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Posts posted by Michele

  1. 1 hour ago, Ann Seeber said:

    This phrase was unfamiliar so I asked Bing to look it up. The report says: "A baja shelf is an extended step into a pool that creates a shallow area in the water for lounging and play. It’s also referred to as a tanning ledge, extended step, sun shelf or baja step. It is the perfect middle ground between pool and poolside where you can partially submerge a chair and relax in the water."

    It's the perfect place to sit on a lounge chair in the water with a cool drink.

  2. 12 hours ago, Rene Marker said:

    Don't mind me but I have to brag on myself... The designer of the kit I used (Forever Joy at The LilyPad), has added this layout to her Pinterest board where she highlights layouts done with her products! This is a first for me with her products!

    Forever Joy

    You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Congratulations!

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  3. 19 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    I wanted to try something different (for me at any rate). Used all elements but 2 from Di Hiller kits which tend to be in vibrant colours. This is my take on the "table" layout that Carole highlighted. Just silly, whimsical, and colourful for the month of May when colour comes back.

    2024 May garden di hiller.jpg

    This is adorable!

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  4. So...I got a better response from Support and PSP is back up and running. The first step Support had me do was run a cleanup tool for PSP 2022. I have a lot more room on my C drive since the "cleanup" and there are some resources that I'm missing. I'm afraid it may have cleaned up too much. I've updated all the file location preferences and added the ones I keep separately from the PSP folders, but there seems to be a lot hiding or just plain gone. I'll be searching for a while. All of  the purchases I made from the Home page (templates) are missing, too, so I replied to Support's email asking how to restore them. Luckily, I keep all of the zip files for resources I've bought, most importantly Cassel's stuff so I can always reinstall those.

    Thanks so much to everyone for trying to help me. Eventually, I think I will have Geek Squad take a look because I'm sure I've screwed up a lot over the past six months or so by moving stuff from C to D in an effort to save room on the C drive. 

    UPDATE: Being a pack rat paid off. I read my old support emails and was reminded of the Restore Purchases option on the Home Page Help button. So they seem to be back now. I really do not like reinstalling! 🤣


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  5. 13 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

    I have 2 drives on my computer. C is for the operating system. C is also where I install all programs. D was set up for the data.

    I'm not an expert but I'm guessing that you were just saving everything to the C drive and now it is full. And, again I'm guessing that if you try installing PSP on the D drive, it may have some files that need to be on the C drive. If you save everything to the folders set up by Windows (Documents, Downloads, Videos, Music etc), it is all saved on the C drive. I save all of my PSP creations on my D drive, not on my C drive. In fact, the whole drive is nothing but digi scrapping items! I have about 71% of the drive full. It is time for me to do some housecleaning and move things to an external hard drive.

    My suggestion is try cleaning up the C drive by moving non program or operating system files to either the D drive or an external hard drive before you go the route of getting a new laptop. However, if you do get a new laptop and it has 2 drives, use that 2nd drive for data. Don't dump everything into the Windows Documents folder.  Geek Squad should be able to help you clean up the C drive if you aren't comfortable doing it yourself.

    Thanks, Rene. I've been having the problem of the C drive getting full for a while now. I've been moving and uninstalling things, but I guess my luck has run out. One big problem is too many programs don't give the option of installing anywhere but C the drive. And I created a Documents folder on the D drive early on. I'm sure the Geek Squad will be great; they usually are.

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  6. 14 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:


    I assume you have tried all of the obvious, like uninstalling and reinstalling.  Are you able to use another version?  I would seriously recommend you contact geek squad,  the worst they can say to you is  that  they are unable to help, yet they just might be able to delve deep into the workings of your computer and fingers crossed possibly find a solution, it can't do any harm. 

    I did uninstall and now I'm having trouble reinstalling. I have a laptop with a C drive and a D drive (I don't know why) and I've run out of space on my C drive. When I try installing PSP onto my D drive, I get an error referring to insufficient space on my C drive. I use PSP 2022. I told Support all of this when I opened the ticket. Their first response was to uninstall and reinstall onto my D drive which I had already done. Their second response was instructions for PSP 2023. I can't wait for their third response. I will eventually call the Geek Squad if Corel can't help and I'm considering a new laptop, too. 

