4 Tools to Create Word Clouds

Word clouds are created by placing various words in random order, with variations of size, color, orientation or font. The most commonly known word cloud maker tool was Wordle, which is an online tool. But, Wordle does not seem to be available anymore. Here are some other tools you will likely want to explore to create your own word clouds.

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Remember when…? – Shoes

When my brother was younger, it had to learn, like any other kids, how to put his shoes in the right foot. Like any other kids, it was a learning curve. That might seem very ordinary, but we happened to witness something really funny about this logic when learning left and right.

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Cut a photo based on a preset shape

If you want to have your photo displayed differently than the traditional square or rectangular shape, you can use any of the preset shapes from your Paintshop Pro, or any shape you might have added to your collection. Here is a simple tutorial on how to achieve that result.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.