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fiona cook

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Everything posted by fiona cook

  1. Did you try a moth orchid? Your miniatures are lovely. I can see how it can be addictive.
  2. Hi, I had made initial attempts along the lines you mention but found my PSP was having trouble processing I think due to the size of the image file. I reduced the image size in pixels. Then there was the question of knowing how much to enlarge the image so on a separate layer, placed above the image layer, I centrally aligned 1 vertical and 1 horizontal line so then the quadrants in the image were apparent. On image layer made rectangular selections of each quadrant and promoted each to its own layer. These layers I could then enlarge to the maximum size for my A4 page and then saved each as a new image from which I printed. Question: Is it possible to save as a new image, any layer in a multi-layered PSP image, without first dragging the layer onto its own canvas? My printer does not print to the edge so now I will need to overlap the quadrants and cut flush. It doesn't have to be too neat for my purpose as I will use the enlarged composite as a guide for an oil painting I intend to create. Thanks for your help Carole.
  3. Happy birthday Carole and thank you for all the effort and skill you put in to this Campus.
  4. I am trying to print an enlarged version of a photo in A4 sections (this is the max of my ink jet printer) so I can then tile the A4s together with a flush joint to make a large print approximately A2 (4 x A4) size. Any suggestions for the best method? I want to keep the resolution fairly high in order to keep detail in the photo. If I get there first will let you know. Thank you. Fiona
  5. Thank you Carole. I have just finished mine and sent the email. Enjoyed looking through the various subjects and made a note of ones to go back to and study. Happy Easter all.
  6. I watched the webinar on Textures and Overlays yesterday and had a little go myself. The effects Carole used on the photo of the old and young hands was so sculptural which I liked. The face is from a Botticelli painting and the overlay is from my photo of squiggly cement.
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