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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I'm not big on so-called "reality" shows, but Survivor is one of my guilty pleasures. Like Carole, I enjoy the competitions and twists that the game presents. I also like seeing people from all walks of life interact with each other. The only one I missed was the first season. 

  2. I had no idea what to do with this. While playing around with borders and shadows, I ended up making "stickers". At least I hope that's what they look like. I added the same texture to everything and added a drop shadow around the bottom layers only. The font for the text is Priscilla Script (from Deal Jumbo) and the font for the hearts is Beauty And Love (from Creative Fabrica).



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  3. 18 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

    A small project I've been working on to populate my new 32" monitor. I'm using the cass-painted-frames and I've made one for Cable or Streaming TV shows and a separate one for Streaming Movies. For the Movie one I went and found a film strip and duplicated it all over the place on top of the color painted frame strips. Here is one I did for my Friday Blue Bloods TV show and another for the film, Suncoast, which I will watch tonight on Hulu. 




    Great job! I am so disappointed that this is the last season for Blue Bloods. I love this show. Let me know what you think about Suncoast...so much to watch, so little time.

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  4. The top one is a redo of the original from 2017. In case you guys don't remember, the game has been reusing themes for over a year now. Since FB pic size has changed, I've been trying to adjust to that format while using some skills I've learned in the past seven years (within the confines of the time I have every day). I'm sure you can all recognize Cassel's corner punches; I think I have them all. The font for this year's is Abongia from Creative Fabrica and the older one is Reybro from Fontbundles. The magnolias and the girl are from so long ago, I don't remember where I got them.





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  5. 1 hour ago, Sue Thomas said:

    A mature female  Snowy Owl dropped in yesterday, whilst I was out back in the trees filling the bird feeders.  It's quite unusual to see them  perched in trees.  They are either on telegraph poles, fence posts or on the ground. 

    I must say that I'm overwhelming impressed with all the  creativity being posted.  Such diversity.  Well done to you all.

    Week six.jpg

    That is a phenomenal shot, Sue!

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  6. 11 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    I have been playing with the Pencil Sketch 2 script which I won last Sunday and this is one of the images I created. I used this month's Lab to make the dots and an edge punch just for fun. The font is Fadilla.

    When using the pencil sketch I find that it gives the best result with images that have very defined edges with colors that are not too light. Here I decided to give some of the flowers a  little bit of color. 

    PencilSketch with dots-1-600.jpg

    I absolutely adore this!

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  7. 2 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    as opposed to Doing the Limbo? 😉


    LOL, you're probably kidding, but yes, it's different from the Limbo which I was good at when I was young. Jumping the Broom is an old wedding tradition. Enslaved people would jump the broom to symbolize marriage since they weren't allowed to marry legally,

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  8. 35 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

    I can't take credit for the colour of the door Michele.  Saying that  you have given me  an idea for  possibly colourizing doors and or other parts of  a building  that I have, and in the future shoot.  It's extremely rare for me to edit any of my photos in that way. 

    Amazing find! Looking forward to what you might do to your own shots. I really like B&W with selective color.

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  9. 9 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Thank you ever so much ladies for your kinds words welcoming me back into the fold. It is very much appreciated.  It was an incredidible  time being home, especially being around the little girls. Ages 3 and 5.  By the time I left they were already  rolling the letter r, as we do in Welsh, and other letters.  Also picking up many of my mannerisms.  As for the memories, well they have left an indelible mark in my mind.  

    Here we go again Susan.  Haven't you ever heard the saying upside down and inside out. hahaha!  I use it in reference to being  topsy tervy. Being in disorder, until I get back into my ususal routines.   Perhaps it's another British saying.  



    Week four.jpg

    I love the selective coloring of the door!

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  10. 4 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    P52 Week Four

    What?! No Tea-Cup?  Today is an Ace so that means a sugar bowl.  This one is quite patina'd and has an art deco look.  I think it is actually from that time period so I used Gill Sans Ultra Bold & U.B. condensed on the week/year portion.  For the magnet I had to improvise.  This weird little round deck of cards does not have Aces or 2s so I took a 3 and edited to be an Ace.  I see that I made it a bit lopsided...just keepin' it real 🤣. I wasted about an hour looking for a font for the A the would look like the cards font, I gave up and settled with this one called "Baked  Donuts" (Creative Fabrica).  I don't actually use sugar in tea, maybe a wee bit of honey, but only sometimes and only with earl grey tea.  I had a little freak out moment when I found out windows 10 doesn't come with Gill Sans(and family), I had to get it from my laptop and load it in.  It's one of my favorite fonts.  


    P52 Wk4 - ACE Hearts-600.jpg

    I have a Find My Font app that I won years ago. If you ever need help identifying a font, I'd be more than happy to help. I'll make a post in the FB group.

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  11. 7 hours ago, Cassel said:

    When I was in College, I got into genealogy and there was a big library of compiled parish records of most of the Quebec province, and some outside. I had notebooks of notes to transcribe. We didn't have computers back then, to access all the information that is now easily available.

    I would love to have my family tree done, but the records for Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe are close to impossible for me to find. I can only go back as far as my grandparents who came to the U.S. as children at the turn of the last century. Too bad I'm not a celebrity or Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. could do the work for me on Finding My Roots! 🙂 One of these days, I'll invest some time and money to see if I can trace my roots.

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  12. 9 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    I think I need to be reminded why you do "Divas" as layouts. If I did know, I've forgotten. Hope you don't mind.

    I don't mind at all. It's for my FB gaming group, CGL Fabulous Divas. The game is City Girl Life which is very similar to The Sims. It gives us a different theme every day so I make a Daily Look post. The game is dying down so after ten years or so, my group may be closing soon. On the upside, I'll have more time to devote to my scrapbooking lessons! BTW, I didn't name the group; I inherited it. 😁

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  13. 17 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I just check it out and it's a cool script.  I'd also add to watch the video, it's very good.  Michele, does all those brushes shown in the video come with that script?  that alone is worth the price!

    Yes, it comes with 34 brushes!


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