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October RANDOM Challenge (2022)


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Here is a challenge to do something that might not be repeated in other months. Just an idea that popped like that (and you can also send me suggestions for occasional random challenges too).


This week, I found some settings from layouts in galleries that you will use, so here are the criteria you have to follow:


The background should be made of a full-size photo (it can be faded if you don't want it to overpower the rest)

Two additional photos should be used

Use one cluster (already made or made by yourself)

Use three similar fasteners

Create some sort of framing around the whole page


You can add more elements if you want, but these HAVE to be present.


You can create those elements following the tutorials inside the membership, or use ready-made ones. It is ok either way.


So, what will you create?

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OK, this is my take on the challenge. Font is AR JULIAN inner bevelled. 3 paper clips, 1 cluster, 2 (or more - I used 3) pics and a picture background, frame on the background picture (also inner bevelled). All the pics and elements are ones I have created through tutorials and labs. Thanks, Carole!
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Random Challenge - Caracal kittens


Here's my granddaughter, Jackie, a zookeeper at Claws & Paws Animal Park, Mt. Arial, PA, giving us a private tour. Here she's playing with the caracal kittens. The peacock donated a feather! ;-)


There was a big cat in the background photo, but I hid it with the smaller ones. I created my own frame with canvas additions; 100 pixels for the white then another 100 for the wood pattern fill. I select all and then a Select Selection Borders at 100 and then applied an outer bevel. Then I changed the selection to 50 to create the inner texture where I applied an inner bevel.



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This is what I made for the challenge. All photos are mine shot in the last couple of years. The background got an embossed frame and an overlay with the blend mode set to screen and a bit reduced opacity, otherwise I found it to overpowering. I used buttons as fasteners and a cluster made from leaves which I had in my stash. A label with a quote and all the colors come from the freebie palette maker, those colors went so well with my photos. The fonts are Better Valentina and BRELLOS
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Hi Cindy,


I'm doing better every day now. I have to go to rehab twice a week to get the strengh in my legmuscles back.  I only have to use crutches now when going to busy places like a shopping mall, supermarket etc. But I have learned to take the neccessary rest also and that is often the moment for me to do some scrapping.


I will be on the lookout for your page then.


See you around

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Corrie, I'm so happy you're doing better.


As for note taking, I use the Image: Image Information option to make my notes. The Creator Information tab gives you lots of room. That way I can keep track of everything I used or did. I always add the fonts, effects, and file names of any elements/papers used. Without doing this, I would be clueless!

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I've always used a spreadsheet to track what kits/fonts/templates I've used in layouts. But recently I have started using Cassel's Credit Compilation Script that puts the information into the Image Information that Michele showed. I also note my font in there as well.


I am working on a 31 day project now that I want some things to flow throughout every day like specific shadows on certain elements and bevels on others. So for that I have just written the information down so it is right in front of me while I'm scrapping. On Day 3, I realized I should probably do that so I went into my edit history and found the information. I had done Day 1 and 2 together several days earlier and I had forgotten what I had done!

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