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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Day 3 Diamond Extra QP You know you need more practice with Filter forge (13) when you cant figure out how to get a photo into it. It was different than version 12 and I haven't used it in a long time. They have great filters so I don't know why I haven't. The Fonts are Break Love and Breath from CF. Bottom photo is my original. upper right is PSP effects>photo effects> infrared. the left photo is the one I used filer forge on, I forget the name now.
  2. Day 2 Diamond Extra QP I used the PencilSketch2 script on this little t-pot I have. After the script, I chose to add the max gaussian blur(the the background layer) and then repeated over and over until it was basically a solid color yet still textured. I chose to not use the diagrams or the hatch as I wanted a clean, yet old-world look. Then I used the the original photo as a layer above the sketch layer and reduced the opacity(of the photo layer) to bring the sketch layer through even to look like a sketch, but with help from the photo layer to make it more solid. Font is Humilde Regular from CF (probably). side note on this font. If I chose to use Bold on the top tool bar I would lose the descenders, instead I added a stroke in black and then, rasterize so I could use Paint Behind (blend mode) with the color of the QP background to make it more readable. The quote is by Hector Hugh Munro and I have used this quote in my "rubber stamp" days.
  3. Day 1, using the Diamond Extra template. I used a photo from the distant past, a Carousel from Burnaby Village Museum (in British Columbia). I even gave a donation to save/restore it many years ago and they have a book with the names of everyone who donated and my name is in it. This carousel was also featured in a stamp set of Canadian carousels and the photo they used is the horse that I have showcased in the past. This is my busy (several extra jobs) week at work so I might be sporadic with my postings. I'll try and keep up though. The font is Cowboy Kids, either Creative Fabrica or Google fonts, all is mixed up together now in my font viewer.
  4. That is so interesting Sue. I did not know they froze and thawed. It's very interesting and so cool that you found them, especially the one amongst the leaves.
  5. hahaha, if only I was a Time Lord, where is "the Doctor" (Who) when I need him/her. I still have one lesson to go then my MEGA-mini Kit (the Mini Kit with 20+ add-ons 😁)will be completed.
  6. I have wondered about my photography images after I am gone. I have no kids and I think, it will just be all gone, who would want them? It really is something to think about isn't it. When a relative passes, does anyone remember about the computer and what might be on it? I have to say, other than thinking all my photos will be just gone(when the computer gets recycled), I had never really thought about the works I have created with the photos. I am interested in what others think as well.
  7. Beautiful, Michele. It's so delicate and feels like warm spring hug (from Mother Nature).
  8. Happy Birthday Carole. Hope your day is superb tomorrow. And BIG thank you for bring gifts to your own party...for us!
  9. Me too. Behind on P52, 3-4 weeks now. And I thought I'd have the weekend for photography. It was not to be. Hopefully I'll find time in the week. See you in the workshop.
  10. Wow! Ann! I cant even begin to know how you did this. But i want the script that makes the beads. These are gorgeous. The background is really cool too.
  11. Simple STUNNING Julie. You got that right, when it comes to color, Mother Nature never gets it wrong.
  12. I don't find it distasteful or cruel. the Natural world works to keep it self in balance. Your images are interesting and the experience of seeing this must be surreal.
  13. I'm just impressed at how many birds, mammals and insects (anything crawly and/or winged) that I wouldnt know if a mistake had been made. I bet they two look very similar.
  14. Oh this is cool Ann, I'm going to look for the show. Love the font.
  15. I want to be you! So awesome, and so lucky. I am enjoying the rabbits near work, and I'm a bit miffed someone bought the empty lot and now there is a container on it and stakes in the ground(possible building soon). Don't they know that's the rabbit(hare?) plot of land? yeesh, Humans, what can you do with them, eh? Thank you for thinking of me, very much appreciated!
  16. Oh so much to look at. Love it. I like both framing techniques. The photo block; is the "frame" part cut out to reveal the background? Same with the S in Snow, it has a nice little separation with the R in Robins. That must've been exciting to have that many Robins all at once. Edit: I see the photo block is a mask, the other comments came in as I was typing the first questions. And the answer to the S as well. Thank you, it's nice to turn the computer on and see such wonderful eye candy. Good for the soul and no calories!
  17. Hahaha, crows are much smarter than me! Even the cats rule over me. Our snow melted in a day with highs in the mid teens. Today at 7am it was -10 c But the sun is up so it should hit mid-high teens today I hope.
  18. That's so beautiful. I'd love to see flocks of robins. I'm happy when I see just ONE! We had snow too, and it was quite windy and blowing...when I woke up I thought it was November again. My crow fam has finally returned. You know how the female crow does the begging behavior when they are getting nest/eggtime ready(to remind the mate to bring her food when she's on nest duty). Well, I think my crow fam does that to me. The scenario as follows: land on wire, caw till silly human slave hears (they are practically deaf!), silly human (me) runs for the peanuts and bark butter bits and heads outside to spread the joy.
  19. Thank you for posting the journaling. What an interesting bird, with the adaptation to eat waxy berries. I like the slipped-in look and great touch with the music notes. I was watching some peculiar behavior of crows in the school field behind my house.....after confirming with the binoculars....someone left their black sneakers in the field!
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