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fiona cook

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Everything posted by fiona cook

  1. Having fun with Lab13 Lesson 1 for Stencil effects, I decided to turn my disaster cake icing efforts in the kitchen to an advantage by creating a ribbon to go around the cake in an effort to hide the disaster. I created a new star shape image by making a 3D cut out effect* for the contours as in the lesson and then applied cass-enamel script for the metallic contour effect. I made selections for the background and filled them using two of cass-glitters papers, whilst open in my workplace (using the Pattern mode in the Materials palette). I have also used those love fireworks from cass-fireworks Picture Tube, to celebrate the New Year. * I did note that with the Cut Out option under Effects/3D Effects/Cut Out, that there was no option to place the shadow on a new layer. I am using PSP Ultimate 2021.
  2. I found the other Mask script that you mentioned Carole, 'Raster to Mask' and it worked perfectly. Tried it out with a different image as an experiment. The script I previously used was Mask Maker that I now realise is for use with vectors and that is presumably why it didn't work as my layer is a raster! Duh!
  3. Pirkko, how did you achieve the metallic look of your stencil? Is it from a script? It is beautifully done.
  4. Thank you Carole. Still not sure what I was doing wrong and I had tried cass-MaskMaker but it wouldn't work on my file. I followed the workshop, after you pointed me there and finally I did it.
  5. Lab13-Module1 Hi, I have had a go at a basic shape with stencil effect and I have managed to create a layer in black that I now want to be a Mask layer to be a photo instead of the black. I have now got unstuck despite having watched Masks Master classes so I'm not sure why I can't work it out. Can anyone help me please with how I create this black layer into a mask so that it will appear as a photo? Your projects here look so good but I just want to grasp the concept. Thank you.
  6. Thank you again Ann. Should have used my eyes. Got blinded by the fireworks!
  7. Great design Michele and it does help to understand your method seeing the component parts doesn't it. Ann, I haven't seen the latest Downton Abbey series but I may borrow them from my sister in law who has the lot! Interestingly Carole sent an email that states that Picture Tubes can be set on separate layers. Will look into that one.
  8. The Picture Tube Fireworks from Carole has been useful for me to illustrate memories of a picnic concert we went to in the summer last year, in the grounds of Highclere castle, Newbury, Berkshire. The evening ended up with a fireworks display so I have used my photos of a firework and the picnic. The picture tube was easy to use around the edge and I also added one singly for a splash. To extend the main fireworks image and for a smokey effect I used Cassel's script cass-Dispersion. Thankfully the instructions for use appear in both the script description as well as during the various stages of application. Maybe I could have used a mask as an alternative? For the main picnic photo I used Cassel's cass-curved photo script. Here though I found I couldn't get it to work on the photo layer within my main canvas but it did work by treating it as a separate image and pasting it into the canvas.
  9. Hi everyone. Happy New Year! There are so many projects on display but I don't have a new one for January to show. Corrie in the Forum gave me the idea though so I am also using the freebie YearInReview to represent a sort of graphic annual expression of achievements last year from a couple of the Campus workshops that I attended: Masks, Templates. The actual month names are not particularly relevant to the projects but they still represent the year. Thank you Carole for your tuition and for the freebie/s.
  10. Well I persevered just before going to bed having thought I'd have one last try. Seeing the explicit clues you kind people gave me in the Forum, I couldn't let you down. With 1 hour to go I eventually completed it. Thank you for the encouragement. My puzzle now duly sent to Carole. I'm off to bed now! Night night.
  11. Thank you for the additional hints Carole and your comments Rene and Suzy. I had another look and found number 2 but numbers 5 & 9 have alluded me. I have found articles for PSD supplies but no balloon. Sorry. I can send my incomplete puzzle but I have failed. Now run out of time. Sorry.
  12. I am running out of time now and not sure if I will have time on Sunday to comple. I have 3 still to find: number 2: Where do I save all those files I downloaded for PaintShop Pro? number 5: Can I use Photoshop brushes (.abr) in Paintshop Pro? Number 9: How do I get the old Material Properties window in my new PaintShop Pro? I have found places with the answers but don't see a balloon icon for these last three. Have managed to put together the rest of the jigsaw puzzle which is quite fun. A lot of effort has been put into the quiz and in the process of finding the clues we do see a lot of the site.
  13. Looks like Hook near Basingstoke, England is already there so I guess that is me from before. Quite amazing to see all the contacts and know during the webinars, particularly, that we are connected worldwide. This photo is of a lovely pavement mosaic made of pebbles, in the centre of our village.
  14. Hi Carole, I think you may have already added me to the map but not sure. I am in Hook, Hampshire UK. Near Basingstoke or Reading. Can we see the map or are you still working on it? Fiona
  15. I am in Hook in Hampshire, England
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