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What are you working on (in May 2022)?


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Thank  you Ann.  Yes, the butterflies at the bottom are a font.  There are two extras included in the font.  Which you will have to  access via character map or it's equivalent.  The font is called My Butterfly, unfortunately I can't remember where I got it from, as I have had it a  long time.  You would have seen them used in many of my previous pages over the years. The one  merged with  frame is also a font.  Rather than  keep referring to the  fonts themselves.  I have  pages of PSP files of bees, butterflies and other font  categories,  making choosing easier, and quicker access. If I need to use the font itself,   by selecting the  vector it will tell me the name of the font, on the top toolbar. It saves a lot time searching for the font I want.
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I'm slow on the alphabet challenge and so I'm just now posting I.  I is for Ida - my mom.  Great gal, miss her.


Have to mention that you all have been so busy posting animal pictures in the Corel contest.  Lynda and Sue - you are really great photographers!


Papers and elements are mine - made in the labs of course!

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I tried hard - sometimes hard to understand well ... here is the challenge of 5 + 5 + 5

5 papers (two in strips and one in the letter)

5 casualties

5 shots of a film strip


well... we have a lot of  mallards here :)

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Thanks Sue,


I got all of your entries and they are all fantastic. Your macros are incredible.


It's been awhile since I've used my camera that I can change lenses. I think I am going to enroll at our local college and get a refresher course in the camera capabilities. I have been using my Nikon Coolpix P900 because my picture taking opportunities have not been good lately and this camera takes pretty good on the fly photos and photos from the car. Plus, the lens is 24-2000mm which is great for taking pictures of the moon or anything else that is far away.


Anyway, thanks for the upvotes and good luck with the contest



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Love to see all the new layouts posted here. It is great to see all this creativity.


Really great work, Everyone!


Lynda and Sue, all your entries for the Corel contest are impressive! I hope I have upvoted all the entries.

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Lynda and Sue, HOLY WOWZERS!  Love your Corel contest photo's.  Super inspiring and Sue, a close up glimpse of insects that we rarely get to see, let alone spend time really looking at for a longer period of time.


I'm really enjoying everyone's posts too.  I'm busy getting ready for company (which I havent had for well over 2 yrs ?), a dear friend in town to set up her art exhibition.  I cant wait to get back to some PSP time.

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Thank you ladies for  your very kind words, I always,  very much appreciate them , especially when those comments are directed to my photography.


When I came for a bite to eat at lunchtime today, it occurred me, that I can use brushes, or tubes to create these frame. So while eating I came up with this.  I used one of Carole's bead tubes.  This evening I will do another one using  her new Two tone font.   Time now to go back outside.

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Thanks Cristina and Susan.. Your upvotes are much appreciated and I'm sure Sue is thrilled too.


Again, everyone is doing great work. Pirkko, Love your ducks and Mary, your remembrance of you mother is very, very nice. I need to do something like that for my Mom. She was the best as I see you were lucky to have that also.



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Thanks, Lynda.


Back to the labs.  Lab 8 Mod 7 deals in rust.  Well, I did make a rust pattern and was able to copy the rust pattern Carole showed in the pdf for the lab.  A swirly kind of cogwheel was to be made and I put the rust on it as well as leaving one plain so that I could have different colors/patterns.  A repeat pattern was devised to put on paper and color differently so that many colors showed up in the pattern.  All done.  The title font is Bodoni MT Black which I filled with the rust pattern also.  This is a park in Ironwood, Michigan (the UP).  We visited it on our trip to a family reunion. Oh, yes, I also made a pattern of opposing arrows because a paper with that was shown on the layout from which the elements were taken.  That was fun!!! But, now I have the pattern.

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Trying out Word Frame 5, I decided to go with a series of birds that the app Merlin has identified for me by their birdsong while I'm out in my yard. This has enlarged my list of local birds. I saw a pair of these swooping around in my front yard yesterday and Merlin ID'd them as Chimney Swifts. New for me! The photo is from Merlin. They said it's called the "flying cigar!" I extracted the bird and gave it a Negative image and the resulting white birds are at the top. I used the script but was unhappy with being unable to control the text, so I added my own. The font is Foglihten No 7. I have several new birds now to practice with!
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Thank you Lynda. I agree with you. Watching nature soothes. It also tells me a lot about the great Creator and his attributes and care ..
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