
Remember when…? – Curly hair

I was born with thin straight hair, but i always envied those with nice curls. When going at the hairdresser with my mom (you read last week’s story, didn’t you?),

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Remember when…? – Locked in

When we are kids, we often get in various situations because of our curiosity, or lack of experience. Some of those situations can be funny, sad, scary or just strange,

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Remember when…?–The storm

Storms are one of nature’s mean of communication: its way of yelling at us! Well, maybe not. But storms, in various forms, are part of life everywhere. Whether it is

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Remember when…?

Scrapbooking has long been about documenting memories, using whatever we have on hand: a photo, a lock of hair, a newspaper clipping, etc. Over time, with the availability of smartphones,

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For Photos That Matter