Journaling cards are elements that you will more often find in scrapbook kits. Although they started to appear when pocket scrapbooking became popular, they can also be used for other purposes. You don't need to create pocket scrapbook pages to take advantage of those cards. So, what can you do with them?
journaling cards
Featured Resource – Digiscrap Clean et Simple
Are you always on the lookout for new kits and scrapbooking supplies? Are you new to digital scrapbooking and would like to build your stash quickly to get started? This resource is just what you need.
What is in a scrapbooking kit? (part 2)
In a previous article, we looked at the most common types of elements one can find in a scrapbook kit, including papers, embellishments, alphas and wordart. Most kits will include those 4 types of elements but some designers will also include other content in their kits.