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Quick-Page Workshop - June 2023


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@Anita Wyatt It is a smart move to use a pattern to fill the titles. 

@libera The Brush Script is not a script for a font. That is just its name. I have had it for so long that I thought it was a default font. How tall was Sunny? Yes, to change the frame's color, it is a matter of selecting it and that can be a challenge in a ready-made page.

@kasany Be careful in resizing photos. I think one of the cats might have a headache from being squished!

@Sharla That is certainly one way to make a quick page even quicker!!!

@Jannette Nieuwboer When you selected, maybe you needed to check the Contiguous checkbox. That would help you select individual sections one by one. You are making great progress, and it looks like you are more comfortable as you now create your own textures.

@fiona cook Yes, tweaking can take so much more time than it should. But if you enjoy it, go for it! It is really nice to see the title on and off the photo. Great effect.

@Donna Sillia Just to be consistent with the other photos, have you thought of adding a white border to that extra photo you included? Isn't it nice to have your own photographer now?? ?

@Susan Ewart Yes, that is the idea behind quick pages!!

@Mary Solaas The blue from the page matches the photos so well! Are you scanning all the cards you get? I plan on doing that with those I have kept so I can use them digitally! Beware of geese: they can be very protective and have attacked walkers and bikers during the nesting season! That is a fun photo on the beach!

@Corrie Kinkel That color change from green to pink really shows up those plants' colors.

@Gerry Landreth Sorry for your loss. And yes, quick pages are meant to be quick (although some will argue they keep taking a long time anyways!)

Keep them coming. You still have a couple of days of new tutorials and supplies to come!

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5 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

This is the extra - I changed what I had done first (showcasing one of my grandchilren's family) and opted instead to do one for valentine's day.  The cards are scans of my cards and the focus picture is from Jill Wellington from FreeRange Stock 

QP Extra 4 2023-2_600.jpg

Excellent Idea!  

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3 hours ago, Gerry Landreth said:

I am woefully behind. We had a loss in the family last week. 

I started to skip the rest of the workshop but remembered that quick pages showcase photos in a nice layout with minimal time.




Gerry, sorry to hear about your loss.  Love that quote.

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Deze keer lag de vertraging niet aan mij. De foto werd binnen de benodigde tijd in de sjabloon geplaatst, maar mijn teksttool kwam niet opdagen. 

En toen het er was kon ik nog steeds niet van kleur en maat veranderen enz. Dat vorige week vaker. 

Na een paar keer openen en sluiten is het me gelukt.

De naam van het lettertype is Lucida handschrift.








Edited by Jannette Nieuwboer
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Here is my QP Workshop- Day5

It took me a while to come up with a theme for day 5. How about a Tea party, I thought for Cats. So all I had to do was to find the graphics and font to start with. After some digging, I found them at  Creative Fabrica. The font is Paw Cad (that is the way CF spells it). I used Inner Bevel and drop shadow on the font and drop shadows on kitten in cup and  teabag.Then I used Carole's custom confetti script with 2 of the teabags and sprinkled those on the bottom of the page.


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4 hours ago, Cassel said:

@Anita Wyatt Het is een slimme zet om een patroon te gebruiken om de titels te vullen. 

@libera Het Brush Script is geen script voor een lettertype. Dat is gewoon zijn naam. Ik heb het al zo lang dat ik dacht dat het een standaardlettertype was. Hoe groot was Sunny? Ja, om de kleur van het frame te veranderen, is het een kwestie van selecteren en dat kan een uitdaging zijn op een kant-en-klare pagina.

@kasany Wees voorzichtig bij het wijzigen van de grootte van foto's. Ik denk dat een van de katten hoofdpijn heeft van het geplet worden!

@ Sharla Dat is zeker een manier om een snelle pagina nog sneller te maken!!!

@Jannette Nieuwboer Wanneer u hebt geselecteerd, moet u misschien het selectievakje Aangrenzend aanvinken. Dat zou u helpen om afzonderlijke secties één voor één te selecteren. Je boekt grote vooruitgang en het lijkt erop dat je je meer op je gemak voelt omdat je nu je eigen texturen creëert.

Dit was het probleem niet Carole, na een diepgaand onderzoek ontdekte ik dat het een alreeds verkleinde foto van het template  is die Mary plaatste. En kennelijk opgeslagen als jpeg geen png. Ze wilde het ook alleen maar even laten zien. 

Een tweede punt is dat ik wel veel creatieve ervaring heb met PSP maar nog geen ervaring heb met foto framing met kantenklare fotoframes. Ik heb wel een aantal templates maar alleen de vormen, de positionering van die vormen moet je zelf beslissen. Alsook de versieringen.

@fiona kok Ja, tweaken kan zoveel meer tijd kosten dan zou moeten. Maar als je het leuk vindt, go for it! Het is erg leuk om de titel op en naast de foto te zien. Geweldig effect.

@Donna Sillia Heb je er, om consistent te zijn met de andere foto's, aan gedacht om een witte rand toe te voegen aan die extra foto die je hebt toegevoegd? Is het niet fijn om nu je eigen fotograaf te hebben?? ?

@Susan Ewart Ja, dat is het idee achter snelle pagina's!!

@Mary Solaas Het blauw van de pagina komt zo goed overeen met de foto's! Scan jij alle kaartjes die je krijgt? Ik ben van plan dat te doen met degenen die ik heb bewaard, zodat ik ze digitaal kan gebruiken! Pas op voor ganzen: ze kunnen zeer beschermend zijn en hebben tijdens het broedseizoen wandelaars en fietsers aangevallen! Dat is een leuke foto op het strand!

@ Corrie Kinkel Die kleurverandering van groen naar roze laat de kleuren van die planten echt zien.

