Word clouds are created by placing various words in random order, with variations of size, color, orientation or font. The most commonly known word cloud maker tool was Wordle, which is an online tool. But, Wordle does not seem to be available anymore. Here are some other tools you will likely want to explore to create your own word clouds.
Remember when…? – Gum
Although the rules in school might still forbid chewing gum in class for various reasons, that rule was also enforced when I was a kid. In a way, I was lucky because I never liked chewing gum so it was unlikely for me to get caught, but others did.
Using resources from your older PaintShop Pro
PaintShop Pro has been around for many years, first as a Jasc program, then as a Corel one. The structure of the program has remained pretty much the same over the years, at least since PSP7, which is the first one i used.
Remember when…? – Shoes
When my brother was younger, it had to learn, like any other kids, how to put his shoes in the right foot. Like any other kids, it was a learning curve. That might seem very ordinary, but we happened to witness something really funny about this logic when learning left and right.
Should I upgrade my PaintShop Pro?
Corel has been releasing a new version of PaintShop Pro, more or less every year, around September. Each new version brings new features, some might be small improvement to existing tools or commands, others are real novel features.
Remember when…? – Sewing machine
This story is really a hilarious one. It is about how children understand and remember things that are above their usual level of understanding. It all started, the day I had to leave for a blood donor clinic and my daughter asked questions.
Remember when…? – Flowers
When i was in elementary grades, i had to walk almost 1 km to and from school and and being in town, i was passing in front of many houses since they were close together. In May, flowers were blooming and it was a great sight.
Cut a photo based on a preset shape
If you want to have your photo displayed differently than the traditional square or rectangular shape, you can use any of the preset shapes from your Paintshop Pro, or any shape you might have added to your collection. Here is a simple tutorial on how to achieve that result.
Remember when…? – Construction
When i was in elementary school, i had to walk about 1 km to and from school, and the same at lunch. When i was in grade 4, they started building a new school a tiny bit closer to home, and as curious kids, we would go check out the work!
Remember when…? – Building
As a kid, without any electronic devices, or much TV to watch, we were creative in how we spent our time. In our neighbourhood, I was the oldest of a group of kids so I was kind of a leader. Everything around had the potential to be used by us, including trash.