  7. Being the Campus' resident font-a-holic, it's killing me that my PSP isn't working. With any luck, it will be resolved sooner rather than later. It's slow working with Support by email. It takes several before they even understand the problem. Fingers crossed! 🤞

    • Sad 1
  8. On 5/3/2024 at 7:55 PM, Sue Thomas said:

    My daughter sent  me a photo of her three girls.  Tot in the middle is the mother of the other two.  Smudge and Bramble is the wire haired one.  They are Parsons terriers.  I started the extraction last night, after  watching the  advanced extraction  masterclass in the campus.  It is an older video, but most helpful. It was a tedious, eye staining task.  Yet, althouogh it's not perfect, I'm happy with the end result.  I've sent it to my daughter, which she will get tomorrow morning. I given her a choice of background colours.  Here is one one them. 

    The three girls.jpg

    The girls. greenjpg.jpg

    They are too cute!

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  9. On 5/1/2024 at 8:09 PM, Julie Magerka said:

    I started this layout in April, but I just couldn't make it work. I don't think it does now, but I wanted to use the Split Photo effect that Sue T. took the time to draw my attention to after seeing her examples. So here it is. Picture is from a friend whose son is the groom.

    split photo frame layout.jpg

    I think it's beautiful!

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  10. 20 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:


    You can see I didnt quite nail the backgrounds.  To much light contamination and different colors in the flowers and glass reflecting.  even with a custom white balance in-camera.  I've just started to experiment with using Kelvin settings instead to see if that helps.  (I'm using constant light so light contamination from my yellows walls and a window in the room can be an issue since I'm shooting at a slower shutter speed - one day i'll have strobes (studio flashes) and that wont be an issue as much)

    5704 cropped-500.jpg

    They are simply incredible. You have wonderful photography skills.

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  11. 14 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Day 7 Diamond Extra

    Photos from 2022 when the world was being contained (or were we coming out of containment by then?) I started doing flower flat-lays and well, I contained them too.  I had to buy the flowers as I have never grown them before.  2023 was my breakout year for learning to grow flowers.  

    Font is Gill Sans Ultra bold (formerly from Microsoft) that I had to scoop off my laptop since Windows 10 didn't have it anymore.  I used the technique we learned in the Text Workshop (and there is a blog post on it too) where the outline can be used separately, which I added a bevel too.  

    Side note:  I think my brain has turned to mush.  My shadows, even at 80% have been looking soft and lighter and I thought, oh oh, something is wrong with my eyes.  Today I just noticed the shadow color wasn't black but a dark grey.  Geez, when did I change that and why?  

    Day 7 Diamond QP- Contained-600.jpg

    Your flower flat lays are absolutely gorgeous. I would love to see them closer up. Can you post a few of them by themselves so we can see the details?

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  12. We didn't have "themed parties" when I was a kid, either. Mom would bake a cake and, in my memory, her cakes tasted better than anything store-bought. When my daughter was very young, we had similar parties, but parties at places like roller skating rinks, McDonald's, or Chuck E Cheese were all the rage when she was a little older.

    I think I remember you making things for a dinosaur themed party for Xavier.

  13. 15 hours ago, Sharla said:

    Week 17 We have a small patch of wild garlic in the garden. The photo is of wild garlic flowers. I really like how bright the white came out on the photo.


    week 17 600.jpg

    Beautiful pic. Do you ever use it to cook? I had to look it up and found out it is edible.

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  14. 17 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Day 4 Diamond QP 

    Here is a color flow from the subtractive color (absorbs light as apposed to RGB which is additive and reflects light) color system CMY commonly used for printing (inks, paint etc).  Starting with Yellow (very low on the value scale) and strong willed Magenta (fairly high on the value scale).  Note the colors of the flowers are not PURE colors, in fact if all all three primaries are present and not any one of them at full strength, it's a tone (Hue+grey).  Just keeping up with my color practice along with my PSP practice.  

    I changed the color of the back ground with either Hue Map or HSL or likely both.  the Fonts are Flower Love and Friendly Cactus. I used Objects>Convert Text to Curves>As Character Shapes for separate the letters so I could move them separately.  Then rasterized and inner beveled.

    Day 4 Diamond QP Flower Flow Y-M-600 .jpg

    I love everything about this, Susan. Thanks for sharing what you did.

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  15. I'm late, but here's my Day 1. Since many of us are seniors, I used this funny photo from Freepik. The font is Rosthila Sans. QP's are just that...quick, but it took me some time lining up all the letters. OCD is a battle sometimes. LOL 


    • Haha 1
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  16. 19 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Thank you!   I did make a point of clearly specifying that it was a layered quick page, from  an outside source from  Marisa Lenin scrapbooking I believe. I tend to rename my resources.  I have several of them. I wish I had  been using them sooner, as they are easy to edit,  colourize even delete unwanted layers. I'm able to complete a page within  around15 mins.

    I use layered templates often. It's easy to make them your own as they are just a starting point.

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