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Posts posted by Michele

  1. 1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I think it would be very expensive to have one huge drive.  There is more risk of losing your data if it's on the same drive as your boot drive.  If it wasnt an SSD it would also be slower.  I currently have similar to carole 500 SSD for programs only, 1 TB for Data and a 2TB for data.  I have over 20 yrs of digital photos and already thinking I need another drive.  I dont really know much about this stuff. The information in the first sentences is from my husband.  I'm the one who doesnt know how stuff works, but I can work it.  Kind of like electricity and plumbing and my car...I dont need to know how they work to be able to work them.  I really should know more about how the computer works though.

    Thanks, Susan. In the very early days of computers (back in the 1980's), I knew a lot about them. Now I'm at a complete loss. Please thank your husband for me. I'll keep this in mind for my next one.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Cassel said:

    I have three internal drives on my computer (they were added over the years, but I think three is the max this computer can handle):

    - SS 500GB for the programs only
    - 700GB for the store stuff (scripts, tubes, brushes, etc.)
    - 1 TB for the Campus stuff

    And one EHD for storing the various external resources, scrapbook kits, and some of the content from the Campus (like all the video tutorials). 

    Is there an advantage to having multiple drives as opposed to one huge one?

  3. 1 hour ago, fiona cook said:

    I made the hanging bees for the purpose of decorative bug hotels for my garden.

    They are so darn cute, Fiona. I love the re-purposing of the cans. Are you converting to a sustainable garden? If so, I would love to see more pics.

  4. At first I thought about wedding dresses, then I decided baby clothes would be the most sentimental. I downloaded a kit by Janet Kemp from PS and used Carole's Hanging Photos script. I'm so glad I bought it because it takes a long time to get this result manually. And it's great that it leaves everything on its own layer; I did some rearranging. The title font is Lovely Blooms from CF and on the baby blanket I used Mix Stitch from Dafont.



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  5. I had very little time to do today's daily look pic. But I had this sweet little kitten from Creative Fabrica* that I fell in love with and never used. I added a mask from Lady22 on a background from AnnieC. The font is, coincidentally, Lazy Cuties also from CF. I added very low opacity drop shadows to everything simply to get rid of the "flat" look. 

    *When we celebrated the campus's 10th anniversary, I won a one month subscription for CF. I've been hooked ever since and cannot foresee ever ending it.



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  6. 14 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

    Yes, I always love what you do with the Fabulous Divas, Michele.

    I'm still playing.  Made an image of my Chattanooga Pallet - putting the colors in squares.  Then I made a copy of the jpg and played with Kaleidoscope and at the last, played with a copy of it and twirled it, kaleidoscoped it and twirled it again and then kaleidoscoped it again.  These are the results.  I can't seem to get to making layouts and I need to finish my 2022 Alphabet challenge - S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.  Still a lot to do before I can make a photo album of it.  And, then, there is the rest of the double page workshop that I didn't finish.  My, my - my To-Do List is overflowing! LOL.

    Thanks so much, Mary

    I've never thought of making a palette of my pic and then playing with the effects to make a paper. What a great idea! Thanks. And I agree with Susan. Just because you're not working on a layout doesn't mean you aren't creating.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

    I played today with Creative Fabrica's CFSpark and with Abstract Curves.  Made some patterns in Abstract Curves, and played with AI in CFSpark by asking for the roadrunner and cactus plants.

    CF's Spark is a lot of fun!

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  8. Here is yesterday's daily look for my gaming group. The fashion illustration is by Megan Hess, a wonderful artist. I used some elements from AnnieC's contribution to the SYHO (Scrappin' Your ❤️ Out) Lavender Fields Blog Train. One of her flowers worked great as a picture tube ~ created a vector and used the vector tube script to make the frame. The font is Palegina free from Creative Fabrica's 12 Days of Christmas-Beauty-Handwritten-Font-Bundle last year; the bundle is still available as the Beauty Handwritten Font Bundle of 43 fonts for $7. I added a white drop shadow using offsets of -10 and another dark one using offsets of 10. 



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  9. 16 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    This is a beautiful layout, your mom would have been thrilled and proud to receive it.  it never gets easier does it.  Random moments of sadness for not having my mom or dad to talk to; to make things better when I'm sad or sick and just for being there.  I dont like being an orphan.  

    Thank you, Susan. I totally get the randomness of grief; I was just discussing it with someone the other day. ❤️

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  10. 21 hours ago, Michele said:


    I should have given some details on my Mother's Day pic, but I was sad and missing my mom. Anyway, Cristina and Suzy: I used one of Cassel's edge punches for this project. I absolutely adore all of her punches, but the edge punches are so versatile. I had a bunch of layers as I had to do a bunch of cutouts. Thanks for all the positive feedback. ❤️

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  11. On 5/8/2023 at 4:53 PM, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Wednesday I'm leaving for 3 weeks to the USA to visit my daughter, son in law and the grandkids. I'm going for the first time to the Bay area of San Francisco where they are living now. We will certainly visit the city and see the Golden Gate bridge. My journey will give me great photo opportunities, at least I hope so, which will result in new layouts. Also we are going for a long weekend to see the Grand Canyon, I'm very exited! In preparation I made this tag in the State colors of California with a illustration of the bridge found on cleanping. It has place to put a date and then it will go on a layout.

    The coming weeks I won't be scrapping but once a while I will come here in the campus and on facebook to see what everybody is doing. See you all in June!!!

    Golden Gate Tag.jpg

    Wish you were going to be on the east coast so we could meet. Have a great trip!

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  12. 19 hours ago, Cristina said:

    Michele, this is so nice and colorful. I like it very much.

    Even if you've been posting less, I saw many interesting and nice layouts...  For a long time, I've not been active in any of the challenges due to a lack of creativity...  Hopefully, this will change.


    Thank you, Cristina. I fight against the lack of creativity all the time. That's one of the reasons I'm making more of an effort. It took me many hours between searching my few original pics and getting inspiration from looking at templates.

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  13. I'm making an effort to participate in more challenges and for a change everything is mine. I used cass's brad factory and filigrane scripts. It's my first 1-2-3 challenge so I hope what I did qualifies. Any and all suggestions are welcome.



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  14. I combined four or five different backgrounds including an old swirl I had made; erased some areas, used negative image on one, and played with the blend modes and opacity. The font is Rambutan from an old $1 deal from Font Bundles. Using the text cutter is a fun difference sometimes.



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