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April 2022 - RANDOM Challenge


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Minka, I see you used  England on the map of the UK. If I may, I'm going to correct you. I'm Welsh. (Wales) Which is one of the countries in the UK, as is England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland,  which makes  up the UK. Queen Elizabeth is sovereign of the United Kingdom, or if you prefer Great Britain, or the British Isles.
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Sue, thank you for that extra bit of information about England/UK. I have to admit that, not being from the UK, if I was to look for a map to use in a project, I probably would have ended up with something similar, since I didn't know better.
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Carole, all to often far to many non Brits refer to the UK as England.  Which irks many of those who are from Scotland, Wales or Ireland.  There is still a lot of resentment towards the English, that dates back many hundreds of years.  When it comes to sport, especially rugby,  we don't mind who wins, as long as it's not the English.
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So many different takes on the initial challenge. Even though a new month has started, I downloaded the challenge as it seems to be a unique and interesting template. Minka, love what you did with Queen Elizabeth; Q in my alphabet challenge is going to be Queen Elizabeth.
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