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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. At first I had the normal, "I cant do this" thoughts. then I just started poking around and found some, and that made me want to keep going. I also had to look at the clues from not from a narrow focus point of view. I had to broaden what subject was. eg. Photoshop brushes I was looking only for "PS brushes" when in fact I needed think more in terms of what is a brush...it's a file "type", that led me to "types of files". That helped me to realize I was being restricted by my own bias of how I read the clues. so I started using the search function using different words/phrases and also just going way down in the blog or other areas. that's where I found the pieces. I cant think of any other way you could get us members to look in those areas. Just telling us to, isn't going to necessarily get us to do it. So, if it was a bit painful, the outcome was very satisfying (learning about new things and completing the puzzle). I will start looking to older blogs (before I joined) as there is a wealth of information; lots that are tutorial and tool based that non-Diamond members could really take advantage of.
  2. Yay Fiona! Great news. Carole, I kinda thought I gave too much away. the funniest part for me is...I've never blogged a day in life. hahahaha
  3. Fiona: #9.... I have often wondered with blogging being the new way to communicate...if "BLOG"ers "SEARCH" for the "OLD WAY" just to see how us old folks communicated.
  4. Fiona, #5: I wish I knew "SEVEN" yrs ago about which "FILE TYPES YOU CAN USE" . I would have "BLOG"ged about it.
  5. Michele, I was getting that error too. I thought it was something I was doing wrong. Anita, I agree, I'll be looking around more often now. I liked doing the puzzle too. Like getting an reward.
  6. Anita, I couldn't sleep last night either as I work in a noisy environment and got home later in the evening. I can usually still hear/feel the machines for awhile after I get home. I was surprised to see the Treasure Hunt posted and ready to go. After a 4 hr sleep my brain was rested enough to find the elusive two I needed (#5, #9). Did you also see some other very interesting stuff along the way. I had just posted a question for the Q&A about the "history" and low and behold I found a blog post about it. I'm going to read it and look for that brush that I used on my watercolor layout.
  7. Keep going Rene, do a DEEP dive and you will find it. This was a blast. I spent more time being distracted looking at stuff I wanted to know about, than hunting and I had to keep reminding myself what I was doing. One clue that stumped me I was thinking about it too narrowly and then after I was doing something else that it occurred to me that I need to think in terms of what it "was" and not what it "does". Sorry, I'm being cryptic, cant let the cat out of the bag.
  8. I'm stuck on the last two pieces....I'm going back in for a deep dive now. Cool thing is, I downloaded some stuff that I was wondering about. Now I can read it and get my answers.
  9. Let the hunt begin....in two days.
  10. I love this Bonnie. What a beautiful tribute to your bestie.
  11. This is cool Ann. Especially the top two photo's when the night city scape is below the girls. I like you title and that black/gold strip. The stiped paper is brilliant.
  12. I'm from St. Albert, Alberta, Canada for the past 8 yrs. Most of my life in British Columbia in various cities in the Fraser Valley just outside Vancouver or in the Thompson/Okanagan areas (Kamloops, Chase, Kelowna, Vernon).
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