoples stories.  What not fun about that?  Looking forward to seeing all of yours along with all that will join us!
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I worry that I may not be up to this as I am a newbie at scrapbook, but not a newbie to PSP, so I will give it a try.  I am from Texas and Covid is big here.  I am glad to know that somewhere it is not!  Nice to meet all of you and looking forward to your help.  LOL
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Well, I did two because I worked on the first one ... but really didn't think much about talking about my name. Maybe it would explain it more by where we lived. Cuba. My dad was already there and I was the fourth child ... three girls and one boy. My Mom asked him what he wanted for names and he said Marita Ray if it was a girl. His name was Raymond, so they attached the Ray for that. I thought I might mention that he also got a grandchild with the middle name Ray AND a great grandchild with Ray. So it carried on. :o)
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I know it is a challenge as you will have only one day for each page, but that is why the quick-pages and the templates are there. However, you can take a bit longer to post your projects if needed. There is NO deadline.


Sandra, it is fun to read your story. Your layout is simple and that is perfect to showcase the story itself.


Lynda, is that a photo of you? It is great that you have such a photo. Are people writing your name with an "i" often if you don't specify it is with a "y"?


Minka, you can add the text of your post as another page!!!


Ann, the text on the image seems hard to read in the forum but I suspect it reads very well on a full-size page, right? But don't worry about the reading in the forum. Fancier fonts are just harder to read when it is small, but if you ever print your page, it will be larger and easily legible. And don't compare yourself with others: we all started at square one!


Keep them coming. We all love to learn more about our fellow members.

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Wow...I wrote an entire post and it disappeared. If this posts twice you'll know why.


Ladies, as usual I am impressed with your creativity. I loved reading your stories. Here's mine and in case it is too small to read, here's the text:


I am the first born. My parents named me Bonnie Brimm. Bonnie because my mother liked the name and Brimm because it was the middle name of my paternal Grandmother.




I hated the name Brimm. There is a sunfish called Bream


(pronounced the same) and my friends teased me about being a fish. I hated that. I have a friend who still calls me fish and I still don't like it. I love to fish and have caught many bream...ate them too.




Everyone told me I had a beautiful name and I didn't think so. It took me a long time to like my name but now I do.




When I was a teen, Bridget Bardot became a big star. Everyone teased me because her initials and mine were BB. Again I was embarrassed but now...no big deal. I use BBB a lot and even, at one time watermarked my creations B-Cubed Productions. It is silly how we think as young people. Thank goodness we have an opportunity to grow up.




I was born and raised in South Carolina and it will always be home. I have lived in Virginia more than 50 years but South Carolina is home. I had a history teacher who taught us to love our home state and my classmates and I sure do! Miss Daniels would be so proud.

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Bonnie, if it disappears like that again, just drop me a message. Sometimes, the anti-spam on the site is overzealous. That is exactly what had happened to your initial post. In those situations, I can un-spam it for you.
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woot woot  I m so happy only took me 6 hours but Now I am so happy.  I learned a lot of stuff.   I never knew how to do and it was FUN.  Even our Teacher helped me get past a 3 hour hurdle, I finally asked for help and she was Right there.    Yippppeee     Hi All,    Well I did peak here no lessons were turned in, I was going to be the first haahhaha  that didn't work out but hope I am not the last.  lol  Even if  I Am the Last I am happy.   I learned things and it was fun to do something I never did.   I did it.. yaaaaay.


The picture is of the Presidio and my father and my mother shes in the picture above his head.   The other pictures are just pretty women.


I love tubes the most, I will probably love scripts more once I get the hang of them.




Does anyone know if you upgrade, do you have to delete the current one?   Do you loose the tubes and things you have in there already or does it just upgrade the paintshop program only?     To scared to d/l it and all my stuff be gone  to try the free trial on it.  ???




DANG IT....  just seen the mistake.  father said, he would walk out of there without it.   not walk out with it.   Dang it.   I finally figured out once I was grown,  why I never had to learn anything in school, well except Texas schools.  They are the reason I can read and write.  They dont quit on a kid.  And 2 teachers out of them all afterwards Mr. Pipkins, and Ms. Moak they wanted nothing to do with my parents but they made sure I learned with them.

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Cindy, when you install a new version of PSP, even if it is an UPGRADE, you don't have to remove anything else. I have 14 different versions installed on my computer and they work fine. Once you have installed your newer version, there is an option to point PSP to the supplies from the previous versions. Go to File > Import > Content from previous versions. That will retrieve that content for you.
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Good morning from New York. Yesterday I thought I would be first up but was unhappy with my creation so I got up this morning at 3:30 and completely changed it except for the story and the photo and my dad's train. He worked for the Erie Railroad and it was a big thing in our life. My kit was Lady Bug Hugs and the font for the story headline is Snap ITC.


Cassel: I had to reset my PSP2020 to default again. All the icons on my layers palette were gone. Having trouble with memory I think. I did figure out how to retrieve the shortcuts!

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