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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. I remember now, from the last Vector Workshop, that the leaf design made my eyes glaze over! It was just too much node-work for my skill level. This time, I managed the nodes better but I did something wrong b/c when I fill in the shape with a solid colour, the three cutout parts in the middle get filled in too. I'm just too pooped to figure it out right now. But hey, I did the outline! Don't have to get an A every time, right? I will try again if I can get some direction on what I did wrong. Update: just read Carole's note (after her comments to us) about not using a shape with holes! Which is what I did.
  2. They don't just multiply, they seem to change from one node type to another or be unavailable to work with. They are diabolical!
  3. Didn't have a lot of time today to work on Lesson 2, but wanted to be on time. We have temps in the 100s (F) and my A/C went kaput yesterday. It has been fixed but it knocked me sideways to endure high indoor temps. The poor dogs too were listless. Just played with a few shapes. I have NOT mastered those (#@^$*) nodes - my shapes are often a bit wonky - but I refuse to let them beat me ultimately! I will prevail! (Ha)
  4. Sure, colour is nice, but it works just as well without.
  5. This time around (my second at Vectors), my heart actually resembles a heart! The first go-around it resembled a molar! The arrow went OK too. Maybe not either is perfect, but I'm OK with how much smoother I was able to manipulate the (#@%^&) nodes. For some reason, Carole's explanations this time seem more detailed and I can follow without feeling that I have a blazing headache! 🙂 But let's see how it goes....
  6. I can read ASL! Love back at you! That's a lily but not sure if Asiatic or Oriental.
  7. Just hang in Randy. You will see how it's done in the workshop. Carole will set you straight.
  8. I'm eating my fill right now of cherries, the luscious dark ones from the US.
  9. T = Tamarind (love the flavour in Thai food)
  10. Oh, a first birthday. He might not remember, but the rest of you will. Adorable card.
  11. OK, it's kinda hard to post anything after Susan's masterpiece. She aced it! I too have been making "cards" for some folks since they send me photos and I get all excited and want to use them in layouts. But mine are quick and simple and yet the recipients seem to appreciate them (or they're just very polite!) One is a friend fishing in Montana; one is my great-nephew's high school grad; and the other is for a cousin's birthday coming up. I will add her name later below the flower. Oops, I'll have to upload the fishing pic separately. I exceeded the limit.....I have been using 2400 x 3000 as canvas size and resizing down, so they become 600x750.
  12. O = Olallieberry (really, google says it's a fruit, and it's been around since the 1930s!)
  13. You knocked this one out of the park! Beautiful!
  14. All of life seems to be a trade-off sometimes. 😃
  15. Bless Mrs. Tate! I had a teacher like that too in grade school, grades 5 & 6. She read to us every day after lunch. I can remember King Solomon's Mines as one of the books. I was so hooked!
  16. Those thumbnails in the Layers Palette are pretty small so I still like to type in a quick name for some elements that are hard to see. When I use a lot of elements, it can get very difficult to figure which is which. I use abbreviations whenever I can to save time. e.g Flr 1, flr 2, etc.
  17. A really different type of frame. Very eye-catching.
  18. Since I used the date stamp (that I have finally figured out how to do with reverse text), I want to post the "souvenir" I made for the couple pictured here. They are local historians/writers who have spearheaded a project to install heritage (historical) plaques (large) in various rural areas and small communities (one is underway now for my home town). I am on the committee and involved with the unveilings that are taking place this summer, and in the future. This plaque, literally in a field (lower right photo), showcases a terrible train disaster that occurred close by in 1854 with a massive loss of life. It was the early days of railroads and there were many accidents, but none as disastrous as this one. The blue frame is from (I think) Natali Designs on Pickleberry Pop; most of the other elements are from ET (Erika) Designs or Katie Pertiet. I'm not good at keeping track while I'm doing the layout.
  19. Me too and I know there's instructions somewhere on how to do that, but I haven't found 'em yet. Great effect!
  20. I never thought coming up with fruit names could be so challenging! H = huckleberry
  21. I thought about a layout and finally decided to try black & white (like text on a page, or like life without small joys). To me, books are my gateway - to learning, to pleasure, to emotions, to so many things. They have been a very large part of my life since childhood. I can't even fall asleep without reading at least a few pages. The background stamp is from Katie Pertiet, and the flower stamp is from ET Designs. The cluster frame is Jessica Dunn.
  22. Glad that PSP and creating some layouts has got you to come back! It's very therapeutic for me.
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