
Diagonal Tiling in PaintShop Pro

One can create a tiling pattern simply by using an open image as a Pattern in the Materials palette. This is a simple method, but sometimes, you want something a little different and more dynamic. Let’s see how to create some diagonal patterns.

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Cutting vectors

Working with vectors allows you to place various brush strokes or picture tubes in a neat path using the VectorTube or VectorPaint scripts. However, sometimes, you might want to place those elements along part of the path only. You can do that by cutting your vector path! Let’s look at

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Theme – Awards

It’s so rewarding to be appreciated and recognized for a job well done, especially if you receive an award for it! It’s a great affirmation that your talent, skill, excellence, and hard work have been noticed. It gives you validation and a confidence boost, and it’s also motivation to keep

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The right size for elements

When creating elements for your own projects, you will surely go by eye and create the elements at the size you need them at the time. However, if you want to create some kits and elements to share with others, they might need something that is different from what you

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Gold Star – Ann

You don’t have to be a scrapbooker to enjoy various projects in the Scrapbook Campus. Today, we meet Ann who has been with us for several years (yes, another “Ann”). Even though she is not a digital scrapbooker, you would not know if you looked at her projects! Tell us

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How to save masks in PSP

A  mask is a greyscale layer that will let part of the layer below show through. One can use masks already saved in PaintShop Pro, generate one from an image, or create one from scratch with various basic tools. But if you have created a new mask, how can you

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How to create gradients in PSP

When using tools like the Fill tool or the Brush tool, PaintShop Pro users have access to solid colors, gradients or patterns. Although many gradients are readily available, sometimes, a user will want to create a gradient from scratch to suit their own project. Let’s see how you can do

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Theme – Siblings

Siblings play a big role in our lives. They taught you so many life lessons growing up, and most importantly, they showed you how to be the best possible friend you could be. Furthermore, they guide you and help you in different situations. Thanks to your siblings, you’re receptive to

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6 Ways to customize quick-pages

Quick pages are widely available and meant to allow users to complete scrapbook pages in just a few minutes. The biggest advantage is the fact that it is quick to complete and the user does not have to be “inspired”. However, one inconvenience is that everything is already chosen, and

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Gold Star – Gerry

Today, we are meeting one of our growing group of male members. You will find Gerry participating in many of our workshops and posting in the forum.

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For Photos That Matter