
Remember when…? – New Year

Do you have a family tradition for New Year? Do you have particular memories about New Year celebrations in the past?

On New Year day, we would always go to my great-grand-mother. That was a long trip (for me) as it was one hour drive from home. I would usually see Mémère only a couple of times a year, and New Year was one of those times.

Mémère had 16 children, but I don’t remember how many grand-children and great-grand-children. I just remember there were a LOT of us.

The house was large (of course, since she had 16 children to raise), and there one one table in the kitchen that would easily sit 10 to 12 people. But in the main room, which was used as a family room and a living room, there was that long table that could sit 20 or so. Believe it or not, everyone was not necessarily able to eat at the same time; the kids would eat first and then the adults.

Mémère was not rich, living on a farm, with so many children. Despite her financial situation, i remember that each grand-child and great-grand-child would get an envelope as a present. Everyone would have the same white envelope. And in the envelope, everyone would get a $1 bill.

How many $1 bills did she hand out? I don’t know. Many of the great-uncles and great-aunts, i didn’t really see outside that one yearly family gathering. Knowing that my grandpa had 12 grand-children, one can only estimate. In those days, about 40 years ago, $1 was still a good present for a kid.

Here is my layout for this week.


How about you? Do you remember a particular family tradition you had for New Year? Do you remember a particular person or event happening at that time? What about food? Locations? Jokes from Uncle Joe? Share with us in the comment below. Give us a summary, or a link to a layout, or just to a blog post if you don’t want (or have time) to create a graphic project with it. It is still a story to share.

Missed the previous prompt? Check it here.

Read next week's story here to continue the journey.

For Photos That Matter

7 thoughts on “Remember when…? – New Year”

  1. That is a lovely memory, and the layout is perfect for it. Sadly I don’t have any memories of new year’s customs (my family wasn’t a celebratory group). Between that and my fear of Santas as a child, I’ve not been participating in this project, but I do love looking at what other people do. Maybe something will stir in the memory vaults eventually.

      • I’m not sure. My mother tells me when my father came back from serving in the Navy, he arrived with a red beard (his hair was black normally) and I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. Maybe I just didn’t like beards. In truth, I don’t remember…not much of a story. Sorry.

    • I agree with Marlene; being scared of Santa is a story in itself. Also, you don’t have to use the prompts as is. Hearing about New Year might trigger another story that takes place AROUND that time of year too. Let the inspiration come up. The ideas I suggest are only that: suggestions.

  2. I have spent New Year’s Eve in many places, including in the middle of Sydney Harbour watching a spectacular fireworks display, but one that really sticks in the memory is of an overnight cruise to Doubtful Sound in New Zealand. We started at mid-day and crossed Lake Manapouri, then travelled by bus over Wilmot Pass to board the skow. A slow sail into the Sound, then we stopped to sightsee by long-boat and canoe, looking at rock formations and waterfalls. A buffet meal was followed by some of the passengers entertaining us on the piano and we all joined in the fun of a quiz. The Captain counted down to midnight and we had the usual toast and singing of Auld Lang Syne. Before going to bed we went up on deck and as it was a clear night and we were miles from any city, we had a wonderful light show courtesy of the Milky Way and other stars.
    The next day we sailed out to the Tasman Sea, watching seals and dolphins enjoying themselves in the waves. We then sailed up one arm of the Sound to a dead-end, where the Captain shut down the engines and asked us all to be quiet – there was not a sound, not even a birdsong, and it was interesting how soon people started moving or clearing their throats just to hear some noise!
    We were back in Manapouri in time for lunch on New Year’s Day, having had a unique and memorable experience.

    My layout is in the Gallery.

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