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fiona cook

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Everything posted by fiona cook

  1. Ann, I saw Snow Leopards a few years back in a wildlife park in Hertfordshire, UK. It has charity status for endangered species I think. You can get quite close to them. I took this photo.
  2. Striking image and beautifully balanced picture. You are very clever.
  3. So funny. Thank you for explaining how you made this. I love the little spider perched on the top as well.
  4. Just finished the wedding card for our neighbours that is based on one of the Quick Pages in Carole's recent workshop. They marry at the end of this week so it's timely. I have put the development stages on a template (from Marissa Lerin of Digital Scrapbook) to show from the original template supplied with the workshop to the finished card (the left hand image). I created a monogram of their initials and made a pattern for an overlay and added a lace effect texture for the background. Lightened up a few things here and there and dotted a bit of heart confetti. Voila! Typefaces 'Maria & John' = The Billion and 'Quick Pages' = Trebuchet MS Since doing the workshop I have been inspired to look at templates differently. Digital Scrapbook has a heap of them.
  5. This is a lovely tribute Ann and beautifully created. Creating something like this helps you and all those who see it who knew him. Very sad but beautiful.
  6. Now I have that song on my brain too. Love the monkey especially. Really fits the template.
  7. Thank you Monique and Susan. When my friend sent me the images when they were on holiday each one wowed me. The imagination and the skill those artists have. Yes, I can't resist the colours. The little bit of black helps.
  8. The subject matter really fits the template. Bet we all have that song on our brain now.
  9. Got there eventually and decided to keep to the same colourful theme of street art. I have replicated some of their artwork and used the 'Art Group' Picture Tube for extra decoration. It has been a fun workshop and has been good for practicing PSP with basic templates as well as good for the creativity. Thank you Carole and thank everyone in the forum for their ideas and comments. Now back to training for my hike!
  10. I found alternative uses in the garden for my large studio photography lamp shades. The digital age saved a bit of space.
  11. Caught up on the days and this is my Lesson7 which comprises photos of street art a friend took in New Zealand and some of mine from the UK. Font is Harabara Hand. Picture tube is called Art Group.
  12. My second template for Lesson 6 follows the same theme of my imminent sponsored hike. I may be able to change it a little and use it as a thank you note for all our sponsors.
  13. Wow, a lot of varied talent around in this group
  14. Thank you. We need it especially if it is a hot day. It's been good though meeting up to try to keep fit in the fresh air.
  15. Anja, I like what you have done on your design to replace the words 'little love'. It fits well with your design.
  16. Up to the first template of Lesson6 and have chosen a recent activity to advertise. It's a sponsored charity walk.. I would rather have had a different badge to 'little love' but kept it in situ because it has such good balance on the page. I like what Anja has done with replacing it on her design though. I merged my portrait photo with a scenery shot from one of our walks and have included a little logo that I have designed for our 'Green Panthers' team for the hike. Of course designed using PSP. I adjusted the Brightness of the background. A problem I had was when I resized the image to make the smaller jpg, it wiped out the body text. In the end I 'merged visible' and then resized. It seemed to work.
  17. Still on Lesson 5 with some catching up to do on the next two days. I am thinking of using the extra pages templates from Day5 for a wedding card for my neighbours who are about to be married. Fonts: M&J monogram = Yash Monogram, Maria & John = The Billion, Date = Evelyne. Rose photo my own with Brightness and contrast adjustments. The original 'DATE' text I removed using the clone tool from the background. In reality I suppose the text should have been creased like the paper behind it. Can I use artistic licence here boss?
  18. Thanks Donna. Think I understand as your flowers in the heart shape are cut outs so you don't have a hard edge that you would with square images.
  19. Hi Donna, how did you get the heart shape to be transparent over your flower photo on the right hand side? Did you make a separate selection? Intrigued!
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