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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. You may love the rain on my photo but I'm fed up with all the bad weather we are having this last couple of month. One day some sunshine and the rest of the week rain alternated with showers!
  2. I think scripts in PSP like AutoTuber, Gridmaker, Vector Tube, Vector Paint and Vector Spiral. And I agree with Susan about the magic wand, that is such an important tool and easily misunderstood.
  3. What a cute photo and I like that you kept the rest of your layout neutral. In this way all the attention is on the cat.
  4. In week 3 I showed a photo from a little container with bulbs partly covered with snow/ice and this is how they look now. They are in full bloom despite all the rain we are getting and today when I took this photo it was dry with better light for a photo. There are still raindrops on them and those haven't had the chance to dry because we have had more rain for the rest of the day.💦☔I don't think I will have a better chance on a good photo because we now (it's evening here) get storm as well with warnings in place.
  5. That gradient background works so well with this teacup! I like the font too.
  6. I can see why you stumbled across it! It is so well hidden in the surrounding snow heap with some traces of darker straw/old grass that have the same color of it ears and nose.
  7. Chris all the best and I hope you will feel better soon!
  8. When I had some time left during the Mask Workshop I made all the elements for this challenge and have now figured out how to combine them to a more or less coherent layout. After I got the idea I could color the triangle pattern and the lacy ribbon. The black and white ones go in my stash for future use. The background is part of a template by Lady 22.
  9. Susan you have put so much work in this workshop but the result is fantastic! You were on a roll! I hope the Build a Kit Workshop will turn out a great kit iin the end, good luck, I'll have a peek once in a while!
  10. Me too, just clicked to quickly before I realized it should be the cat in the picture instead of Carole's cat
  11. Thanks Gerry that is a very useful tip and like Ann I'm going to install it on my pc.
  12. On the last Q&A you asked for feedback for highlighting the cursor and I only now had time to have a proper look. It certainly shows where you are clicking on your workspace and that makes it much easier to see where you are and what you are doing. So for me this is great and I would like to have it for masterclasses, Q&A, workshop videos etc.
  13. Bonnie that is a great idea, so I second this!
  14. Very simple but very beautiful!
  15. Day 7 and already the last day of this workshop 😭. I have enjoyed looking at all the work done by everyone, such a variety and all from the same lessons! For the mask I didn't use scallops but the "pinky shears" and therefore no dots but little squares. The mask has a rather heavy blur because my photo is blurred also and I didn't liked the hard edges on the mask for this particular photo. The font is Bastro and just an embellishment that went with the photo. Sometime ago I got the branche and pinecone on digitalscrapbook.com. The last thing I did was making a very small frame around the page.
  16. Ann happy birthday from me too and as it is on a Sunday maybe some visitors?
  17. Ik kende dit ook niet en ik denk dat we het hier in Nederland niet hebben want het groeit in het westen van de VS in Californië, Arizona en Mexico volgens de informatie die ik heb gevonden.
  18. Day 6. For the mask I used the cass-Curlylines script and the rocks/pebbles are made with cass-RocksPebbles script. I used that one because the area where I saw these flowers was rocky with grass patches in which flowers were growing. It are quite delicate little plants which can be used as herbs. The background is made by 3 layers of the linoleum effect with different blend modes. The bottom one is the monochrome, then a copy with some blur and blendmode soft light. The 3rd layer was without the monochrome and blendmode saturation and a tiny lowered opacity. The font is Baby Magnolia.
  19. Monique somewhere I have quite similar photos of the museum from years ago when we visited there. I like what yo have done with them, maybe I should have a look what I have, maybe for another workshop.
  20. Susan it is such a great script, I like it too and you make good use of it!
  21. Ann great you were thinking of me and yes I have seen that bundle with the Dutch Word Art. She has a couple of Dutch wordstripes in other kits too but I didn't buy them. However I remember her asking for Dutch words, but that is already maybe 4 years ago. At that time I was just starting here and had my hands full with learning PSP, so I didn't react at that time. In the case I want to make something in Dutch I'll probably make my own, but it was a surprise seeing them.
  22. I love the stars around your mask they go so well with the title.
  23. We had the 4 days of carnival this week and I went to watch the parade. Unfortunately the weather was not great on that day, with a bit of sunshine it would have looked so much better. Carnival is always a colorful spectacle so I used more colors to enhance my layout and I filled the week seven with a color otherwise it wasn't readable. If and when I have some free time I'll remove the streetlight on the left.
  24. Sharla it is that I have another subject for this week otherwise I would have done almost the same. Over here the crocuses are flowering too, bright yellow and lilac the purple has yet to come, they are always a bit later.
  25. What a beautiful photo of this cute little bird. I love the American/Canadian nature and wildlife, it is so versatile and different from the European, which in its turn can be enchanting to others.
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