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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. I checked out that tutorial which looks like fun. I really like your version. How cool that you got mentioned!
  2. Poor Susan. Hope someone saves you some turkey or ham to make a sandwich to take to work. But be patient...one day you will be retired and then you'll be REALLY busy.
  3. M = Mummy (as in Egyptian style)
  4. Our (Canadian) Thanksgiving is coming next Monday. To keep things easy but to satisfy the urge to "make" something, I did a card for friends/family I won't see. Just really simple.
  5. May I just say, it's "cute as a button"? (Which is a colloquial expression meaning pretty darn cute.)
  6. I've done quite a bit of research into WWI and WWII in order to write short biographies of (mostly) men from the area where I grew up, a very small town in a rural area. They are revered by the Legion (for whom I write those bios) and so they should be. Sue, you said, "What did they die for?' I find it really mind-boggling to understand why they so willingly suffered and died in just those two conflicts. They must've believed the propaganda of the times because those terrible years did nothing to resolve boundary squabbles and tribal prejudices that persist today. In fact, the peace treaties that came out of those wars have much to answer for in terms on ongoing conflicts. What did we learn? How far have we really progressed? I really appreciate your comments and the information you shared. My comment can be deleted too if it's controversial.
  7. How cute are those little wrap-ups?
  8. E = ectoplasm (a spirit energy associated with spooky things)
  9. So clever the way you combine your photos with clipart. Impressive and creative.
  10. That's one very pretty kitty. Didn't know about it before, so thanks.
  11. The last day of September, so the last layout for What are you working on this month. I saw a layout I liked, played with interpretation of it, and got this. Used a photo of my niece and her daughter in the leaves from many years ago. The background stripes are mine and the masks I used. But not much else.
  12. I'm happy to hear you're going "over the pond" to home for a good long time. Can't wait to see all the photos that come from it.
  13. Christmas cards? And you're finished with them? What a wonder worker! I'm not even sure what I'm having to eat later....?
  14. I keep working on something, fuss around with it, and then set it aside. Can't seem to settle on anything I like. Maybe one day.... For now, for the occasion of this special day, I thought I would contribute my support for the Indigenous peoples of Canada. I forgot to wear an orange shirt!
  15. When I was a kid, the character of Juan Valdez, a Columbian coffee farmer, was the face of coffee advertising on TV. There were other ads for specific brands (Maxwell House, Nescafe, Folger's, Sanka, etc.), but Juan was the man who grew the coffee. It was a campaign by the Columbian Federation of Coffee Growers to promote quality Columbian coffee in the U.S. market. The ads (with Carlos who died in 2019) continue today with a new actor. There are even coffee shops with Juan's name in over 500 locations in the world. Their concept of featuring the individual farmer(s) who grew the beans and the process of direct trade was innovative. (The background colours represent the flag of Columbia.)
  16. The original version of the song, written by Neil Diamond. (Later covered by UB40.)
  17. That's what I love about these challenges. Everyone makes a unique and creative layout. It's fun to see how a theme or idea is interpreted by others. Post away, Libera, Hendrix or Prince!
  18. The first song that came to mind. The one, the only Jimi Hendrix. Nothing special done, just bits and bobs to try and capture the psychedelic vibe.
  19. You nailed it. I'd call that pretty artistic. Good job Donna.
  20. A kit from Erika at ET Designs. I like a lot of her designs. All the elements come from that. I was thinking of losses and felt like making something. I'm not sad, just thinking of those who are gone.
  21. I also played with it since it's in my 2022 regular version. It is fun.
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