@Gerry Landreth Gecondoleerd. En ja, snelle pagina's zijn bedoeld om snel te zijn (hoewel sommigen zullen beweren dat ze toch lang blijven duren!)

Laat ze komen. Je hebt nog een paar dagen met nieuwe tutorials en benodigdheden!


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11 hours ago, Donna Sillia said:

Day 4 is an homage to my daughter who has seriously started taking pictures for me, including photos for just texture. The first one has pictures of the cave at Rickwood cave in Alabama. She remembered how I love caves. I made a texture from one of the photos and used it to fill in the picture frames. I also changed the color to be more compatible with the pictures.

The second one is of Beth taking the photos at the Botanical Gardens near Birmingham, Alabama and some of the flower pictures that she took. I added the marigold flower from one of my own photos. I used masks that I made for some of her other flower photos and added them.



Hi Donna, how did you get the heart shape to be transparent over your flower photo on the right hand side? Did you make a separate selection? Intrigued!

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8 hours ago, Gerry Landreth said:

I am woefully behind. We had a loss in the family last week. 

I started to skip the rest of the workshop but remembered that quick pages showcase photos in a nice layout with minimal time.




Sorry for your loss..........

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You may not recognize it, but this is my take on the card as an extra for Day 5.  I changed the color (obvious) with Hue/Saturation/Lightness.  pulled the heart from one of my valentine cards and deepened its color and placed it in the center circle (which I had filled with a light pink).  

QP Non-Scrap-5-2023_1000.jpg

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1 hour ago, Mary Solaas said:

You may not recognize it, but this is my take on the card as an extra for Day 5.  I changed the color (obvious) with Hue/Saturation/Lightness.  pulled the heart from one of my valentine cards and deepened its color and placed it in the center circle (which I had filled with a light pink).  

QP Non-Scrap-5-2023_1000.jpg


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Quick Page Lesson 5

I used the page as is.  Added text.  Saya is an energetic playful and snuggly girl.  But she always looks cranky in pictures.  I had put the blinds down to see the computer screen and she kept trying to go behind them so I pulle out over the ledge and she has been using it as her sunning/sleeping spot.  Maybe in the winter I'll be able to pull the blinds up again.  

Font: The Wild Chaos Stamped (Creative Fabrica)

Photos: mine, taken  a week ago.  

QP 5- Move Along Human-600.jpg

Edited by Susan Ewart
forgot a credit
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Quick Page Non- Scrap Lesson 5

I wish I'd thought of Mary's idea.  Love the change of color you used, Mary.  I couldnt think of what do for this and was thinking I'll just pass on it.  But once I started looking at pictures, the ideas start to come together.  I reduced the Clarity to make it a bit softer and dreamy.  I think I should have made it even softer, but I am a chicken.  it's a challenge for me to make things soft instead of crisp.  It's a good lesson for me. I forgot to credit the quote on the card I just realized.  It's a comma after the word "found" but it looks like a period so it seems like bad grammar.  I think I will take it out.  

Quote:  Mary Anne Radmacher

Fonts: Alevandar (for the quote), Meiland Geogeous (both from Creative Fabrica)

Photo: mine


Edited by Susan Ewart
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7 hours ago, fiona cook said:

Hi Donna, how did you get the heart shape to be transparent over your flower photo on the right hand side? Did you make a separate selection? Intrigued!

I didn't change the heart shape at all, and the flower mask layer is over the heart. I think some of the mask was so light that it didn't show giving the appearance that it was under the heart. I never noticed the effect until you mentioned it. 

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So, this time I didn't change the color of the card.  I downloaded a vintage card from PS by Jessica Dunn and used smart carver on it so that both children would fit in the frame.  Then (because the top and bottom of the picture were blank inside the mask, I filled a layer with the color of the wall and put it behind the picture.  Lots of fun.  

Susan - I love your anniversary card for your hubby.  My husband died 35 years ago and I still think that the best part of me died with him! But that's oK because that means that the best part of me is already in heaven!

QP Non-Scrap-5-2023-2_1000.jpg

Edited by Mary Solaas
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2 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

Quick Page Lesson 5

I used the page as is.  Added text.  Saya is an energetic playful and snuggly girl.  But she always looks cranky in pictures.  I had put the blinds down to see the computer screen and she kept trying to go behind them so I pulle out over the ledge and she has been using it as her sunning/sleeping spot.  Maybe in the winter I'll be able to pull the blinds up again.  

Font: The Wild Chaos Stamped (Creative Fabrica)

Photos: mine, taken  a week ago.  

QP 5- Move Along Human-600.jpg

Funny short text ?

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2 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

So, this time I didn't change the color of the card.  I downloaded a vintage card from PS by Jessica Dunn and used smart carver on it so that both children would fit in the frame.  Then (because the top and bottom of the picture were blank inside the mask, I filled a layer with the color of the wall and put it behind the picture.  Lots of fun.  

Susan - I love your anniversary card for your hubby.  My husband died 35 years ago and I still think that the best part of me died with him! But that's oK because that means that the best part of me is already in heaven!

QP Non-Scrap-5-2023-2_1000.jpg

Thank you Mary.  It's sad to hear you lost your husband well before his time.  I would feel the same and I'm at that point in life (58) that thoughts of losing my husband is terrifying.  You have a positive outlook on it, i like how you worded it and it's a nice to feel comforted by those words.  

Edited by Susan Ewart
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5 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

You may not recognize it, but this is my take on the card as an extra for Day 5.  I changed the color (obvious) with Hue/Saturation/Lightness.  pulled the heart from one of my valentine cards and deepened its color and placed it in the center circle (which I had filled with a light pink).  

QP Non-Scrap-5-2023_1000.jpg

What a great idea!

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